2012-01-12 14:24:36 +01:00

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Interfaces are Rust's take on value polymorphism—the thing that object-oriented languages tend to solve with methods and inheritance. For example, writing a function that can operate on multiple types of collections.

NOTE: This feature is very new, and will need a few extensions to be applicable to more advanced use cases.


An interface consists of a set of methods. A method is a function that can be applied to a self value and a number of arguments, using the dot notation:, arg2).

For example, we could declare the interface to_str for things that can be converted to a string, with a single method of the same name:

iface to_str {
    fn to_str() -> str;


To actually implement an interface for a given type, the impl form is used. This defines implementations of to_str for the int and str types.

# iface to_str { fn to_str() -> str; }
impl of to_str for int {
    fn to_str() -> str { int::to_str(self, 10u) }
impl of to_str for str {
    fn to_str() -> str { self }

Given these, we may call 1.to_str() to get "1", or "foo".to_str() to get "foo" again. This is basically a form of static overloading—when the Rust compiler sees the to_str method call, it looks for an implementation that matches the type with a method that matches the name, and simply calls that.


Implementations are not globally visible. Resolving a method to an implementation requires that implementation to be in scope. You can import and export implementations using the name of the interface they implement (multiple implementations with the same name can be in scope without problems). Or you can give them an explicit name if you prefer, using this syntax:

# iface to_str { fn to_str() -> str; }
impl nil_to_str of to_str for () {
    fn to_str() -> str { "()" }

Bounded type parameters

The useful thing about value polymorphism is that it does not have to be static. If object-oriented languages only let you call a method on an object when they knew exactly which sub-type it had, that would not get you very far. To be able to call methods on types that aren't known at compile time, it is possible to specify 'bounds' for type parameters.

# iface to_str { fn to_str() -> str; }
fn comma_sep<T: to_str>(elts: [T]) -> str {
    let result = "", first = true;
    for elt in elts {
        if first { first = false; }
        else { result += ", "; }
        result += elt.to_str();
    ret result;

The syntax for this is similar to the syntax for specifying that a parameter type has to be copyable (which is, in principle, another kind of bound). By declaring T as conforming to the to_str interface, it becomes possible to call methods from that interface on values of that type inside the function. It will also cause a compile-time error when anyone tries to call comma_sep on an array whose element type does not have a to_str implementation in scope.

Polymorphic interfaces

Interfaces may contain type parameters. This defines an interface for generalized sequence types:

iface seq<T> {
    fn len() -> uint;
    fn iter(block(T));
impl <T> of seq<T> for [T] {
    fn len() -> uint { vec::len(self) }
    fn iter(b: block(T)) {
        for elt in self { b(elt); }

Note that the implementation has to explicitly declare the its parameter T before using it to specify its interface type. This is needed because it could also, for example, specify an implementation of seq<int>—the of clause refers to a type, rather than defining one.

Casting to an interface type

The above allows us to define functions that polymorphically act on values of an unknown type that conforms to a given interface. However, consider this function:

# iface drawable { fn draw(); }
fn draw_all<T: drawable>(shapes: [T]) {
    for shape in shapes { shape.draw(); }

You can call that on an array of circles, or an array of squares (assuming those have suitable drawable interfaces defined), but not on an array containing both circles and squares.

When this is needed, an interface name can be used as a type, causing the function to be written simply like this:

# iface drawable { fn draw(); }
fn draw_all(shapes: [drawable]) {
    for shape in shapes { shape.draw(); }

There is no type parameter anymore (since there isn't a single type that we're calling the function on). Instead, the drawable type is used to refer to a type that is a reference-counted box containing a value for which a drawable implementation exists, combined with information on where to find the methods for this implementation. This is very similar to the 'vtables' used in most object-oriented languages.

To construct such a value, you use the as operator to cast a value to an interface type:

# type circle = int; type rectangle = int;
# iface drawable { fn draw(); }
# impl of drawable for int { fn draw() {} }
# fn new_circle() -> int { 1 }
# fn new_rectangle() -> int { 2 }
# fn draw_all(shapes: [drawable]) {}
let c: circle = new_circle();
let r: rectangle = new_rectangle();
draw_all([c as drawable, r as drawable]);

This will store the value into a box, along with information about the implementation (which is looked up in the scope of the cast). The drawable type simply refers to such boxes, and calling methods on it always works, no matter what implementations are in scope.

Note that the allocation of a box is somewhat more expensive than simply using a type parameter and passing in the value as-is, and much more expensive than statically resolved method calls.

Interface-less implementations

If you only intend to use an implementation for static overloading, and there is no interface available that it conforms to, you are free to leave off the of clause.

# type currency = ();
# fn mk_currency(x: int, s: str) {}
impl int_util for int {
    fn times(b: block(int)) {
        let i = 0;
        while i < self { b(i); i += 1; }
    fn dollars() -> currency {
        mk_currency(self, "USD")

This allows cutesy things like send_payment(10.dollars()). And the nice thing is that it's fully scoped, so the uneasy feeling that anybody with experience in object-oriented languages (with the possible exception of Rubyists) gets at the sight of such things is not justified. It's harmless!