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This document outlines processes regarding management of rustfmt.

Stabilising an Option

In this Section, we describe how to stabilise an option of the rustfmt's configration.


  • The design and implementation of the option are sound and clean.
  • The option is well tested, both in unit tests and, optimally, in real usage.
  • There is no open bug about the option that prevents its use.


Open a pull request that closes the tracking issue. The tracking issue is listed beside the option in

  • Update the Config enum marking the option as stable.
  • Update the the file marking the option as stable.

After the stabilisation

The option should remain backward-compatible with previous parameters of the option. For instance, if the option is an enum enum Foo { Alice, Bob } and the variant Foo::Bob is removed/renamed, existing use of the Foo::Bob variant should map to the new logic. Breaking changes can be applied under the condition they are version-gated.