2015-07-09 15:28:08 -07:00

131 lines
7.5 KiB

# This list is used by git-shortlog to aggregate contributions. It is
# necessary when either the author's full name is not always written
# the same way, and/or the same author contributes from different
# email addresses.
Aaron Todd <>
Abhishek Chanda <> Abhishek Chanda <>
Ahmed Charles <> <>
Aydin Kim <> <>
Alex Lyon <> <>
Alex Rønne Petersen <>
Andreas Gal <> <>
Andrew Poelstra <> <>
Anton Löfgren <> <>
Ariel Ben-Yehuda <> arielb1 <> <>
Austin Seipp <> <>
Ben Alpert <> <>
Benjamin Jackman <>
Björn Steinbrink <> <>
blake2-ppc <> <blake2-ppc>
Boris Egorov <> <>
Brian Anderson <> <>
Brian Dawn <>
Carl-Anton Ingmarsson <> <>
Carol (Nichols || Goulding) <> Carol Nichols <>
Carol Willing <>
Chris Pressey <>
Clark Gaebel <> <>
Corey Farwell <> Corey Farwell <>
David Klein <>
David Manescu <> <>
Damien Schoof <>
Derek Chiang <> Derek Chiang (Enchi Jiang) <>
Diggory Hardy <> Diggory Hardy <>
Dylan Braithwaite <> <>
Eduardo Bautista <> <>
Eduardo Bautista <> <=>
Elliott Slaughter <> <>
Elly Fong-Jones <>
Emily Dunham <> edunham <>
Eric Holk <> <>
Eric Holk <> <>
Eric Holmes <>
Eric Reed <> <>
Erick Tryzelaar <> <>
Evgeny Sologubov
Falco Hirschenberger <> <>
Felix S. Klock II <> Felix S Klock II <>
Gareth Daniel Smith <>
Georges Dubus <> <>
Graham Fawcett <> <>
Graydon Hoare <> Graydon Hoare <>
Heather <> <>
Heather <> <>
Ilyong Cho <>
J. J. Weber <>
Jakub Bukaj <>
Jakub Bukaj <> <>
James Deng <> <>
James Miller <> <>
Jason Orendorff <> <jason@mozmac-2.local>
Jason Orendorff <> <>
Jeremy Letang <>
Jihyun Yu <> jihyun <>
Jihyun Yu <> <>
Johann Hofmann <> Johann <> Johann Hofmann <>
John Clements <> <>
John Hodge <> John Hodge <>
Jorge Aparicio <> <>
Jonathan Bailey <> <jbailey@jbailey-20809.local>
Junyoung Cho <>
Jyun-Yan You <> <>
Kang Seonghoon <> <>
Keegan McAllister <> <>
Kyeongwoon Lee <>
Lee Wondong <>
Lennart Kudling <>
Lindsey Kuper <> <>
Lindsey Kuper <> <>
Luqman Aden <> <>
Luqman Aden <> <>
Luke Metz <>
Makoto Nakashima <> <>
Makoto Nakashima <> gifnksm <>
Markus Westerlind <> Markus <>
Margaret Meyerhofer <> <mmeyerho@andrew>
Mark Sinclair <>
Mark Sinclair <> =Mark Sinclair <>
Matej Lach <> Matej Ľach <>
Matt Brubeck <> <>
Matthew Auld <>
Matthew McPherrin <> <>
Matthijs Hofstra <>
Michael Williams <>
Michael Woerister <michaelwoerister@gmail> <> <michaelwoerister@posteo> Michael Woerister <michaelwoerister@posteo>
Neil Pankey <> <>
Nicholas Mazzuca <> Nicholas <>
Oliver Schneider <> <> <> Oliver 'ker' Schneider <>
Ožbolt Menegatti <> gareins <>
Paul Faria <> Paul Faria <>
Peer Aramillo Irizar <> parir <>
Peter Elmers <> <>
Philipp Brüschweiler <> <>
Philipp Brüschweiler <> <>
Pradeep Kumar <>
Przemysław Wesołek <> Przemek Wesołek <>
Ralph Giles <> Ralph Giles <>
Richard Diamond <> <>
Rob Arnold <>
Robert Foss <> robertfoss <>
Robert Gawdzik <> Robert Gawdzik ☢ <>
Robert Millar <>
Ryan Scheel <>
Sean Gillespie <> swgillespie <>
Seonghyun Kim <>
Simon Barber-Dueck <> Simon BD <simon@server>
Simon Sapin <> <>
startling <>
Steven Fackler <> <>
Steven Stewart-Gallus <> <>
Tamir Duberstein <> Tamir Duberstein <>
Tim Chevalier <> <>
Torsten Weber <> <>
Vadim Petrochenkov <> petrochenkov <>
William Ting <> <>
Xuefeng Wu <> Xuefeng Wu <> XuefengWu <>
Youngsoo Son <> <>
Zack Corr <> <>
Zack Slayton <>