Marijn Haverbeke a4b77758f0 Move tutorial over to a format similar to the reference doc
And adjust highlighting/testing scripts to deal with this.
2012-01-19 13:34:10 +01:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable file

* Script for extracting compilable fragments from markdown
* documentation. See prep.js for a description of the format
* recognized by this tool. Expects a directory fragements/ to exist
* under the current directory, and writes the fragments in there as
* individual .rs files.
var fs = require("fs");
if (!process.argv[2]) {
console.log("Please provide an input file name.");
var lines = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]).toString().split(/\n\r?/g);
var cur = 0, line, chapter, chapter_n;
while ((line = lines[cur++]) != null) {
var chap = line.match(/^# (.*)/);
if (chap) {
chapter = chap[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, "_");
chapter_n = 1;
} else if (/^~~~/.test(line)) {
var block = "", ignore = false;
while ((line = lines[cur++]) != null) {
if (/^\s*## (?:notrust|ignore)/.test(line)) ignore = true;
else if (/^~~~/.test(line)) break;
else block += line.replace(/^# /, "") + "\n";
if (!ignore) {
if (!/\bfn main\b/.test(block)) {
if (/(^|\n) *(native|use|mod|import|export)\b/.test(block))
block += "\nfn main() {}\n";
else block = "fn main() {\n" + block + "\n}\n";
if (!/\buse std\b/.test(block)) block = "use std;\n" + block;
var filename = "fragments/" + chapter + "_" + (chapter_n++) + ".rs";
fs.writeFileSync(filename, block);