2020-03-11 06:35:07 +09:00

254 lines
4.3 KiB

// run-rustfix
// edition:2018
fn main() {}
mod use_self {
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn new() -> Foo {
Foo {}
fn test() -> Foo {
impl Default for Foo {
fn default() -> Foo {
mod better {
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
fn test() -> Self {
impl Default for Foo {
fn default() -> Self {
mod lifetimes {
struct Foo<'a> {
foo_str: &'a str,
impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
// Cannot use `Self` as return type, because the function is actually `fn foo<'b>(s: &'b str) ->
// Foo<'b>`
fn foo(s: &str) -> Foo {
Foo { foo_str: s }
// cannot replace with `Self`, because that's `Foo<'a>`
fn bar() -> Foo<'static> {
Foo { foo_str: "foo" }
// FIXME: the lint does not handle lifetimed struct
// `Self` should be applicable here
fn clone(&self) -> Foo<'a> {
Foo { foo_str: self.foo_str }
mod issue2894 {
trait IntoBytes {
fn into_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
// This should not be linted
impl IntoBytes for u8 {
fn into_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
mod existential {
struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn bad(foos: &[Self]) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Foo> {
fn good(foos: &[Self]) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Self> {
mod tuple_structs {
pub struct TS(i32);
impl TS {
pub fn ts() -> Self {
mod macros {
macro_rules! use_self_expand {
() => {
fn new() -> Foo {
Foo {}
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
use_self_expand!(); // Should lint in local macros
mod nesting {
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn foo() {
use self::Foo; // Can't use Self here
struct Bar {
foo: Foo, // Foo != Self
impl Bar {
fn bar() -> Bar {
Bar { foo: Foo {} }
// Can't use Self here
fn baz() -> Foo {
Foo {}
// Should lint here
fn baz() -> Foo {
Foo {}
enum Enum {
C { field: bool },
impl Enum {
fn method() {
use self::Enum::*; // Issue 3425
static STATIC: Enum = Enum::A; // Can't use Self as type
fn method2() {
let _ = Enum::B(42);
let _ = Enum::C { field: true };
let _ = Enum::A;
mod issue3410 {
struct A;
struct B;
trait Trait<T> {
fn a(v: T);
impl Trait<Vec<A>> for Vec<B> {
fn a(_: Vec<A>) {}
#[allow(clippy::no_effect, path_statements)]
mod rustfix {
mod nested {
pub struct A {}
impl nested::A {
const A: bool = true;
fn fun_1() {}
fn fun_2() {
nested::A {};
mod issue3567 {
struct TestStruct {}
impl TestStruct {
fn from_something() -> Self {
Self {}
trait Test {
fn test() -> TestStruct;
impl Test for TestStruct {
fn test() -> TestStruct {
mod paths_created_by_lowering {
use std::ops::Range;
struct S {}
impl S {
const A: usize = 0;
const B: usize = 1;
async fn g() -> S {
S {}
fn f<'a>(&self, p: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] {
trait T {
fn f<'a>(&self, p: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8];
impl T for Range<u8> {
fn f<'a>(&self, p: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] {