Niko Matsakis eb0a34c398 iterate only over immutable vectors; use newer region notation
Unfortunately, right now iterating over const vectors is
not safe.  This is because the callback expects an *immutable*
reference (in region terms: &T), not a const reference (&const T).
This was not being caught by the type system due to the use of
unsafe operations.  To fix this, we need to either (1) find a way
to parameterize over mutability or (2) add each_const, each_mut
2012-07-18 11:48:58 -07:00

245 lines
6 KiB

* An atomically reference counted wrapper that can be used to
* share immutable data between tasks.
import comm::{port, chan, methods};
import sys::methods;
export arc, get, clone, shared_arc, get_arc;
export exclusive, methods;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_atomic_increment(p: &mut libc::intptr_t)
-> libc::intptr_t;
fn rust_atomic_decrement(p: &mut libc::intptr_t)
-> libc::intptr_t;
type arc_data<T> = {
mut count: libc::intptr_t,
data: T
class arc_destruct<T> {
let data: *libc::c_void;
new(data: *libc::c_void) { = data; }
drop unsafe {
let data: ~arc_data<T> = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(;
let new_count = rustrt::rust_atomic_decrement(&mut data.count);
assert new_count >= 0;
if new_count == 0 {
// drop glue takes over.
} else {
type arc<T: const send> = arc_destruct<T>;
/// Create an atomically reference counted wrapper.
fn arc<T: const send>(-data: T) -> arc<T> {
let data = ~{mut count: 1, data: data};
unsafe {
let ptr = unsafe::transmute(data);
* Access the underlying data in an atomically reference counted
* wrapper.
fn get<T: const send>(rc: &arc<T>) -> &T {
unsafe {
let ptr: ~arc_data<T> = unsafe::reinterpret_cast((*rc).data);
// Cast us back into the correct region
let r = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(&;
ret r;
* Duplicate an atomically reference counted wrapper.
* The resulting two `arc` objects will point to the same underlying data
* object. However, one of the `arc` objects can be sent to another task,
* allowing them to share the underlying data.
fn clone<T: const send>(rc: &arc<T>) -> arc<T> {
unsafe {
let ptr: ~arc_data<T> = unsafe::reinterpret_cast((*rc).data);
let new_count = rustrt::rust_atomic_increment(&mut ptr.count);
assert new_count >= 2;
// An arc over mutable data that is protected by a lock.
type ex_data<T: send> = {lock: sys::lock_and_signal, mut data: T};
type exclusive<T: send> = arc_destruct<ex_data<T>>;
fn exclusive<T:send >(-data: T) -> exclusive<T> {
let data = ~{mut count: 1, data: {lock: sys::lock_and_signal(),
data: data}};
unsafe {
let ptr = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(data);
impl methods<T: send> for exclusive<T> {
fn clone() -> exclusive<T> {
unsafe {
// this makes me nervous...
let ptr: ~arc_data<ex_data<T>> =
let new_count = rustrt::rust_atomic_increment(&mut ptr.count);
assert new_count > 1;
unsafe fn with<U>(f: fn(sys::condition, x: &mut T) -> U) -> U {
let ptr: ~arc_data<ex_data<T>> =
let r = {
let rec: &ex_data<T> = &(*ptr).data;
rec.lock.lock_cond(|c| f(c, &mut
// Convenience code for sharing arcs between tasks
type get_chan<T: const send> = chan<chan<arc<T>>>;
// (terminate, get)
type shared_arc<T: const send> = (shared_arc_res, get_chan<T>);
class shared_arc_res {
let c: comm::chan<()>;
new(c: comm::chan<()>) { self.c = c; }
drop { self.c.send(()); }
fn shared_arc<T: send const>(-data: T) -> shared_arc<T> {
let a = arc::arc(data);
let p = port();
let c = chan(p);
do task::spawn() |move a| {
let mut live = true;
let terminate = port();
let get = port();
c.send((chan(terminate), chan(get)));
while live {
alt comm::select2(terminate, get) {
either::left(()) { live = false; }
either::right(cc) {
comm::send(cc, arc::clone(&a));
let (terminate, get) = p.recv();
(shared_arc_res(terminate), get)
fn get_arc<T: send const>(c: get_chan<T>) -> arc::arc<T> {
let p = port();
mod tests {
import comm::*;
import future::extensions;
fn manually_share_arc() {
let v = ~[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
let arc_v = arc::arc(v);
let p = port();
let c = chan(p);
do task::spawn() {
let p = port();
let arc_v = p.recv();
let v = *arc::get::<~[int]>(&arc_v);
assert v[3] == 4;
let c = p.recv();
assert (*arc::get(&arc_v))[2] == 3;
log(info, arc_v);
fn auto_share_arc() {
let v = ~[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
let (_res, arc_c) = shared_arc(v);
let p = port();
let c = chan(p);
do task::spawn() {
let arc_v = get_arc(arc_c);
let v = *get(&arc_v);
assert v[2] == 3;
assert p.recv() == ();
#[ignore] // this can probably infinite loop too.
fn exclusive_arc() {
let mut futures = ~[];
let num_tasks = 10u;
let count = 1000u;
let total = exclusive(~mut 0u);
for uint::range(0u, num_tasks) |_i| {
let total = total.clone();
futures += ~[future::spawn(|| {
for uint::range(0u, count) |_i| {
do total.with |_cond, count| {
**count += 1u;
for futures.each |f| { f.get() }
do total.with |_cond, total| {
assert **total == num_tasks * count