Mark Simulacrum 40dea65ec2 Add ability to ignore git when building rust.
Some users of the build system change the git sha on every build due to
utilizing git to push changes to a remote server. This allows them to
simply configure that away instead of depending on custom patches to
2017-08-13 05:15:43 +05:00

335 lines
14 KiB

# Sample TOML configuration file for building Rust.
# To configure rustbuild, copy this file to the directory from which you will be
# running the build, and name it config.toml.
# All options are commented out by default in this file, and they're commented
# out with their default values. The build system by default looks for
# `config.toml` in the current directory of a build for build configuration, but
# a custom configuration file can also be specified with `--config` to the build
# system.
# =============================================================================
# Tweaking how LLVM is compiled
# =============================================================================
# Indicates whether rustc will support compilation with LLVM
# note: rustc does not compile without LLVM at the moment
#enabled = true
# Indicates whether the LLVM build is a Release or Debug build
#optimize = true
# Indicates whether an LLVM Release build should include debug info
#release-debuginfo = false
# Indicates whether the LLVM assertions are enabled or not
#assertions = false
# Indicates whether ccache is used when building LLVM
#ccache = false
# or alternatively ...
#ccache = "/path/to/ccache"
# If an external LLVM root is specified, we automatically check the version by
# default to make sure it's within the range that we're expecting, but setting
# this flag will indicate that this version check should not be done.
#version-check = false
# Link libstdc++ statically into the librustc_llvm instead of relying on a
# dynamic version to be available.
#static-libstdcpp = false
# Tell the LLVM build system to use Ninja instead of the platform default for
# the generated build system. This can sometimes be faster than make, for
# example.
#ninja = false
# LLVM targets to build support for.
# Note: this is NOT related to Rust compilation targets. However, as Rust is
# dependent on LLVM for code generation, turning targets off here WILL lead to
# the resulting rustc being unable to compile for the disabled architectures.
# Also worth pointing out is that, in case support for new targets are added to
# LLVM, enabling them here doesn't mean Rust is automatically gaining said
# support. You'll need to write a target specification at least, and most
# likely, teach rustc about the C ABI of the target. Get in touch with the
# Rust team and file an issue if you need assistance in porting!
#targets = "X86;ARM;AArch64;Mips;PowerPC;SystemZ;JSBackend;MSP430;Sparc;NVPTX;Hexagon"
# LLVM experimental targets to build support for. These targets are specified in
# the same format as above, but since these targets are experimental, they are
# not built by default and the experimental Rust compilation targets that depend
# on them will not work unless the user opts in to building them. Possible
# experimental LLVM targets include WebAssembly for the
# wasm32-experimental-emscripten Rust target.
#experimental-targets = ""
# Cap the number of parallel linker invocations when compiling LLVM.
# This can be useful when building LLVM with debug info, which significantly
# increases the size of binaries and consequently the memory required by
# each linker process.
# If absent or 0, linker invocations are treated like any other job and
# controlled by rustbuild's -j parameter.
#link-jobs = 0
# =============================================================================
# General build configuration options
# =============================================================================
# Build triple for the original snapshot compiler. This must be a compiler that
# nightlies are already produced for. The current platform must be able to run
# binaries of this build triple and the nightly will be used to bootstrap the
# first compiler.
#build = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" # defaults to your host platform
# In addition to the build triple, other triples to produce full compiler
# toolchains for. Each of these triples will be bootstrapped from the build
# triple and then will continue to bootstrap themselves. This platform must
# currently be able to run all of the triples provided here.
#host = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] # defaults to just the build triple
# In addition to all host triples, other triples to produce the standard library
# for. Each host triple will be used to produce a copy of the standard library
# for each target triple.
#target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] # defaults to just the build triple
# Instead of downloading the src/stage0.txt version of Cargo specified, use
# this Cargo binary instead to build all Rust code
#cargo = "/path/to/bin/cargo"
# Instead of downloading the src/stage0.txt version of the compiler
# specified, use this rustc binary instead as the stage0 snapshot compiler.
#rustc = "/path/to/bin/rustc"
# Flag to specify whether any documentation is built. If false, rustdoc and
# friends will still be compiled but they will not be used to generate any
# documentation.
#docs = true
# Indicate whether the compiler should be documented in addition to the standard
# library and facade crates.
#compiler-docs = false
# Indicate whether submodules are managed and updated automatically.
#submodules = true
# The path to (or name of) the GDB executable to use. This is only used for
# executing the debuginfo test suite.
#gdb = "gdb"
# The node.js executable to use. Note that this is only used for the emscripten
# target when running tests, otherwise this can be omitted.
#nodejs = "node"
# Python interpreter to use for various tasks throughout the build, notably
# rustdoc tests, the lldb python interpreter, and some dist bits and pieces.
# Note that Python 2 is currently required.
#python = "python2.7"
# Force Cargo to check that Cargo.lock describes the precise dependency
# set that all the Cargo.toml files create, instead of updating it.
#locked-deps = false
# Indicate whether the vendored sources are used for Rust dependencies or not
#vendor = false
# Typically the build system will build the rust compiler twice. The second
# compiler, however, will simply use its own libraries to link against. If you
# would rather to perform a full bootstrap, compiling the compiler three times,
# then you can set this option to true. You shouldn't ever need to set this
# option to true.
#full-bootstrap = false
# Enable a build of the and extended rust tool set which is not only the
# compiler but also tools such as Cargo. This will also produce "combined
# installers" which are used to install Rust and Cargo together. This is
# disabled by default.
#extended = false
# Verbosity level: 0 == not verbose, 1 == verbose, 2 == very verbose
#verbose = 0
# Build the sanitizer runtimes
#sanitizers = false
# Build the profiler runtime
#profiler = false
# Indicates whether the OpenSSL linked into Cargo will be statically linked or
# not. If static linkage is specified then the build system will download a
# known-good version of OpenSSL, compile it, and link it to Cargo.
#openssl-static = false
# Run the build with low priority, by setting the process group's "nice" value
# to +10 on Unix platforms, and by using a "low priority" job object on Windows.
#low-priority = false
# =============================================================================
# General install configuration options
# =============================================================================
# Instead of installing to /usr/local, install to this path instead.
#prefix = "/usr/local"
# Where to install system configuration files
# If this is a relative path, it will get installed in `prefix` above
#sysconfdir = "/etc"
# Where to install documentation in `prefix` above
#docdir = "share/doc/rust"
# Where to install binaries in `prefix` above
#bindir = "bin"
# Where to install libraries in `prefix` above
#libdir = "lib"
# Where to install man pages in `prefix` above
#mandir = "share/man"
# =============================================================================
# Options for compiling Rust code itself
# =============================================================================
# Whether or not to optimize the compiler and standard library
# Note: the slowness of the non optimized compiler compiling itself usually
# outweighs the time gains in not doing optimizations, therefore a
# full bootstrap takes much more time with optimize set to false.
#optimize = true
# Number of codegen units to use for each compiler invocation. A value of 0
# means "the number of cores on this machine", and 1+ is passed through to the
# compiler.
#codegen-units = 1
# Whether or not debug assertions are enabled for the compiler and standard
# library. Also enables compilation of debug! and trace! logging macros.
#debug-assertions = false
# Whether or not debuginfo is emitted
#debuginfo = false
# Whether or not line number debug information is emitted
#debuginfo-lines = false
# Whether or not to only build debuginfo for the standard library if enabled.
# If enabled, this will not compile the compiler with debuginfo, just the
# standard library.
#debuginfo-only-std = false
# Whether or not jemalloc is built and enabled
#use-jemalloc = true
# Whether or not jemalloc is built with its debug option set
#debug-jemalloc = false
# Whether or not `panic!`s generate backtraces (RUST_BACKTRACE)
#backtrace = true
# The default linker that will be used by the generated compiler. Note that this
# is not the linker used to link said compiler.
#default-linker = "cc"
# The default ar utility that will be used by the generated compiler if LLVM
# cannot be used. Note that this is not used to assemble said compiler.
#default-ar = "ar"
# The "channel" for the Rust build to produce. The stable/beta channels only
# allow using stable features, whereas the nightly and dev channels allow using
# nightly features
#channel = "dev"
# By default the `rustc` executable is built with `-Wl,-rpath` flags on Unix
# platforms to ensure that the compiler is usable by default from the build
# directory (as it links to a number of dynamic libraries). This may not be
# desired in distributions, for example.
#rpath = true
# Flag indicating whether tests are compiled with optimizations (the -O flag) or
# with debuginfo (the -g flag)
#optimize-tests = true
#debuginfo-tests = true
# Flag indicating whether codegen tests will be run or not. If you get an error
# saying that the FileCheck executable is missing, you may want to disable this.
#codegen-tests = true
# Flag indicating whether git info will be retrieved from .git automatically.
#ignore-git = false
# =============================================================================
# Options for specific targets
# Each of the following options is scoped to the specific target triple in
# question and is used for determining how to compile each target.
# =============================================================================
# C compiler to be used to compiler C code and link Rust code. Note that the
# default value is platform specific, and if not specified it may also depend on
# what platform is crossing to what platform.
#cc = "cc"
# C++ compiler to be used to compiler C++ code (e.g. LLVM and our LLVM shims).
# This is only used for host targets.
#cxx = "c++"
# Path to the `llvm-config` binary of the installation of a custom LLVM to link
# against. Note that if this is specifed we don't compile LLVM at all for this
# target.
#llvm-config = "../path/to/llvm/root/bin/llvm-config"
# Path to the custom jemalloc static library to link into the standard library
# by default. This is only used if jemalloc is still enabled above
#jemalloc = "/path/to/jemalloc/libjemalloc_pic.a"
# If this target is for Android, this option will be required to specify where
# the NDK for the target lives. This is used to find the C compiler to link and
# build native code.
#android-ndk = "/path/to/ndk"
# The root location of the MUSL installation directory. The library directory
# will also need to contain libunwind.a for an unwinding implementation. Note
# that this option only makes sense for MUSL targets that produce statically
# linked binaries
#musl-root = "..."
# =============================================================================
# Distribution options
# These options are related to distribution, mostly for the Rust project itself.
# You probably won't need to concern yourself with any of these options
# =============================================================================
# This is the folder of artifacts that the build system will sign. All files in
# this directory will be signed with the default gpg key using the system `gpg`
# binary. The `asc` and `sha256` files will all be output into the standard dist
# output folder (currently `build/dist`)
# This folder should be populated ahead of time before the build system is
# invoked.
#sign-folder = "path/to/folder/to/sign"
# This is a file which contains the password of the default gpg key. This will
# be passed to `gpg` down the road when signing all files in `sign-folder`
# above. This should be stored in plaintext.
#gpg-password-file = "path/to/gpg/password"
# The remote address that all artifacts will eventually be uploaded to. The
# build system generates manifests which will point to these urls, and for the
# manifests to be correct they'll have to have the right URLs encoded.
# Note that this address should not contain a trailing slash as file names will
# be appended to it.
#upload-addr = ""
# Whether to build a plain source tarball to upload
# We disable that on Windows not to override the one already uploaded on S3
# as the one built on Windows will contain backslashes in paths causing problems
# on linux
#src-tarball = true