[package] authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"] name = "std" version = "0.0.0" build = "build.rs" license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.git" description = "The Rust Standard Library" [lib] name = "std" path = "lib.rs" crate-type = ["dylib", "rlib"] [dependencies] alloc = { path = "../liballoc" } panic_unwind = { path = "../libpanic_unwind", optional = true } panic_abort = { path = "../libpanic_abort" } core = { path = "../libcore" } libc = { path = "../rustc/libc_shim" } compiler_builtins = { path = "../rustc/compiler_builtins_shim", features = ["c"] } profiler_builtins = { path = "../libprofiler_builtins", optional = true } unwind = { path = "../libunwind" } [dev-dependencies] rand = "0.5" [target.x86_64-apple-darwin.dependencies] rustc_asan = { path = "../librustc_asan" } rustc_tsan = { path = "../librustc_tsan" } [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.dependencies] rustc_asan = { path = "../librustc_asan" } rustc_lsan = { path = "../librustc_lsan" } rustc_msan = { path = "../librustc_msan" } rustc_tsan = { path = "../librustc_tsan" } [target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))'.dependencies] dlmalloc = { path = '../rustc/dlmalloc_shim' } [build-dependencies] cc = "1.0" build_helper = { path = "../build_helper" } [features] backtrace = [] panic-unwind = ["panic_unwind"] profiler = ["profiler_builtins"] # Make panics and failed asserts immediately abort without formatting any message panic_immediate_abort = ["core/panic_immediate_abort"] # An off-by-default feature which enables a linux-syscall-like ABI for libstd to # interoperate with the host environment. Currently not well documented and # requires rebuilding the standard library to use it. wasm_syscall = [] # An off-by-default features to enable libstd to assume that wasm-bindgen is in # the environment for hooking up some thread-related information like the # current thread id and accessing/getting the current thread's TCB wasm-bindgen-threads = []