import vbuf = rustrt.vbuf; import op = util.operator; native "rust" mod rustrt { type vbuf; fn vec_buf[T](vec[T] v) -> vbuf; fn vec_len[T](vec[T] v) -> uint; /* The T in vec_alloc[T, U] is the type of the vec to allocate. The * U is the type of an element in the vec. So to allocate a vec[U] we * want to invoke this as vec_alloc[vec[U], U]. */ fn vec_alloc[T, U](uint n_elts) -> vec[U]; fn refcount[T](vec[T] v) -> uint; } fn alloc[T](uint n_elts) -> vec[T] { ret rustrt.vec_alloc[vec[T], T](n_elts); } type init_op[T] = fn(uint i) -> T; fn init_fn[T](&init_op[T] op, uint n_elts) -> vec[T] { let vec[T] v = alloc[T](n_elts); let uint i = n_elts; while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += vec(op(i)); } ret v; } fn init_elt[T](&T t, uint n_elts) -> vec[T] { /** * FIXME (issue #81): should be: * * fn elt_op[T](&T x, uint i) -> T { ret x; } * let init_op[T] inner = bind elt_op[T](t, _); * ret init_fn[T](inner, n_elts); */ let vec[T] v = alloc[T](n_elts); let uint i = n_elts; while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += vec(t); } ret v; } fn len[T](vec[T] v) -> uint { ret rustrt.vec_len[T](v); } fn buf[T](vec[T] v) -> vbuf { ret rustrt.vec_buf[T](v); } // Returns elements from [start..end) from v. fn slice[T](vec[T] v, int start, int end) -> vec[T] { check(0 <= start); check(start <= end); // FIXME #108: This doesn't work yet. //check(end <= int(len[T](v))); auto result = alloc[T]((end - start) as uint); let mutable int i = start; while (i < end) { result += vec(v.(i)); i += 1; } ret result; } // Ought to take mutable &vec[T] v and just mutate it instead of copy // and return. Blocking on issue #89 for this. fn grow[T](mutable vec[T] v, int n, &T initval) -> vec[T] { let int i = n; while (i > 0) { i -= 1; v += vec(initval); } ret v; } fn map[T,U](&op[T,U] f, &vec[T] v) -> vec[U] { // FIXME: should be // let vec[U] u = alloc[U](len[T](v)); // but this does not work presently. let vec[U] u = vec(); for (T ve in v) { u += vec(f(ve)); } ret u; }