#![warn(clippy::suspicious_operation_groupings)] struct Vec3 { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, } impl Eq for Vec3 {} impl PartialEq for Vec3 { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { // This should trigger the lint because `self.x` is compared to `other.y` self.x == other.y && self.y == other.y && self.z == other.z } } struct S { a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32, } fn buggy_ab_cmp(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> bool { // There's no `s1.b` s1.a < s2.a && s1.a < s2.b } struct SAOnly { a: i32, } impl S { fn a(&self) -> i32 { 0 } } fn do_not_give_bad_suggestions_for_this_unusual_expr(s1: &S, s2: &SAOnly) -> bool { // This is superficially similar to `buggy_ab_cmp`, but we should not suggest // `s2.b` since that is invalid. s1.a < s2.a && s1.a() < s1.b } fn do_not_give_bad_suggestions_for_this_macro_expr(s1: &S, s2: &SAOnly) -> bool { macro_rules! s1 { () => { S { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, } }; } // This is superficially similar to `buggy_ab_cmp`, but we should not suggest // `s2.b` since that is invalid. s1.a < s2.a && s1!().a < s1.b } fn do_not_give_bad_suggestions_for_this_incorrect_expr(s1: &S, s2: &SAOnly) -> bool { // There's two `s1.b`, but we should not suggest `s2.b` since that is invalid s1.a < s2.a && s1.b < s1.b } fn permissable(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> bool { // Something like this seems like it might actually be what is desired. s1.a == s2.b } fn non_boolean_operators(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s2.b + s1.c * s2.b + s1.d * s2.d } fn odd_number_of_pairs(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.b` s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s2.c + s1.c * s2.c } fn not_caught_by_eq_op_middle_change_left(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s1.b` s1.a * s2.a + s2.b * s2.b + s1.c * s2.c } fn not_caught_by_eq_op_middle_change_right(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.b` s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s1.b + s1.c * s2.c } fn not_caught_by_eq_op_start(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.a` s1.a * s1.a + s1.b * s2.b + s1.c * s2.c } fn not_caught_by_eq_op_end(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s2.b + s1.c * s1.c } fn the_cross_product_should_not_lint(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> (i32, i32, i32) { ( s1.b * s2.c - s1.c * s2.b, s1.c * s2.a - s1.a * s2.c, s1.a * s2.b - s1.b * s2.a, ) } fn outer_parens_simple(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.b` (s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s1.b) } fn outer_parens(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` (s1.a * s2.a + s1.b * s2.b + s1.c * s2.b + s1.d * s2.d) } fn inner_parens(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` (s1.a * s2.a) + (s1.b * s2.b) + (s1.c * s2.b) + (s1.d * s2.d) } fn outer_and_some_inner_parens(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` ((s1.a * s2.a) + (s1.b * s2.b) + (s1.c * s2.b) + (s1.d * s2.d)) } fn all_parens_balanced_tree(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` (((s1.a * s2.a) + (s1.b * s2.b)) + ((s1.c * s2.b) + (s1.d * s2.d))) } fn all_parens_left_tree(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` (((s1.a * s2.a) + (s1.b * s2.b) + (s1.c * s2.b)) + (s1.d * s2.d)) } fn all_parens_right_tree(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` ((s1.a * s2.a) + ((s1.b * s2.b) + (s1.c * s2.b) + (s1.d * s2.d))) } fn inside_other_binop_expression(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s1.b` (s1.a * s2.a + s2.b * s2.b) / 2 } fn inside_function_call(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s1.b` i32::swap_bytes(s1.a * s2.a + s2.b * s2.b) } fn inside_larger_boolean_expression(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> bool { // There's no `s1.c` s1.a > 0 && s1.b > 0 && s1.d == s2.c && s1.d == s2.d } fn inside_larger_boolean_expression_with_unsorted_ops(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> bool { // There's no `s1.c` s1.a > 0 && s1.d == s2.c && s1.b > 0 && s1.d == s2.d } struct Nested { inner: ((i32,), (i32,), (i32,)), } fn changed_middle_ident(n1: &Nested, n2: &Nested) -> bool { // There's no `n2.inner.2.0` (n1.inner.0).0 == (n2.inner.0).0 && (n1.inner.1).0 == (n2.inner.1).0 && (n1.inner.2).0 == (n2.inner.1).0 } // `eq_op` should catch this one. fn changed_initial_ident(n1: &Nested, n2: &Nested) -> bool { // There's no `n2.inner.0.0` (n1.inner.0).0 == (n1.inner.0).0 && (n1.inner.1).0 == (n2.inner.1).0 && (n1.inner.2).0 == (n2.inner.2).0 } fn inside_fn_with_similar_expression(s1: &S, s2: &S, strict: bool) -> bool { if strict { s1.a < s2.a && s1.b < s2.b } else { // There's no `s1.b` in this subexpression s1.a <= s2.a && s1.a <= s2.b } } fn inside_an_if_statement(s1: &S, s2: &S) { // There's no `s1.b` if s1.a < s2.a && s1.a < s2.b { s1.c = s2.c; } } fn maximum_unary_minus_right_tree(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s2.c` -(-(-s1.a * -s2.a) + (-(-s1.b * -s2.b) + -(-s1.c * -s2.b) + -(-s1.d * -s2.d))) } fn unary_minus_and_an_if_expression(s1: &S, s2: &S) -> i32 { // There's no `s1.b` -(if -s1.a < -s2.a && -s1.a < -s2.b { s1.c } else { s2.a }) } fn main() {}