#!/bin/sh # Fetches the merge commits between two git commits and prints the PR URL # together with the full commit message # # If you want to use this to update the Clippy changelog, be sure to manually # exclude the non-user facing changes like 'rustup' PRs, typo fixes, etc. first=$1 last=$2 IFS=' ' for pr in $(git log --oneline --grep "Merge #" --grep "Merge pull request" --grep "Auto merge of" "$first...$last" | sort -rn | uniq); do id=$(echo $pr | rg -o '#[0-9]{3,5}' | cut -c 2-) commit=$(echo $pr | cut -d' ' -f 1) message=$(git --no-pager show --pretty=medium $commit) if [ ! -z $(echo "$message" | rg "^[\s]{4}changelog: [nN]one\.*$") ]; then continue fi echo "URL: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/pull/$id" echo "$message" echo "---------------------------------------------------------\n" done