#![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(clippy)] const ONE : i64 = 1; const NEG_ONE : i64 = -1; const ZERO : i64 = 0; #[allow(eq_op, no_effect)] #[deny(identity_op)] fn main() { let x = 0; x + 0; //~ERROR the operation is ineffective x + (1 - 1); //~ERROR the operation is ineffective x + 1; 0 + x; //~ERROR the operation is ineffective 1 + x; x - ZERO; //no error, as we skip lookups (for now) x | (0); //~ERROR the operation is ineffective ((ZERO)) | x; //no error, as we skip lookups (for now) x * 1; //~ERROR the operation is ineffective 1 * x; //~ERROR the operation is ineffective x / ONE; //no error, as we skip lookups (for now) x / 2; //no false positive x & NEG_ONE; //no error, as we skip lookups (for now) -1 & x; //~ERROR the operation is ineffective }