% Rustpkg Reference Manual # Introduction This document is the reference manual for the Rustpkg packaging and build tool for the Rust programming language. ## Disclaimer Rustpkg is a work in progress, as is this reference manual. If the actual behavior of rustpkg differs from the behavior described in this reference, that reflects either an incompleteness or a bug in rustpkg. # Package searching rustpkg searches for packages using the `RUST_PATH` environment variable, which is a colon-separated list (semicolon-separated on Windows) of directories. Each directory in this list is a *workspace* for rustpkg. `RUST_PATH` implicitly contains an entry for `./.rust` (as well as `../.rust`, `../../.rust`, and so on for every parent of `.` up to the filesystem root). That means that if `RUST_PATH` is not set, then rustpkg will still search for workspaces in `./.rust` and so on. `RUST_PATH` also implicitly contains an entry for the system path: `/usr/local` or the equivalent on Windows. This entry comes after the implicit entries for `./.rust` and so on. Finally, the last implicit entry in `RUST_PATH` is `~/.rust` or the equivalent on Windows. Each workspace may contain one or more packages. When building code that contains one or more directives of the form `extern mod P`, rustpkg automatically searches for packages named `P` in the `RUST_PATH` (as described above). It builds those dependencies if necessary. Thus, when using rustpkg, there is no need for `-L` flags to tell the linker where to find libraries for external crates. # Package structure A valid workspace must contain each of the following subdirectories: * 'src/': contains one subdirectory per package. Each subdirectory contains source files for a given package. For example, if `foo` is a workspace containing the package `bar`, then `foo/src/bar/main.rs` could be the `main` entry point for building a `bar` executable. * 'lib/': `rustpkg install` installs libraries into a target-specific subdirectory of this directory. For example, on a 64-bit machine running Mac OS X, if `foo` is a workspace containing the package `bar`, rustpkg will install libraries for bar to `foo/lib/x86_64-apple-darwin/`. The libraries will have names of the form `foo/lib/x86_64-apple-darwin/libbar-[hash].dylib`, where [hash] is a hash of the package ID. * 'bin/': `rustpkg install` installs executable binaries into this directory. For example, rustpkg will install executables for `bar` to `foo/bin`. The executables will have names of the form `foo/bin/bar`. * 'build/': `rustpkg build` stores temporary build artifacts in a target-specific subdirectory of this directory. For example, on a 64-bit machine running Mac OS X, if `foo` is a workspace containing the package `bar` and `foo/src/bar/main.rs` exists, then `rustpkg build` will create `foo/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/bar/main.o`. # Package identifiers A package identifier identifies a package uniquely. A package can be stored in a workspace on the local file system, or on a remote Web server, in which case the package ID resembles a URL. For example, `github.com/mozilla/rust` is a package ID that would refer to the git repository browsable at `http://github.com/mozilla/rust`. A package ID can also specify a version, like: `github.com/mozilla/rust#0.3`. In this case, `rustpkg` will check that the repository `github.com/mozilla/rust` has a tag named `0.3`, and report an error otherwise. A package ID can also specify a particular revision of a repository, like: `github.com/mozilla/rust#release-0.7`. When the refspec (portion of the package ID after the `#`) can't be parsed as a decimal number, rustpkg passes the refspec along to the version control system without interpreting it. rustpkg also interprets any dependencies on such a package ID literally (as opposed to versions, where a newer version satisfies a dependency on an older version). Thus, `github.com/mozilla/rust#5c4cd30f80` is also a valid package ID, since git can deduce that 5c4cd30f80 refers to a revision of the desired repository. A package identifier can name a subdirectory of another package. For example, if `foo` is a workspace, and `foo/src/bar/lib.rs` exists, as well as `foo/src/bar/extras/baz/lib.rs`, then both `bar` and `bar/extras/baz` are valid package identifiers in the workspace `foo`. ## Source files rustpkg searches for four different fixed filenames in order to determine the crates to build: * `main.rs`: Assumed to be a main entry point for building an executable. * `lib.rs`: Assumed to be a library crate. * `test.rs`: Assumed to contain tests declared with the `#[test]` attribute. * `bench.rs`: Assumed to contain benchmarks declared with the `#[bench]` attribute. ## Versions `rustpkg` packages do not need to declare their versions with an attribute inside one of the source files, because `rustpkg` infers it from the version control system. When building a package that is in a `git` repository, `rustpkg` assumes that the most recent tag specifies the current version. When building a package that is not under version control, or that has no tags, `rustpkg` assumes the intended version is 0.1. > **Note:** A future version of rustpkg will support semantic versions. > Also, a future version will add the option to specify a version with a metadata > attribute like `#[link(vers = "3.1415")]` inside the crate module, > though this attribute will never be mandatory. # Dependencies rustpkg infers dependencies from `extern mod` directives. Thus, there should be no need to pass a `-L` flag to rustpkg to tell it where to find a library. (In the future, it will also be possible to write an `extern mod` directive referring to a remote package.) # Custom build scripts A file called `pkg.rs` at the root level in a workspace is called a *package script*. If a package script exists, rustpkg executes it to build the package rather than inferring crates as described previously. Inside `pkg.rs`, it's possible to call back into rustpkg to finish up the build. `rustpkg::api` contains functions to build, install, or clean libraries and executables in the way rustpkg normally would without custom build logic. # Command reference ## build `rustpkg build foo` searches for a package with ID `foo` and builds it in any workspace(s) where it finds one. Supposing such packages are found in workspaces X, Y, and Z, the command leaves behind files in `X`'s, `Y`'s, and `Z`'s `build` directories, but not in their `lib` or `bin` directories. ## clean `rustpkg clean foo` deletes the contents of `foo`'s `build` directory. ## install `rustpkg install foo` builds the libraries and/or executables that are targets for `foo`. If `RUST_PATH` is declared as an environment variable, then rustpkg installs the libraries and executables into the `lib` and `bin` subdirectories of the first entry in `RUST_PATH`. Otherwise, it installs them into `foo`'s `lib` and `bin` directories. ## test `rustpkg test foo` builds `foo`'s `test.rs` file if necessary, then runs the resulting test executable.