#![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(clippy)] fn id(x: X) -> X { x } #[deny(eq_op)] fn main() { // simple values and comparisons 1 == 1; //~ERROR "no" == "no"; //~ERROR // even though I agree that no means no ;-) false != false; //~ERROR 1.5 < 1.5; //~ERROR 1u64 >= 1u64; //~ERROR // casts, methods, parenthesis (1 as u64) & (1 as u64); //~ERROR 1 ^ ((((((1)))))); //~ERROR id((1)) | id(1); //~ERROR // unary and binary operators (-(2) < -(2)); //~ERROR ((1 + 1) & (1 + 1) == (1 + 1) & (1 + 1)); //~^ ERROR //~^^ ERROR //~^^^ ERROR (1 * 2) + (3 * 4) == 1 * 2 + 3 * 4; //~ERROR // various other things ([1] != [1]); //~ERROR ((1, 2) != (1, 2)); //~ERROR [1].len() == [1].len(); //~ERROR vec![1, 2, 3] == vec![1, 2, 3]; //no error yet, as we don't match macros }