const THREE_BITS : i64 = 7; const EVEN_MORE_REDIRECTION : i64 = THREE_BITS; #[warn(bad_bit_mask)] #[allow(ineffective_bit_mask, identity_op, no_effect, unnecessary_operation)] fn main() { let x = 5; x & 0 == 0; x & 1 == 1; //ok, distinguishes bit 0 x & 1 == 0; //ok, compared with zero x & 2 == 1; x | 0 == 0; //ok, equals x == 0 (maybe warn?) x | 1 == 3; //ok, equals x == 2 || x == 3 x | 3 == 3; //ok, equals x <= 3 x | 3 == 2; x & 1 > 1; x & 2 > 1; // ok, distinguishes x & 2 == 2 from x & 2 == 0 x & 2 < 1; // ok, distinguishes x & 2 == 2 from x & 2 == 0 x | 1 > 1; // ok (if a bit silly), equals x > 1 x | 2 > 1; x | 2 <= 2; // ok (if a bit silly), equals x <= 2 x & 192 == 128; // ok, tests for bit 7 and not bit 6 x & 0xffc0 == 0xfe80; // ok // this also now works with constants x & THREE_BITS == 8; x | EVEN_MORE_REDIRECTION < 7; 0 & x == 0; 1 | x > 1; // and should now also match uncommon usage 1 < 2 | x; 2 == 3 | x; 1 == x & 2; x | 1 > 2; // no error, because we allowed ineffective bit masks ineffective(); } #[warn(ineffective_bit_mask)] #[allow(bad_bit_mask, no_effect, unnecessary_operation)] fn ineffective() { let x = 5; x | 1 > 3; x | 1 < 4; x | 1 <= 3; x | 1 >= 8; x | 1 > 2; // not an error (yet), better written as x >= 2 x | 1 >= 7; // not an error (yet), better written as x >= 6 x | 3 > 4; // not an error (yet), better written as x >= 4 x | 4 <= 19; }