#![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(clippy)] use std::ops::Add; const ZERO : f32 = 0.0; const ONE : f32 = ZERO + 1.0; fn twice(x : T) -> T where T : Add, T : Copy { x + x } #[deny(float_cmp)] #[allow(unused)] fn main() { ZERO == 0f32; //no error, comparison with zero is ok ZERO == 0.0; //no error, comparison with zero is ok ZERO + ZERO != 1.0; //~ERROR !=-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE == 1f32; //~ERROR ==-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE == (1.0 + 0.0); //~ERROR ==-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE + ONE == (ZERO + ONE + ONE); //~ERROR ==-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE != 2.0; //~ERROR !=-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE != 0.0; // no error, comparison with zero is ok twice(ONE) != ONE; //~ERROR !=-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE as f64 != 2.0; //~ERROR !=-comparison of f32 or f64 ONE as f64 != 0.0; // no error, comparison with zero is ok let x : f64 = 1.0; x == 1.0; //~ERROR ==-comparison of f32 or f64 x != 0f64; // no error, comparison with zero is ok twice(x) != twice(ONE as f64); //~ERROR !=-comparison of f32 or f64 x < 0.0; // no errors, lower or greater comparisons need no fuzzyness x > 0.0; x <= 0.0; x >= 0.0; }