#![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(clippy)] #![deny(redundant_closure_call)] fn main() { let a = (|| 42)(); //~^ ERROR Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared. //~| HELP Try doing something like: //~| SUGGESTION let a = 42; let mut i = 1; let k = (|m| m+1)(i); //~ERROR Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared. k = (|a,b| a*b)(1,5); //~ERROR Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared. let closure = || 32; i = closure(); //~ERROR Closure called just once immediately after it was declared let closure = |i| i+1; i = closure(3); //~ERROR Closure called just once immediately after it was declared i = closure(4); }