use {Token, SyntaxKind}; use syntax_kinds::*; mod ptr; use self::ptr::Ptr; mod classes; use self::classes::*; pub fn next_token(text: &str) -> Token { assert!(!text.is_empty()); let mut ptr = Ptr::new(text); let c = ptr.bump().unwrap(); let kind = next_token_inner(c, &mut ptr); let len = ptr.into_len(); Token { kind, len } } fn next_token_inner(c: char, ptr: &mut Ptr) -> SyntaxKind { // Note: r as in r" or r#" is part of a raw string literal, // b as in b' is part of a byte literal. // They are not identifiers, and are handled further down. let ident_start = is_ident_start(c) && !string_literal_start(c,, ptr.nnext()); if ident_start { return scan_ident(c, ptr); } if is_whitespace(c) { ptr.bump_while(is_whitespace); return WHITESPACE; } if is_dec_digit(c) { return scan_number(c, ptr); } ERROR } fn scan_ident(c: char, ptr: &mut Ptr) -> SyntaxKind { let is_single_letter = match { None => true, Some(c) if !is_ident_continue(c) => true, _ => false, }; if is_single_letter { return if c == '_' { UNDERSCORE } else { IDENT }; } ptr.bump_while(is_ident_continue); IDENT } fn scan_number(c: char, ptr: &mut Ptr) -> SyntaxKind { if c == '0' { match'\0') { 'b' | 'o' => { ptr.bump(); scan_digits(ptr, false); } 'x' => { ptr.bump(); scan_digits(ptr, true); } '0'...'9' | '_' | '.' | 'e' | 'E' => { scan_digits(ptr, true); } _ => return INT_NUMBER, } } else { scan_digits(ptr, false); } // might be a float, but don't be greedy if this is actually an // integer literal followed by field/method access or a range pattern // (`0..2` and ``) if ptr.next_is('.') && !(ptr.nnext_is('.') || ptr.nnext_is_p(is_ident_start)) { // might have stuff after the ., and if it does, it needs to start // with a number ptr.bump(); scan_digits(ptr, false); scan_float_exponent(ptr); return FLOAT_NUMBER; } // it might be a float if it has an exponent if ptr.next_is('e') || ptr.next_is('E') { scan_float_exponent(ptr); return FLOAT_NUMBER; } INT_NUMBER } fn scan_digits(ptr: &mut Ptr, allow_hex: bool) { while let Some(c) = { match c { '_' | '0'...'9' => { ptr.bump(); } 'a'...'f' | 'A' ... 'F' if allow_hex => { ptr.bump(); } _ => return } } } fn scan_float_exponent(ptr: &mut Ptr) { if ptr.next_is('e') || ptr.next_is('E') { ptr.bump(); if ptr.next_is('-') || ptr.next_is('+') { ptr.bump(); } scan_digits(ptr, false); } } fn string_literal_start(c: char, c1: Option, c2: Option) -> bool { match (c, c1, c2) { ('r', Some('"'), _) | ('r', Some('#'), _) | ('b', Some('"'), _) | ('b', Some('\''), _) | ('b', Some('r'), Some('"')) | ('b', Some('r'), Some('#')) => true, _ => false } }