# Functions Functions (like all other static declarations, such as `type`) can be declared both at the top level and inside other functions (or modules, which we'll come back to in moment). The `ret` keyword immediately returns from a function. It is optionally followed by an expression to return. In functions that return `()`, the returned expression can be left off. A function can also return a value by having its top level block produce an expression (by omitting the final semicolon). Some functions (such as the C function `exit`) never return normally. In Rust, these are annotated with return type `!`: fn dead_end() -> ! { fail; } This helps the compiler avoid spurious error messages. For example, the following code would be a type error if `dead_end` would be expected to return. let dir = if can_go_left() { left } else if can_go_right() { right } else { dead_end(); }; ## Closures Normal Rust functions (declared with `fn`) do not close over their environment. A `lambda` expression can be used to create a closure. fn make_plus_function(x: int) -> lambda(int) -> int { lambda(y: int) -> int { x + y } } let plus_two = make_plus_function(2); assert plus_two(3) == 5; A `lambda` function *copies* its environment (in this case, the binding for `x`). It can not mutate the closed-over bindings, and will not see changes made to these variables after the `lambda` was evaluated. `lambda`s can be put in data structures and passed around without limitation. The type of a closure is `lambda(args) -> type`, as opposed to `fn(args) -> type`. The `fn` type stands for 'bare' functions, with no closure attached. Keep this in mind when writing higher-order functions. A different form of closure is the block. Blocks are written like they are in Ruby: `{|x| x + y}`, the formal parameters between pipes, followed by the function body. They are stack-allocated and properly close over their environment (they see updates to closed over variables, for example). But blocks can only be used in a limited set of circumstances. They can be passed to other functions, but not stored in data structures or returned. fn map_int(f: block(int) -> int, vec: [int]) -> [int] { let result = []; for i in vec { result += [f(i)]; } ret result; } map_int({|x| x + 1 }, [1, 2, 3]); The type of blocks is spelled `block(args) -> type`. Both closures and bare functions are automatically convert to `block`s when appropriate. Most higher-order functions should take their function arguments as `block`s. A block with no arguments is written `{|| body(); }`—you can not leave off the pipes. ## Binding Partial application is done using the `bind` keyword in Rust. let daynum = bind std::vec::position(_, ["mo", "tu", "we", "do", "fr", "sa", "su"]); Binding a function produces a closure (`lambda` type) in which some of the arguments to the bound function have already been provided. `daynum` will be a function taking a single string argument, and returning the day of the week that string corresponds to (if any). ## Iteration Functions taking blocks provide a good way to define non-trivial iteration constructs. For example, this one iterates over a vector of integers backwards: fn for_rev(v: [int], act: block(int)) { let i = std::vec::len(v); while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; act(v[i]); } } To run such an iteration, you could do this: for_rev([1, 2, 3], {|n| log n; }); But Rust allows a more pleasant syntax for this situation, with the loop block moved out of the parenthesis and the final semicolon omitted: for_rev([1, 2, 3]) {|n| log n; }