# Usage rustc_codegen_cranelift can be used as a near-drop-in replacement for `cargo build` or `cargo run` for existing projects. Assuming `$cg_clif_dir` is the directory you cloned this repo into and you followed the instructions (`y.rs prepare` and `y.rs build` or `test.sh`). ## Cargo In the directory with your project (where you can do the usual `cargo build`), run: ```bash $ $cg_clif_dir/build/cargo build ``` This will build your project with rustc_codegen_cranelift instead of the usual LLVM backend. ## Rustc > You should prefer using the Cargo method. ```bash $ $cg_clif_dir/build/bin/cg_clif my_crate.rs ``` ## Jit mode In jit mode cg_clif will immediately execute your code without creating an executable file. > This requires all dependencies to be available as dynamic library. > The jit mode will probably need cargo integration to make this possible. ```bash $ $cg_clif_dir/build/cargo jit ``` or ```bash $ $cg_clif_dir/build/bin/cg_clif -Cllvm-args=mode=jit -Cprefer-dynamic my_crate.rs ``` There is also an experimental lazy jit mode. In this mode functions are only compiled once they are first called. It currently does not work with multi-threaded programs. When a not yet compiled function is called from another thread than the main thread, you will get an ICE. ```bash $ $cg_clif_dir/build/cargo lazy-jit ``` ## Shell These are a few functions that allow you to easily run rust code from the shell using cg_clif as jit. ```bash function jit_naked() { echo "$@" | $cg_clif_dir/build/bin/cg_clif - -Cllvm-args=mode=jit -Cprefer-dynamic } function jit() { jit_naked "fn main() { $@ }" } function jit_calc() { jit 'println!("0x{:x}", ' $@ ');'; } ```