Commit graph

5306 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Guillaume Gomez
Rollup merge of #89235 - yaahc:junit-formatting, r=kennytm
make junit output more consistent with default format

The default format of libtest includes new-lines between each section to ensure the label output from cargo is on it's own line

<pre><font color="#A1B56C"><b>❯</b></font> <font color="#A1B56C">cargo</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">test</font>
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>   Compiling</b></font> test-test v0.1.0 (/home/jlusby/tmp/test-test)
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>    Finished</b></font> test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.59s
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>     Running</b></font> unittests (target/debug/deps/test_test-639f369234319c09)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... <font color="#A1B56C">ok</font>

test result: <font color="#A1B56C">ok</font>. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

<font color="#A1B56C"><b>   Doc-tests</b></font> test-test

running 0 tests

test result: <font color="#A1B56C">ok</font>. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s


But when the junit outputter was added to libtest these newlines were omitted, resulting in some "fun" output when run via cargo.

Note the `Doc-tests` text at the end of the first line of xml.

<pre><font color="#A1B56C"><b>❯</b></font> <font color="#A1B56C">cargo</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">test</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">--</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">-Zunstable-options</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">--format</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">junit</font>
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>    Finished</b></font> test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>     Running</b></font> unittests (target/debug/deps/test_test-639f369234319c09)
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&lt;testsuites&gt;&lt;testsuite name=&quot;test&quot; package=&quot;test&quot; id=&quot;0&quot; errors=&quot;0&quot; failures=&quot;0&quot; tests=&quot;1&quot; skipped=&quot;0&quot; &gt;&lt;testcase classname=&quot;tests&quot; name=&quot;it_works&quot; time=&quot;0&quot;/&gt;&lt;system-out/&gt;&lt;system-err/&gt;&lt;/testsuite&gt;&lt;/testsuites&gt;<font color="#A1B56C"><b>   Doc-tests</b></font> test-test
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&lt;testsuites&gt;&lt;testsuite name=&quot;test&quot; package=&quot;test&quot; id=&quot;0&quot; errors=&quot;0&quot; failures=&quot;0&quot; tests=&quot;0&quot; skipped=&quot;0&quot; &gt;&lt;system-out/&gt;&lt;system-err/&gt;&lt;/testsuite&gt;&lt;/testsuites&gt;


After this PR the junit output includes the same style of newlines as the pretty format

<pre><font color="#A1B56C"><b>❯</b></font> <font color="#A1B56C">cargo</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">test</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">--</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">-Zunstable-options</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">--format</font><font color="#D8D8D8"> </font><font color="#A1B56C">junit</font>
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>   Compiling</b></font> test-test v0.1.0 (/home/jlusby/tmp/test-test)
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>    Finished</b></font> test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.39s
<font color="#A1B56C"><b>     Running</b></font> unittests (target/debug/deps/test_test-42c2320bb9450c69)

&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&lt;testsuites&gt;&lt;testsuite name=&quot;test&quot; package=&quot;test&quot; id=&quot;0&quot; errors=&quot;0&quot; failures=&quot;0&quot; tests=&quot;1&quot; skipped=&quot;0&quot; &gt;&lt;testcase classname=&quot;tests&quot; name=&quot;it_works&quot; time=&quot;0&quot;/&gt;&lt;system-out/&gt;&lt;system-err/&gt;&lt;/testsuite&gt;&lt;/testsuites&gt;

<font color="#A1B56C"><b>   Doc-tests</b></font> test-test

&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&lt;testsuites&gt;&lt;testsuite name=&quot;test&quot; package=&quot;test&quot; id=&quot;0&quot; errors=&quot;0&quot; failures=&quot;0&quot; tests=&quot;0&quot; skipped=&quot;0&quot; &gt;&lt;system-out/&gt;&lt;system-err/&gt;&lt;/testsuite&gt;&lt;/testsuites&gt;

2021-09-28 20:00:15 +02:00
1d71ba8623 Auto merge of #86191 - kawadakk:release-add-solid-support, r=nagisa,estebank,m-ou-se,
Add SOLID targets

This PR introduces new tier 3 targets for [SOLID]( embedded development platform by Kyoto Microcomputer Co., Ltd.

|          Target name           | `target_arch` | `target_vendor` | `target_os`  |
| `aarch64-kmc-solid_asp3`       | `aarch64`     | `kmc`           | `solid_asp3` |
| `armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabi`   | `arm`         | `kmc`           | `solid_asp3` |
| `armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabihf` | `arm`         | `kmc`           | `solid_asp3` |

## Related PRs

- [ ] `libc`:
- [ ] `cc`:

## Non-blocking Issues

- [ ] The target kernel can support `Thread::unpark` directly, but this property is not utilized because the underlying kernel feature is used to implement `Condvar` and it's unclear whether `std` should guarantee that parking tokens are not clobbered by other synchronization primitives.
- [ ] The rustc book: The page title "\*-kmc-solid-\*" shows up as "-kmc-solid-" in TOC

## Tier 3 Target Policy

As tier 3 targets, the new targets are required to adhere to [the tier 3 target policy]( requirements. This section quotes each requirement in entirety and describes how they are met.

> - A tier 3 target must have a designated developer or developers (the "target maintainers") on record to be CCed when issues arise regarding the target. (The mechanism to track and CC such developers may evolve over time.)

See [`src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support/`](

> - Targets must use naming consistent with any existing targets; for instance, a target for the same CPU or OS as an existing Rust target should use the same name for that CPU or OS. Targets should normally use the same names and naming conventions as used elsewhere in the broader ecosystem beyond Rust (such as in other toolchains), unless they have a very good reason to diverge. Changing the name of a target can be highly disruptive, especially once the target reaches a higher tier, so getting the name right is important even for a tier 3 target.
>     - Target names should not introduce undue confusion or ambiguity unless absolutely necessary to maintain ecosystem compatibility. For example, if the name of the target makes people extremely likely to form incorrect beliefs about what it targets, the name should be changed or augmented to disambiguate it.

The new target names follow this format: `$ARCH-$VENDOR-$OS-$ABI`, which is already adopted by most existing targets. `$ARCH` and `$ABI` follow the convention: `aarch64-*` for AArch64, `armv7a-*-eabi` for Armv7-A with EABI. `$OS` is used to distinguish multiple variations of the platform in a somewhat similar way to the Apple targets, though we are only adding one variation in this PR. `$VENDOR` denotes the platform vendor name similarly to the Apple, Solaris, SGX, and VxWorks targets.

`$OS` corresponds to the value of `target_os` and takes the format `solid-$KERNEL`. The inclusion of a hyphen prevents unique decomposition of target names, though the mapping between target names and target attributes isn't trivial in the first place, e.g., because of the Android targets.

More targets may be added later, as we support other base kernels (there are at least three at the point of writing) and are interested in supporting other processor architectures in the future.

> - Tier 3 targets may have unusual requirements to build or use, but must not create legal issues or impose onerous legal terms for the Rust project or for Rust developers or users.
>     - The target must not introduce license incompatibilities.
>     - Anything added to the Rust repository must be under the standard Rust license (`MIT OR Apache-2.0`).
>     - The target must not cause the Rust tools or libraries built for any other host (even when supporting cross-compilation to the target) to depend on any new dependency less permissive than the Rust licensing policy. This applies whether the dependency is a Rust crate that would require adding new license exceptions (as specified by the `tidy` tool in the rust-lang/rust repository), or whether the dependency is a native library or binary. In other words, the introduction of the target must not cause a user installing or running a version of Rust or the Rust tools to be subject to any new license requirements.
>     - If the target supports building host tools (such as `rustc` or `cargo`), those host tools must not depend on proprietary (non-FOSS) libraries, other than ordinary runtime libraries supplied by the platform and commonly used by other binaries built for the target. For instance, `rustc` built for the target may depend on a common proprietary C runtime library or console output library, but must not depend on a proprietary code generation library or code optimization library. Rust's license permits such combinations, but the Rust project has no interest in maintaining such combinations within the scope of Rust itself, even at tier 3.
>     - Targets should not require proprietary (non-FOSS) components to link a functional binary or library.
>     - "onerous" here is an intentionally subjective term. At a minimum, "onerous" legal/licensing terms include but are *not* limited to: non-disclosure requirements, non-compete requirements, contributor license agreements (CLAs) or equivalent, "non-commercial"/"research-only"/etc terms, requirements conditional on the employer or employment of any particular Rust developers, revocable terms, any requirements that create liability for the Rust project or its developers or users, or any requirements that adversely affect the livelihood or prospects of the Rust project or its developers or users.

We intend to make the contribution fully available under the standard Rust license with no additional legal restrictions whatsoever. This PR does not introduce any new dependency less permissive than the Rust license policy, and we are willing to ensure this doesn't happen for future contributions regarding the new targets.

The new targets don't support building host tools.

Although the new targets use a platform-provided C compiler toolchain, it can be substituted by [GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain]( for testing purposes.

> - Tier 3 targets should attempt to implement as much of the standard libraries as possible and appropriate (`core` for most targets, `alloc` for targets that can support dynamic memory allocation, `std` for targets with an operating system or equivalent layer of system-provided functionality), but may leave some code unimplemented (either unavailable or stubbed out as appropriate), whether because the target makes it impossible to implement or challenging to implement. The authors of pull requests are not obligated to avoid calling any portions of the standard library on the basis of a tier 3 target not implementing those portions.

Most features are implemented. The following features are not implemented due to the lack of native support:

- `fs::File::{file_attr, truncate, duplicate, set_permissions}`
- `fs::{symlink, link, canonicalize}`
- Process creation
- Command-line arguments

~~Networking is not implemented yet, and we intend to add it as soon as it's ready.~~
Edit (2021-07-07): Networking is now implemented.

Backtrace generation is not really a good fit for embedded targets, so it's intentionally left unimplemented. Unwinding is functional, however.

> - The target must provide documentation for the Rust community explaining how to build for the target, using cross-compilation if possible. If the target supports running tests (even if they do not pass), the documentation must explain how to run tests for the target, using emulation if possible or dedicated hardware if necessary.

See [`src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support/`]( Running tests is not supported.

> - Neither this policy nor any decisions made regarding targets shall create any binding agreement or estoppel by any party. If any member of an approving Rust team serves as one of the maintainers of a target, or has any legal or employment requirement (explicit or implicit) that might affect their decisions regarding a target, they must recuse themselves from any approval decisions regarding the target's tier status, though they may otherwise participate in discussions.
>     - This requirement does not prevent part or all of this policy from being cited in an explicit contract or work agreement (e.g. to implement or maintain support for a target). This requirement exists to ensure that a developer or team responsible for reviewing and approving a target does not face any legal threats or obligations that would prevent them from freely exercising their judgment in such approval, even if such judgment involves subjective matters or goes beyond the letter of these requirements.
> - Tier 3 targets must not impose burden on the authors of pull requests, or other developers in the community, to maintain the target. In particular, do not post comments (automated or manual) on a PR that derail or suggest a block on the PR based on a tier 3 target. Do not send automated messages or notifications (via any medium, including via ``@`)` to a PR author or others involved with a PR regarding a tier 3 target, unless they have opted into such messages.
>     - Backlinks such as those generated by the issue/PR tracker when linking to an issue or PR are not considered a violation of this policy, within reason. However, such messages (even on a separate repository) must not generate notifications to anyone involved with a PR who has not requested such notifications.
> - Patches adding or updating tier 3 targets must not break any existing tier 2 or tier 1 target, and must not knowingly break another tier 3 target without approval of either the compiler team or the maintainers of the other tier 3 target.
>     - In particular, this may come up when working on closely related targets, such as variations of the same architecture with different features. Avoid introducing unconditional uses of features that another variation of the target may not have; use conditional compilation or runtime detection, as appropriate, to let each target run code supported by that target.

We acknowledge these requirements and intend to ensure they are met.

There are no closely related targets at the moment.
2021-09-28 11:50:33 +00:00
Tomoaki Kawada
da9ca41c31 Add SOLID targets
SOLID[1] is an embedded development platform provided by Kyoto
Microcomputer Co., Ltd. This commit introduces a basic Tier 3 support
for SOLID.

# New Targets

The following targets are added:

 - `aarch64-kmc-solid_asp3`
 - `armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabi`
 - `armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabihf`

SOLID's target software system can be divided into two parts: an
RTOS kernel, which is responsible for threading and synchronization,
and Core Services, which provides filesystems, networking, and other
things. The RTOS kernel is a μITRON4.0[2][3]-derived kernel based on
the open-source TOPPERS RTOS kernels[4]. For uniprocessor systems
(more precisely, systems where only one processor core is allocated for
SOLID), this will be the TOPPERS/ASP3 kernel. As μITRON is
traditionally only specified at the source-code level, the ABI is
unique to each implementation, which is why `asp3` is included in the
target names.

More targets could be added later, as we support other base kernels
(there are at least three at the point of writing) and are interested
in supporting other processor architectures in the future.

# C Compiler

Although SOLID provides its own supported C/C++ build toolchain, GNU Arm
Embedded Toolchain seems to work for the purpose of building Rust.

# Unresolved Questions

A μITRON4 kernel can support `Thread::unpark` natively, but it's not
used by this commit's implementation because the underlying kernel
feature is also used to implement `Condvar`, and it's unclear whether
`std` should guarantee that parking tokens are not clobbered by other
synchronization primitives.

# Unsupported or Unimplemented Features

Most features are implemented. The following features are not
implemented due to the lack of native support:

- `fs::File::{file_attr, truncate, duplicate, set_permissions}`
- `fs::{symlink, link, canonicalize}`
- Process creation
- Command-line arguments

Backtrace generation is not really a good fit for embedded targets, so
it's intentionally left unimplemented. Unwinding is functional, however.

## Dynamic Linking

Dynamic linking is not supported. The target platform supports dynamic
linking, but enabling this in Rust causes several problems.

 - The linker invocation used to build the shared object of `std` is
   too long for the platform-provided linker to handle.

 - A linker script with specific requirements is required for the
   compiled shared object to be actually loadable.

As such, we decided to disable dynamic linking for now. Regardless, the
users can try to create shared objects by manually invoking the linker.

## Executable

Building an executable is not supported as the notion of "executable
files" isn't well-defined for these targets.

2021-09-28 11:31:47 +09:00
Jane Lusby
Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: kennytm <>
2021-09-27 14:50:35 -07:00
c81c3ea321 Auto merge of #89145 - rusticstuff:bump_stdarch, r=kennytm
Update stdarch submodule

This is mainly to fix the critical issue of aarch64 store intrinsics overwriting additional memory, see

* aarch64/armv7: additional vld1/vst1 intrinsics + perf fixes for existing ones
* armv7: Make FMA work with vfpv4 and optimize
* Non-visible changes to the testing framework
2021-09-27 02:11:52 +00:00
05044c2e6c Auto merge of #89144 - sexxi-goose:insig_stdlib, r=nikomatsakis
2229: Mark insignificant dtor in stdlib

I looked at all public [stdlib Drop implementations]( and categorized them into Insigificant/Maybe/Significant Drop.

Reasons are noted here:

One thing missing from this PR is tagging HashMap as insigificant destructor as that needs some discussion.

r? `@Mark-Simulacrum`

cc `@nikomatsakis`
2021-09-26 19:36:00 +00:00
Manish Goregaokar
Rollup merge of #89216 - r00ster91:bigo, r=dtolnay
Consistent big O notation

This makes the big O time complexity notation in places with markdown support more consistent.
Inspired by #89210
2021-09-25 18:22:20 -07:00
Manish Goregaokar
Rollup merge of #89010 - est31:intra_doc_links, r=m-ou-se
Add some intra doc links
2021-09-25 18:22:19 -07:00
Manish Goregaokar
Rollup merge of #88973 - lu-zero:std_detect-env_override, r=Amanieu
Expose the std_detect env_override feature
2021-09-25 18:22:18 -07:00
addb4da686 Auto merge of #88343 - steffahn:fix_code_spacing, r=jyn514
Fix spacing of links in inline code.

Similar to #80733, but the focus is different. This PR eliminates all occurrences of pieced-together inline code blocks like [`Box`]`<`[`Option`]`<T>>` and replaces them with good-looking ones (using HTML-syntax), like <code>[Box]<[Option]\<T>></code>. As far as I can tell, I should’ve found all of these in the standard library (regex search with `` r"`\]`|`\[`" ``) \[except for in `core::convert` where I’ve noticed other things in the docs that I want to fix in a separate PR]. In particular, unlike #80733, I’ve added almost no new instance of inline code that’s broken up into multiple links (or some link and some link-free part). I also added tooltips (the stuff in quotes for the markdown link listings) in places that caught my eye, but that’s by no means systematic, just opportunistic.

[Box]: "Box"
[`Box`]: "Box"
[Option]: "Option"
[`Option`]: "Option"

Context: I got annoyed by repeatedly running into new misformatted inline code while reading the standard library docs. I know that once issue #83997 (and/or related ones) are resolved, these changes become somewhat obsolete, but I fail to notice much progress on that end right now.

r? `@jyn514`
2021-09-25 20:08:11 +00:00
Luca Barbato
160b93903c Expose the std_detect env_override feature 2021-09-25 20:30:25 +02:00
Frank Steffahn
67065fe933 Apply 16 commits (squashed)

Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve link tooltips in alloc::fmt


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve link tooltips in alloc::{rc, sync}


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve link tooltips in alloc::string


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks in alloc::vec


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks in core::option


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve a few link tooltips in core::result


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks in core::{iter::{self, iterator}, stream::stream, poll}


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve a few link tooltips in std::{fs, path}


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks in std::{collections, time}


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks in and make formatting of `&str`-like types consistent in std::ffi::{c_str, os_str}


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve link tooltips in std::ffi


Fix spacing for links inside code blocks, and improve a few link tooltips
in std::{io::{self, buffered::{bufreader, bufwriter}, cursor, util}, net::{self, addr}}


Fix typo in link to `into` for `OsString` docs


Remove tooltips that will probably become redundant in the future


Apply suggestions from code review

Replacing `…std/primitive.reference.html` paths with just `reference`

Co-authored-by: Joshua Nelson <>


Also replace `…std/primitive.reference.html` paths with just `reference` in `core::pin`
2021-09-25 20:04:35 +02:00
e9f29a8519 Auto merge of #89030 - nbdd0121:box2, r=jonas-schievink
Introduce `Rvalue::ShallowInitBox`

Polished version of #88700.

Implements MCP rust-lang/compiler-team#460, and should allow #43596 to go forward.

In short, creating an empty box is split from a nullary-op `NullOp::Box` into two steps, first a call to `exchange_malloc`, then a `Rvalue::ShallowInitBox` which transmutes `*mut u8` to a shallow-initialized `Box<T>`. This allows the `exchange_malloc` call to unwind. Details can be found in the MCP.

`NullOp::Box` is not yet removed, purely to make reverting easier in case anything goes wrong as the result of this PR. If revert is needed a reversion of "Use Rvalue::ShallowInitBox for box expression" commit followed by a test bless should be sufficient.

Experiments in #88700 showed a very slight compile-time perf regression due to (supposedly) slightly more time spent in LLVM. We could omit unwind edge generation (in non-`oom=panic` case) in box expression MIR construction to restore perf; but I don't think it's necessary since runtime perf isn't affected and perf difference is rather small.
2021-09-25 11:01:13 +00:00
Gary Guo
511333fcc4 Use Rvalue::ShallowInitBox for box expression 2021-09-25 01:08:41 +01:00
Jane Lusby
7779eb74c8 make junit output more consistent with default format 2021-09-24 14:45:09 -07:00
Rollup merge of #89210 - Takashiidobe:master, r=kennytm
Add missing time complexities to

Most functions in LinkedList have time complexities in their description:
Like push front:

Adds an element first in the list.

This operation should compute in O(1) time.

Time complexities were missing for the following, so I've added them in this PR:

contains: O(n)
front: O(1)
front_mut: O(1)
back: O(1)
back_mut: O(1)
2021-09-24 11:40:15 -07:00
f06f9bbd3a Auto merge of #88999 - Migi:master, r=oli-obk
Make `Duration` respect `width` when formatting using `Debug`

When printing or writing a `std::time::Duration` using `Debug` formatting, it previously completely ignored any specified `width`. This is unlike types like integers and floats, which do pad to `width`, for both `Display` and `Debug`, though not all types consider `width` in their `Debug` output (see e.g. #30164). Curiously, `Duration`'s `Debug` formatting *did* consider `precision`.

This PR makes `Duration` pad to `width` just like integers and floats, so that
format!("|{:8?}|", Duration::from_millis(1234))
|1.234s  |

Before you ask "who formats `Debug` output?", note that `Duration` doesn't actually implement `Display`, so `Debug` is currently the only way to format `Duration`s. I think that's wrong, and `Duration` should get a `Display` implementation, but in the meantime there's no harm in making the `Debug` formatting respect `width` rather than ignore it.

I chose the default alignment to be left-aligned. The general rule Rust uses is: numeric types are right-aligned by default, non-numeric types left-aligned. It wasn't clear to me whether `Duration` is a numeric type or not. The fact that a formatted `Duration` can end with suffixes of variable length (`"s"`, `"ms"`, `"µs"`, etc.) made me lean towards left-alignment, but it would be trivial to change it.

Fixes issue #88059.
2021-09-24 15:22:26 +00:00
Takashi Idobe
unitalicize O(1) complexities 2021-09-24 08:33:49 -05:00
Takashi Idobe
Merge branch 'rust-lang:master' into master 2021-09-24 08:31:03 -05:00
956f87fb04 consistent big O notation 2021-09-24 12:44:28 +02:00
Rollup merge of #89184 - joshtriplett:master, r=estebank
Temporarily rename int_roundings functions to avoid conflicts

These functions are unstable, but because they're inherent they still
introduce conflicts with stable trait functions in crates. Temporarily
rename them to fix these conflicts, until we can resolve those conflicts
in a better way.
2021-09-23 17:31:46 -07:00
Rollup merge of #88612 - lovasoa:patch-1, r=m-ou-se
Add a better error message for #39364

There is a known bug in the implementation of mpsc channels in rust.
This adds a clearer error message when the bug occurs, so that developers don't lose too much time looking for the origin of the bug.
2021-09-23 17:31:41 -07:00
Takashi Idobe
remove trailing whitespace 2021-09-23 18:20:46 -05:00
Takashi Idobe
Add time complexities to 2021-09-23 17:58:02 -05:00
15d9ba0133 Auto merge of #88587 - bdbai:fix/uwpio, r=joshtriplett
Fix WinUWP std compilation errors due to I/O safety

I/O safety for Windows has landed in #87329. However, it does not cover UWP specific parts and prevents all UWP targets from building. See This PR fixes these compile errors when building std for UWP targets.
2021-09-23 06:18:07 +00:00
67365d64bc Auto merge of #89139 - camsteffen:write-perf, r=Mark-Simulacrum
Use ZST for fmt unsafety

as suggested here -
2021-09-23 02:10:26 +00:00
4e01157969 Reason safety for unsafe blocks for uwp stdin 2021-09-23 07:29:52 +08:00
Josh Triplett
3ece63b64e Temporarily rename int_roundings functions to avoid conflicts
These functions are unstable, but because they're inherent they still
introduce conflicts with stable trait functions in crates. Temporarily
rename them to fix these conflicts, until we can resolve those conflicts
in a better way.
2021-09-22 13:56:01 -07:00
Mara Bos
Update library/std/src/sync/mpsc/ 2021-09-22 20:20:33 +02:00
Rollup merge of #89036 - nbdd0121:alloc, r=yaahc
Fix missing `no_global_oom_handling` cfg-gating

Cfg-gate these trait impls that are neglected.

These functions compile now because they use `box` syntax which depends on `exchange_malloc` during codegen only; as a result they compiles with cfg `no_global_oom_handling` but shouldn't.

Discovered in #89030 because that PR makes `box` syntax depend on `exchange_malloc` lang item during MIR construction.
2021-09-22 19:03:20 +02:00
Aman Arora
994793faab PR fixup 2021-09-22 05:17:30 -04:00
Rollup merge of #89141 - mbartlett21:patch-2, r=kennytm
Impl `Error` for `FromSecsError` without foreign type

Using it through the crate-local path in `std` means that it shouldn't make an "Implementations on Foreign Types" section in the `std::error::Error` docs.
2021-09-21 22:54:07 +02:00
Rollup merge of #89114 - dequbed:c-char, r=yaahc
Fixes a technicality regarding the size of C's `char` type

Specifically, ISO/IEC 9899:2018 — better known as "C18" — (and at least
C11, C99 and C89) do not specify the size of `byte` in bits.
Section 3.6 defines "byte" as "addressable unit of data storage" while
section 6.2.5 ("Types") only defines "char" as "large enough to store
any member of the basic execution set" giving it a lower bound of 7 bit
(since there are 96 characters in the basic execution set).
With section paragraph 4 "When sizeof is applied to an operant
that has type char […] the result is 1" you could read this as the size
of `char` in bits being defined as exactly the same as the number of
bits in a byte but it's also valid to read that as an exception.

In general implementations take `char` as the smallest unit of
addressable memory, which for modern byte-addressed architectures is
overwhelmingly 8 bits to the point of this convention being completely
cemented into just about all of our software.

So is any of this actually relevant at all? I hope not. I sincerely hope
that this never, ever comes up.
But if for some reason a poor rustacean is having to interface with C
code running on a Cray X1 that in 2003 is still doing word-addressed
memory with 64-bit chars and they trust the docs here blindly it will
blow up in her face. And I'll be truly sorry for her to have to deal
with … all of that.
2021-09-21 22:54:04 +02:00
Rollup merge of #89086 - WaffleLapkin:stabilize_iter_map_while, r=kennytm
Stabilize `Iterator::map_while`

Per the FCP:

This PR stabilizes `Iterator::map_while` and `iter::MapWhile` in Rust 1.57.
2021-09-21 22:54:01 +02:00
Rollup merge of #89015 - klensy:escape-def, r=Mark-Simulacrum
core::ascii::escape_default: reduce struct size
2021-09-21 22:53:59 +02:00
Cameron Steffen
09b37d7433 Use ZST for fmt unsafety
This allows the format_args! macro to keep the pre-expansion code out of
the unsafe block without doing gymnastics with nested `match`
expressions. This reduces codegen.
2021-09-21 10:04:44 -05:00
Re-export FromSecsError from std 2021-09-21 21:18:57 +10:00
Hans Kratz
1afb5374d0 Update stdarch submodule
This mainly fixes the critical issue of aarch64 store intrinsics
overwriting additional memory, see

Other changes:
* aarch64/armv7: additional vld1/vst1 intrinsics + perf fixes for existing ones
* armv7: Make FMA work with vfpv4
* Non-visible changes to the testing framework
2021-09-21 11:24:08 +02:00
Aman Arora
099a34cd95 2229: Annotate stdlib with insignficant dtors 2021-09-21 04:06:00 -04:00
Impl Error for FromSecsError without foreign type
Using it through the crate-local path in `std` means that it shouldn't make an "Implementations on Foreign Types" section in the `std::error::Error` docs.
2021-09-21 18:02:18 +10:00
db1fb85cff Auto merge of #88321 - glaubitz:m68k-linux, r=wesleywiser
Add initial support for m68k

This patch series adds initial support for m68k making use of the new M68k
backend introduced with LLVM-13. Additional changes will be needed to be
able to actually use the backend for this target.
2021-09-20 07:21:05 +00:00
Nadja Reitzenstein
23c608f3a1 Fix a technicality regarding the size of C's char type
Specifically, ISO/IEC 9899:2018 — better known as "C18" — (and at least
C11, C99 and C89) do not specify the size of `byte` in bits.
Section 3.6 defines "byte" as "addressable unit of data storage" while
section 6.2.5 ("Types") only defines "char" as "large enough to store
any member of the basic execution set" giving it a lower bound of 7 bit
(since there are 96 characters in the basic execution set).
With section paragraph 4 "When sizeof is applied to an operant
that has type char […] the result is 1" you could read this as the size
of `char` in bits being defined as exactly the same as the number of
bits in a byte but it's also valid to read that as an exception.

In general implementations take `char` as the smallest unit of
addressable memory, which for modern byte-addressed architectures is
overwhelmingly 8 bits to the point of this convention being completely
cemented into just about all of our software.

So is any of this actually relevant at all? I hope not. I sincerely hope
that this never, ever comes up.
But if for some reason a poor rustacean is having to interface with C
code running on a Cray X1 that in 2003 is still doing word-addressed
memory with 64-bit words and they trust the docs here blindly it will
blow up in her face. And I'll be truly sorry for her to have to deal
with … all of that.
2021-09-20 08:19:13 +02:00
08a0307b32 Auto merge of #89089 - JohnTitor:rollup-6s6mccx, r=JohnTitor
Rollup of 10 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #87960 (Suggest replacing an inexisting field for an unmentioned field)
 - #88855 (Allow simd_shuffle to accept vectors of any length)
 - #88966 (Check for shadowing issues involving block labels)
 - #88996 (Fix linting when trailing macro expands to a trailing semi)
 - #89017 (fix potential race in AtomicU64 time monotonizer)
 - #89021 (Add a separate error for `dyn Trait` in `const fn`)
 - #89051 (Add intra-doc links and small changes to `std::os` to be more consistent)
 - #89053 (refactor: VecDeques IntoIter fields to private)
 - #89055 (Suggest better place to add call parentheses for method expressions wrapped in parentheses)
 - #89081 (Fix a typo)

Failed merges:

r? `@ghost`
`@rustbot` modify labels: rollup
2021-09-19 11:03:09 +00:00
Yuki Okushi
Rollup merge of #89081 - ondra05:patch-1, r=dtolnay
Fix a typo

Removed extra spaces in front of commas
2021-09-19 17:31:35 +09:00
Yuki Okushi
Rollup merge of #89053 - DeveloperC286:into_iter_fields_to_private, r=Mark-Simulacrum
refactor: VecDeques IntoIter fields to private

Made the fields of VecDeque's IntoIter private by creating a IntoIter::from(...) function to create a new instance of IntoIter and migrating usage to use IntoIter::from(...).
2021-09-19 17:31:34 +09:00
Yuki Okushi
Rollup merge of #89051 - schctl:master, r=jyn514
Add intra-doc links and small changes to `std::os` to be more consistent

I believe that a few items in `std::os` should be linked. I've also added a basic example in `std::os::windows`.
2021-09-19 17:31:33 +09:00
Yuki Okushi
Rollup merge of #89017 - the8472:fix-u64-time-monotonizer, r=kennytm
fix potential race in AtomicU64 time monotonizer

The AtomicU64-based monotonizer introduced in #83093 is incorrect because several threads could try to update the value concurrently and a thread which doesn't have the newest value among all the updates could win.

That bug probably has little real world impact since it doesn't make observed time worse than hardware clocks. The worst case would probably be a thread which has a clock that is behind by several cycles observing several inconsistent fixups, which should be similar to observing the unfiltered backslide in the first place.

New benchmarks, they don't look as good as the original PR but still an improvement compared to the mutex.
I don't know why the contended mutex case is faster now than in the previous benchmarks.

actually_monotonic() == true:
test time::tests::instant_contention_01_threads                   ... bench:          44 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_02_threads                   ... bench:          45 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_04_threads                   ... bench:          45 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_08_threads                   ... bench:          45 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_16_threads                   ... bench:          46 ns/iter (+/- 0)

atomic u64:
test time::tests::instant_contention_01_threads                   ... bench:          66 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_02_threads                   ... bench:         287 ns/iter (+/- 14)
test time::tests::instant_contention_04_threads                   ... bench:         296 ns/iter (+/- 43)
test time::tests::instant_contention_08_threads                   ... bench:         604 ns/iter (+/- 163)
test time::tests::instant_contention_16_threads                   ... bench:       1,147 ns/iter (+/- 29)

test time::tests::instant_contention_01_threads                   ... bench:          78 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test time::tests::instant_contention_02_threads                   ... bench:         652 ns/iter (+/- 275)
test time::tests::instant_contention_04_threads                   ... bench:         900 ns/iter (+/- 32)
test time::tests::instant_contention_08_threads                   ... bench:       1,927 ns/iter (+/- 62)
test time::tests::instant_contention_16_threads                   ... bench:       3,748 ns/iter (+/- 146)
2021-09-19 17:31:32 +09:00
7a3d1a5f3d Auto merge of #89031 - the8472:outline-once-cell-init-closure, r=Mark-Simulacrum
Don't inline OnceCell initialization closures

The more general variant of #89026, originally suggested in
2021-09-19 08:05:45 +00:00
Fix typo
Removed extra spaces in front of commas
2021-09-18 23:39:56 +02:00
cccd6e0e83 EscapeDefault: change range field to Range<u8>, reducing struct size 24 -> 6 bytes 2021-09-18 14:20:00 +03:00