Clone all data before before putting it in a test closure

Putting shared boxes into a closure then running that closure in parallel
tasks seems like a recipe for refcounting disaster.

This doesn't completely fix the problems when running in parallel, but I'm
working on it.
This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-07-25 23:11:10 -07:00
parent f110c20609
commit e37dd2646a

View file

@ -207,9 +207,39 @@ iter iter_header(&str testfile) -> str {
fn make_test_fn(&cx cx, &str testfile) -> test::test_fn {
auto testcx = rec(config = cx.config,
procsrv = procsrv::clone(cx.procsrv));
bind run_test(testcx, testfile)
// We're doing some ferociously unsafe nonsense here by creating a closure
// and letting the test runner spawn it into a task. To avoid having
// different tasks fighting over their refcounts and then the wrong task
// freeing a box we need to clone everything, and make sure our closure
// outlives all the tasks.
fn clonestr(&str s) -> str {
fn cloneoptstr(&option::t[str] s) -> option::t[str] {
alt s {
option::some(?s) { option::some(clonestr(s)) }
option::none { option::none }
auto configclone = rec(
compile_lib_path = clonestr(cx.config.compile_lib_path),
run_lib_path = clonestr(cx.config.run_lib_path),
rustc_path = clonestr(cx.config.rustc_path),
src_base = clonestr(cx.config.src_base),
build_base = clonestr(cx.config.build_base),
stage_id = clonestr(cx.config.stage_id),
mode = cx.config.mode,
run_ignored = cx.config.run_ignored,
filter = cloneoptstr(cx.config.filter),
runtool = cloneoptstr(cx.config.runtool),
rustcflags = cloneoptstr(cx.config.rustcflags),
verbose = cx.config.verbose);
auto cxclone = rec(config = configclone,
procsrv = procsrv::clone(cx.procsrv));
auto testfileclone = clonestr(testfile);
ret bind run_test(cxclone, testfileclone);
fn run_test(cx cx, str testfile) {