Update info about Eclipse Corrosion

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Mickael Istria 2021-03-18 16:22:54 +01:00
parent 3ab9b39dd4
commit c0425cbdbd

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@ -384,11 +384,9 @@ If the LSP binary is not available, GNOME Builder can install it when opening a
=== Eclipse IDE
Prerequisites: You have installed the <<rust-analyzer-language-server-binary,`rust-analyzer` binary>>.
Support for Rust development in the Eclipse IDE is provided by link:https://github.com/eclipse/corrosion[Eclipse Corrosion].
While it currently uses RLS as default, you can successfully configure it so the IDE will use `rust-analyzer` instead.
To do so, with an Eclipse IDE where Corrosion is installed, just go to __Window > Preferences > Rust__ and edit the __Path to Rust Language Server__ entry to reference the path to `rust-analyzer`.
If available in PATH or in some standard location, `rust-analyzer` is detected and powers edition of Rust files without further configuration.
If `rust-analyzer` is not detected, Corrosion will prompt you for configuration of your Rust toolchain and language server with a link to the __Window > Preferences > Rust__ preference page; from here a button allows to download and configure `rust-analyzer`, but you can also reference another installation.
You'll need to close and reopen all .rs and Cargo files, or to restart the IDE, for this change to take effect.
== Configuration