reference: Audit & Edit chapter 8.1 Types.

- Remove mention of unit type
- Update closure types and reference types sections
- Fix minor typos
This commit is contained in:
Ulrik Sverdrup 2015-04-23 22:41:21 +02:00
parent 69e47c77b2
commit b22ea2db9c

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@ -3383,17 +3383,10 @@ User-defined types have limited capabilities.
The primitive types are the following:
* The "unit" type `()`, having the single "unit" value `()` (occasionally called
"nil"). [^unittype]
* The boolean type `bool` with values `true` and `false`.
* The machine types.
* The machine-dependent integer and floating-point types.
[^unittype]: The "unit" value `()` is *not* a sentinel "null pointer" value for
reference variables; the "unit" type is the implicit return type from functions
otherwise lacking a return type, and can be used in other contexts (such as
message-sending or type-parametric code) as a zero-size type.]
#### Machine types
The machine types are the following:
@ -3434,7 +3427,7 @@ UTF-32 string.
A value of type `str` is a Unicode string, represented as an array of 8-bit
unsigned bytes holding a sequence of UTF-8 codepoints. Since `str` is of
unknown size, it is not a _first-class_ type, but can only be instantiated
through a pointer type, such as `&str` or `String`.
through a pointer type, such as `&str`.
### Tuple types
@ -3490,7 +3483,7 @@ to an array or slice is always bounds-checked.
A `struct` *type* is a heterogeneous product of other types, called the
*fields* of the type.[^structtype]
[^structtype]: `struct` types are analogous `struct` types in C,
[^structtype]: `struct` types are analogous to `struct` types in C,
the *record* types of the ML family,
or the *structure* types of the Lisp family.
@ -3504,7 +3497,7 @@ a corresponding struct *expression*; the resulting `struct` value will always
have the same memory layout.
The fields of a `struct` may be qualified by [visibility
modifiers](#re-exporting-and-visibility), to allow access to data in a
modifiers](#visibility-and-privacy), to allow access to data in a
structure outside a module.
A _tuple struct_ type is just like a structure type, except that the fields are
@ -3572,18 +3565,18 @@ varieties of pointer in Rust:
* References (`&`)
: These point to memory _owned by some other value_.
A reference type is written `&type` for some lifetime-variable `f`,
or just `&'a type` when you need an explicit lifetime.
A reference type is written `&type`,
or `&'a type` when you need to specify an explicit lifetime.
Copying a reference is a "shallow" operation:
it involves only copying the pointer itself.
Releasing a reference typically has no effect on the value it points to,
with the exception of temporary values, which are released when the last
reference to them is released.
Releasing a reference has no effect on the value it points to,
but a reference of a temporary value will keep it alive during the scope
of the reference itself.
* Raw pointers (`*`)
: Raw pointers are pointers without safety or liveness guarantees.
Raw pointers are written as `*const T` or `*mut T`,
for example `*const int` means a raw pointer to an integer.
for example `*const i32` means a raw pointer to a 32-bit integer.
Copying or dropping a raw pointer has no effect on the lifecycle of any
other value. Dereferencing a raw pointer or converting it to any other
pointer type is an [`unsafe` operation](#unsafe-functions).
@ -3616,38 +3609,26 @@ x = bo(5,7);
### Closure types
```{.ebnf .notation}
closure_type := [ 'unsafe' ] [ '<' lifetime-list '>' ] '|' arg-list '|'
[ ':' bound-list ] [ '->' type ]
lifetime-list := lifetime | lifetime ',' lifetime-list
arg-list := ident ':' type | ident ':' type ',' arg-list
bound-list := bound | bound '+' bound-list
bound := path | lifetime
A [lambda expression](#lambda-expressions) produces a closure value with
a unique, anonymous type that cannot be written out.
The type of a closure mapping an input of type `A` to an output of type `B` is
`|A| -> B`. A closure with no arguments or return values has type `||`.
Depending on the requirements of the closure, its type implements one or
more of the closure traits:
An example of creating and calling a closure:
* `FnOnce`
: The closure can be called once. A closure called as `FnOnce`
can move out values from its environment.
let captured_var = 10;
* `FnMut`
: The closure can be called multiple times as mutable. A closure called as
`FnMut` can mutate values from its environment. `FnMut` implies
let closure_no_args = || println!("captured_var={}", captured_var);
* `Fn`
: The closure can be called multiple times through a shared reference.
A closure called as `Fn` can neither move out from nor mutate values
from its environment. `Fn` implies `FnMut` and `FnOnce`.
let closure_args = |arg: i32| -> i32 {
println!("captured_var={}, arg={}", captured_var, arg);
arg // Note lack of semicolon after 'arg'
fn call_closure<F: Fn(), G: Fn(i32) -> i32>(c1: F, c2: G) {
call_closure(closure_no_args, closure_args);
### Object types
@ -3694,19 +3675,19 @@ Within the body of an item that has type parameter declarations, the names of
its type parameters are types:
fn map<A: Clone, B: Clone>(f: |A| -> B, xs: &[A]) -> Vec<B> {
fn to_vec<A: Clone>(xs: &[A]) -> Vec<A> {
if xs.is_empty() {
return vec![];
let first: B = f(xs[0].clone());
let mut rest: Vec<B> = map(f, xs.slice(1, xs.len()));
let first: A = xs[0].clone();
let mut rest: Vec<A> = to_vec(&xs[1..]);
rest.insert(0, first);
return rest;
Here, `first` has type `B`, referring to `map`'s `B` type parameter; and `rest`
has type `Vec<B>`, a vector type with element type `B`.
Here, `first` has type `A`, referring to `to_vec`'s `A` type parameter; and `rest`
has type `Vec<A>`, a vector with element type `A`.
### Self types