libsyntax comments only

This commit is contained in:
John Clements 2013-03-29 10:35:23 -07:00
parent 05bbaf9e9f
commit 9deb2f2dfa
2 changed files with 46 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -206,8 +206,12 @@ pub struct FileLines
lines: ~[uint]
// represents the origin of a file:
pub enum FileSubstr {
// indicates that this is a normal standalone file:
pub FssNone,
// indicates that this "file" is actually a substring
// of another file that appears earlier in the codemap
pub FssInternal(span),

View file

@ -705,6 +705,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
@Ty {id: self.get_id(), node: t, span: sp}
// parse the type following a @ or a ~
fn parse_box_or_uniq_pointee(
sigil: ast::Sigil,
@ -988,12 +989,8 @@ pub impl Parser {
.. copy *path }
/// parses 0 or 1 lifetime
fn parse_opt_lifetime(&self) -> Option<@ast::Lifetime> {
* Parses 0 or 1 lifetime.
match *self.token {
token::LIFETIME(*) => {
@ -1022,12 +1019,9 @@ pub impl Parser {
/// Parses a single lifetime
// matches lifetime = ( LIFETIME ) | ( IDENT / )
fn parse_lifetime(&self) -> ast::Lifetime {
* Parses a single lifetime.
match *self.token {
token::LIFETIME(i) => {
let span = copy self.span;
@ -1147,6 +1141,9 @@ pub impl Parser {
// at the bottom (top?) of the precedence hierarchy,
// parse things like parenthesized exprs,
// macros, return, etc.
fn parse_bottom_expr(&self) -> @expr {
@ -1350,6 +1347,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
return self.mk_expr(blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, expr_block(blk));
// parse a.b or a(13) or just a
fn parse_dot_or_call_expr(&self) -> @expr {
let b = self.parse_bottom_expr();
@ -1618,7 +1616,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
return spanned(lo, self.span.hi, m);
// parse a prefix-operator expr
fn parse_prefix_expr(&self) -> @expr {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let mut hi;
@ -2552,11 +2550,14 @@ pub impl Parser {
fn parse_block(&self) -> blk {
// disallow inner attrs:
let (attrs, blk) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block(false);
return blk;
// I claim the existence of the 'parse_attrs' flag strongly
// suggests a name-change or refactoring for this function.
fn parse_inner_attrs_and_block(&self, parse_attrs: bool)
-> (~[attribute], blk) {
@ -2597,6 +2598,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
self.parse_block_tail_(lo, s, ~[])
// parse the rest of a block expression or function body
fn parse_block_tail_(&self, lo: BytePos, s: blk_check_mode,
+first_item_attrs: ~[attribute]) -> blk {
let mut stmts = ~[];
@ -2793,6 +2795,10 @@ pub impl Parser {
ast::TyParam { ident: ident, id: self.get_id(), bounds: bounds }
// parse a set of optional generic type parameter declarations
// matches generics = ( ) | ( < > ) | ( < typaramseq ( , )? > ) | ( < lifetimes ( , )? > )
// | ( < lifetimes , typaramseq ( , )? > )
// where typaramseq = ( typaram ) | ( typaram , typaramseq )
fn parse_generics(&self) -> ast::Generics {
if {
let lifetimes = self.parse_lifetimes();
@ -2805,6 +2811,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// parse a generic use site
fn parse_generic_values(
&self) -> (OptVec<ast::Lifetime>, ~[@Ty])
@ -3095,6 +3102,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// parse trait Foo { ... }
fn parse_item_trait(&self) -> item_info {
let ident = self.parse_ident();
@ -3173,6 +3181,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
(ident, item_impl(generics, opt_trait, ty, meths), None)
// parse a::B<~str,int>
fn parse_trait_ref(&self) -> @trait_ref {
@ast::trait_ref {
path: self.parse_path_with_tps(false),
@ -3180,6 +3189,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// parse B + C<~str,int> + D
fn parse_trait_ref_list(&self, ket: &token::Token) -> ~[@trait_ref] {
@ -3188,6 +3198,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// parse struct Foo { ... }
fn parse_item_struct(&self) -> item_info {
let class_name = self.parse_ident();
@ -3437,6 +3448,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
(id, item_const(ty, e), None)
// parse a mod { ...} item
fn parse_item_mod(&self, outer_attrs: ~[ast::attribute]) -> item_info {
let id_span = *self.span;
let id = self.parse_ident();
@ -3693,7 +3705,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// extern mod { ... }
// extern mod foo { ... } or extern { ... }
if items_allowed && {
let abis = opt_abis.get_or_default(AbiSet::C());
@ -3728,6 +3740,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
(lo, id)
// parse type Foo = Bar;
fn parse_item_type(&self) -> item_info {
let (_, ident) = self.parse_type_decl();
@ -3738,6 +3751,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
(ident, item_ty(ty, tps), None)
// parse obsolete region parameter
fn parse_region_param(&self) {
if {
self.obsolete(*self.last_span, ObsoleteLifetimeNotation);
@ -3855,6 +3869,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
let generics = self.parse_generics();
// Newtype syntax
if *self.token == token::EQ {
// enum x = ty;
let ty = self.parse_ty(false);
@ -3879,6 +3894,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
// enum X { ... }
let enum_definition = self.parse_enum_def(&generics);
@ -3982,7 +3998,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
(self.is_keyword(&~"const") ||
(self.is_keyword(&~"static") &&
!self.token_is_keyword(&~"fn", &self.look_ahead(1)))) {
if self.is_keyword(&~"const") {
self.obsolete(*self.span, ObsoleteConstItem);
@ -3998,10 +4014,9 @@ pub impl Parser {
let item = self.parse_item_foreign_const(visibility, attrs);
return iovi_foreign_item(item);
if items_allowed &&
// FUNCTION ITEM (not sure about lookahead condition...)
self.is_keyword(&~"fn") &&
if items_allowed && self.is_keyword(&~"fn") &&
!self.fn_expr_lookahead(self.look_ahead(1u)) {
let (ident, item_, extra_attrs) =
self.parse_item_fn(impure_fn, AbiSet::Rust());
@ -4010,7 +4025,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
maybe_append(attrs, extra_attrs)));
if items_allowed && self.eat_keyword(&~"pure") {
// PURE FUNCTION ITEM (obsolete)
self.obsolete(*self.last_span, ObsoletePurity);
let (ident, item_, extra_attrs) =
@ -4188,6 +4203,12 @@ pub impl Parser {
return view_item_use(self.parse_view_paths());
// matches view_path : MOD? IDENT EQ non_global_path
// | MOD? non_global_path MOD_SEP LBRACE RBRACE
// | MOD? non_global_path MOD_SEP LBRACE ident_seq RBRACE
// | MOD? non_global_path MOD_SEP STAR
// | MOD? non_global_path
fn parse_view_path(&self) -> @view_path {
let lo = self.span.lo;
@ -4277,6 +4298,7 @@ pub impl Parser {
view_path_simple(last, path, namespace, self.get_id()));
// matches view_paths = view_path | view_path , view_paths
fn parse_view_paths(&self) -> ~[@view_path] {
let mut vp = ~[self.parse_view_path()];
while *self.token == token::COMMA {
@ -4326,6 +4348,9 @@ pub impl Parser {
// Parses a sequence of items. Stops when it finds program
// text that can't be parsed as an item
// - mod_items uses VIEW_ITEMS_AND_ITEMS_ALLOWED
// - block_tail_ uses IMPORTS_AND_ITEMS_ALLOWED
// - foreign_mod_items uses FOREIGN_ITEMS_ALLOWED
fn parse_items_and_view_items(&self, +first_item_attrs: ~[attribute],
mode: view_item_parse_mode,
macros_allowed: bool)