First pass of updating the in-memory layout of closures, for issue 81.

This commit is contained in:
Graydon Hoare 2010-08-25 14:42:28 -07:00
parent c2b6c27d65
commit 8e0f486ea6
3 changed files with 154 additions and 122 deletions

View file

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ let stk_field_valgrind_id = 0;;
let stk_field_limit = stk_field_valgrind_id + 1;;
let stk_field_data = stk_field_limit + 1;;
(* Both obj and fn are two-word "bindings": One word points to some
* static dispatch information (vtbl or thunk), and the other points to
* some bag of bound data (object-body or closure).
(* Both obj and fn are two-word "bindings": One word points to some static
* dispatch information (vtbl, thunk, callee), and the other points to some
* box of bound data (object-body or closure).
let binding_field_dispatch = 0;;
@ -59,11 +59,12 @@ let obj_field_box = binding_field_bound_data;;
let obj_body_elt_tydesc = 0;;
let obj_body_elt_fields = 1;;
let fn_field_thunk = binding_field_dispatch;;
let fn_field_closure = binding_field_bound_data;;
let closure_elt_rc = 0;;
let closure_elt_target = 1;;
let closure_elt_bound_args = 2;;
let fn_field_code = binding_field_dispatch;;
let fn_field_box = binding_field_bound_data;;
let closure_body_elt_tydesc = 0;;
let closure_body_elt_target = 1;;
let closure_body_elt_bound_args = 2;;
let tag_elt_discriminant = 0;;
let tag_elt_variant = 1;;

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type glue =
| GLUE_mark_frame of node_id (* Node is the frame. *)
| GLUE_drop_frame of node_id (* Node is the frame. *)
| GLUE_reloc_frame of node_id (* Node is the frame. *)
| GLUE_fn_binding of node_id (* Node is the 'bind' stmt. *)
| GLUE_fn_thunk of node_id (* Node is the 'bind' stmt. *)
| GLUE_obj_drop of node_id (* Node is the obj. *)
| GLUE_loop_body of node_id (* Node is the 'for each' body block. *)
| GLUE_forward of (Ast.ident * Ast.ty_obj * Ast.ty_obj)
@ -1878,21 +1878,64 @@ let tydesc_rty (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.referent_ty =
* [ rc [ tydesc* | obj-body ] ]
let obj_box_rty (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.referent_ty =
Il.StructTy [|
word_rty word_bits;
Il.StructTy [|
Il.ScalarTy (Il.AddrTy (tydesc_rty word_bits));
word_rty word_bits (* A lie: it's opaque, but this permits
* GEP'ing to it. *)
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let p t = Il.AddrTy t in
let sp t = s (p t) in
let r rtys = Il.StructTy rtys in
let rc = word_rty word_bits in
let tydesc = sp (tydesc_rty word_bits) in
(* This is a lie: it's opaque, but this permits GEP'ing to it. *)
let fields = word_rty word_bits in
r [| rc; r [| tydesc; fields |] |]
let rec referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
let obj_rty (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.referent_ty =
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let p t = Il.AddrTy t in
let sp t = s (p t) in
let r rtys = Il.StructTy rtys in
let obj_box_ptr = sp (obj_box_rty word_bits) in
let obj_vtbl_ptr = sp Il.OpaqueTy in
r [| obj_vtbl_ptr; obj_box_ptr |]
let rec closure_box_rty
(bs:Ast.slot array)
: Il.referent_ty =
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let p t = Il.AddrTy t in
let sp t = s (p t) in
let r rtys = Il.StructTy rtys in
let rc = word_rty word_bits in
let tydesc = sp (tydesc_rty word_bits) in
let targ = fn_rty word_bits in
let bound_args = r ( (slot_referent_type word_bits) bs) in
r [| rc; r [| tydesc; targ; bound_args |] |]
and fn_rty (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.referent_ty =
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let p t = Il.AddrTy t in
let sp t = s (p t) in
let r rtys = Il.StructTy rtys in
let word = word_rty word_bits in
let box_ptr = sp (Il.StructTy [| word; Il.OpaqueTy |]) in
let code_ptr = sp Il.CodeTy in
r [| code_ptr; box_ptr |]
and referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let v b = Il.ValTy b in
let p t = Il.AddrTy t in
@ -1902,7 +1945,6 @@ let rec referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
let word = word_rty word_bits in
let ptr = sp Il.OpaqueTy in
let rc_ptr = sp (Il.StructTy [| word; Il.OpaqueTy |]) in
let codeptr = sp Il.CodeTy in
let tup ttup = Il.StructTy ( (referent_type word_bits) ttup) in
let tag ttag =
let union =
@ -1943,13 +1985,8 @@ let rec referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
| Ast.TY_tup tt -> tup tt
| Ast.TY_rec tr -> tup ( snd tr)
| Ast.TY_fn _ ->
let fn_closure_ptr = sp (Il.StructTy [| word; Il.OpaqueTy |]) in
Il.StructTy [| codeptr; fn_closure_ptr |]
| Ast.TY_obj _ ->
let obj_box_ptr = sp (obj_box_rty word_bits) in
Il.StructTy [| ptr; obj_box_ptr |]
| Ast.TY_fn _ -> fn_rty word_bits
| Ast.TY_obj _ -> obj_rty word_bits
| Ast.TY_tag ttag -> tag ttag
| Ast.TY_iso tiso -> tag tiso.Ast.iso_group.(tiso.Ast.iso_index)
@ -2292,8 +2329,8 @@ let glue_str (cx:ctxt) (g:glue) : string =
* a statement; lookup bind target and encode bound arg
* tuple type.
| GLUE_fn_binding i
-> "glue$fn_binding$" ^ (string_of_int (int_of_node i))
| GLUE_fn_thunk i
-> "glue$fn_thunk$" ^ (string_of_int (int_of_node i))
| GLUE_obj_drop oid
-> (item_str cx oid) ^ ".drop"
| GLUE_loop_body i

View file

@ -1452,49 +1452,15 @@ let trans_visitor
emit_exit_task_glue fix g;
* Closure representation has 3 GEP-parts:
* ......
* . gc . gc control word, if mutable
* +----+
* | rc | refcount
* +----+
* +----+
* | tf | ----> pair of fn+binding that closure
* +----+ / targets
* | tb | --
* +----+
* +----+
* | b1 | bound arg1
* +----+
* . .
* . .
* . .
* +----+
* | bN | bound argN
* +----+
and closure_referent_type
(bs:Ast.slot array)
(* FIXME (issue #5): mutability flag *)
: Il.referent_ty =
let rc = Il.ScalarTy word_sty in
let targ = referent_type word_bits (mk_simple_ty_fn [||]) in
let bindings = (slot_referent_type word_bits) bs in
Il.StructTy [| rc; targ; Il.StructTy bindings |]
(* FIXME (issue #2): this should eventually use tail calling logic *)
and emit_fn_binding_glue
and emit_fn_thunk_glue
(arg_slots:Ast.slot array)
(arg_bound_flags:bool array)
: unit =
let extract_slots want_bound =
@ -1505,14 +1471,16 @@ let trans_visitor
let bound_slots = extract_slots true in
let unbound_slots = extract_slots false in
let (self_ty:Ast.ty) = mk_simple_ty_fn unbound_slots in
let (callee_ty:Ast.ty) = mk_simple_ty_fn arg_slots in
let self_closure_rty = closure_referent_type bound_slots in
(* FIXME (issue #81): binding type parameters doesn't work. *)
let self_box_rty = closure_box_rty word_bits bound_slots in
let self_args_rty =
call_args_referent_type cx 0 self_ty (Some self_closure_rty)
call_args_referent_type cx 0 self_ty (Some self_box_rty)
let callee_args_rty =
call_args_referent_type cx 0 callee_ty (Some Il.OpaqueTy)
@ -1522,18 +1490,26 @@ let trans_visitor
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill;
let all_self_args_cell = caller_args_cell self_args_rty in
let self_indirect_args_cell =
get_element_ptr all_self_args_cell Abi.calltup_elt_indirect_args
let closure_cell =
let box_cell =
deref (get_element_ptr self_indirect_args_cell
let closure_target_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.fn_field_closure
let closure_cell =
get_element_ptr box_cell Abi.box_rc_field_body
let closure_target_fn_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_target_cell Abi.fn_field_thunk
let closure_target_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_body_elt_target
let closure_target_code_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_target_cell Abi.fn_field_code
@ -1541,21 +1517,21 @@ let trans_visitor
arg_slots arg_bound_flags;
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "call through to closure target fn");
call_code (code_of_cell closure_target_fn_cell);
call_code (code_of_cell closure_target_code_cell);
trans_glue_frame_exit fix spill g
and get_fn_binding_glue
and get_fn_thunk_glue
(arg_slots:Ast.slot array)
(arg_bound_flags:bool array)
: fixup =
let g = GLUE_fn_binding bind_id in
let g = GLUE_fn_thunk bind_id in
match htab_search cx.ctxt_glue_code g with
Some code -> code.code_fixup
| None ->
let fix = new_fixup (glue_str cx g) in
emit_fn_binding_glue arg_slots arg_bound_flags fix g;
emit_fn_thunk_glue arg_slots arg_bound_flags fix g;
@ -2630,14 +2606,14 @@ let trans_visitor
Ast.TY_fn _ ->
note_drop_step ty "drop_ty: fn path";
let binding = get_element_ptr cell Abi.fn_field_closure in
let null_jmp = null_check binding in
let box = get_element_ptr cell Abi.fn_field_box in
let null_jmp = null_check box in
(* Drop non-null bindings. *)
(* FIXME (issue #58): this is completely wrong, Closures need to
* carry tydescs like objs. For now this only works by accident,
* and will leak closures with box substructure.
drop_ty ty_params binding (Ast.TY_box Ast.TY_int) curr_iso;
drop_ty ty_params box (Ast.TY_box Ast.TY_int) curr_iso;
patch null_jmp;
note_drop_step ty "drop_ty: done fn path";
@ -3389,7 +3365,7 @@ let trans_visitor
| (_, Ast.EXPR_atom (Ast.ATOM_lval src_lval)) ->
if lval_is_direct_fn cx src_lval then
trans_copy_direct_fn dst_cell src_lval
trans_init_direct_fn dst_cell src_lval
(* Possibly-large structure copying *)
let (src_cell, src_ty) = trans_lval src_lval in
@ -3400,21 +3376,22 @@ let trans_visitor
src_cell src_ty
and trans_copy_direct_fn
and trans_init_direct_fn
: unit =
let item = lval_item cx flv in
let fix = Hashtbl.find cx.ctxt_fn_fixups in
let dst_pair_item_cell =
get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_thunk
let dst_pair_code_cell =
get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_code
let dst_pair_binding_cell =
get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_closure
let dst_pair_box_cell =
get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_box
mov dst_pair_item_cell (reify_ptr (Il.ImmPtr (fix, Il.CodeTy)));
mov dst_pair_binding_cell zero
mov dst_pair_code_cell (reify_ptr (Il.ImmPtr (fix, Il.CodeTy)));
mov dst_pair_box_cell zero
and trans_init_structural_from_atoms
@ -3636,21 +3613,31 @@ let trans_visitor
(bound_args:Ast.atom array)
: unit =
let rc_cell = get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_elt_rc in
let targ_cell = get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_elt_target in
let args_cell = get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_elt_bound_args in
let rc_cell = get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.box_rc_field_refcnt in
let body_cell = get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.box_rc_field_body in
let targ_cell = get_element_ptr body_cell Abi.closure_body_elt_target in
let tydesc_cell = get_element_ptr body_cell Abi.closure_body_elt_tydesc in
let args_cell =
get_element_ptr body_cell Abi.closure_body_elt_bound_args
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "init closure refcount");
mov rc_cell one;
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "set closure tydesc ptr");
mov tydesc_cell
(Il.Cell (get_tydesc None
(Ast.TY_tup ( slot_ty bound_arg_slots))));
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "set closure target code ptr");
(get_element_ptr targ_cell Abi.fn_field_thunk)
(get_element_ptr targ_cell Abi.fn_field_code)
(reify_ptr target_fn_ptr);
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "set closure target closure ptr");
(get_element_ptr targ_cell Abi.fn_field_closure)
(get_element_ptr targ_cell Abi.fn_field_box)
(reify_ptr target_binding_ptr);
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "set closure bound args");
@ -3677,28 +3664,31 @@ let trans_visitor
let bound_arg_slots = arr_filter_some arg_slots in
let bound_args = arr_filter_some args in
let glue_fixup =
get_fn_binding_glue bind_id fn_sig.Ast.sig_input_slots arg_bound_flags
let thunk_fixup =
get_fn_thunk_glue bind_id fn_sig.Ast.sig_input_slots arg_bound_flags
let target_fn_ptr = callee_fn_ptr target_ptr cc in
let target_binding_ptr = callee_binding_ptr flv cc in
let closure_rty = closure_referent_type bound_arg_slots in
let closure_sz = force_sz (Il.referent_ty_size word_bits closure_rty) in
let fn_cell = get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_thunk in
let closure_cell =
let target_code_ptr = callee_code_ptr target_ptr cc in
let target_box_ptr = callee_box_ptr flv cc in
let closure_box_rty = closure_box_rty word_bits bound_arg_slots in
let closure_box_sz =
(Il.referent_ty_size word_bits closure_box_rty)
let pair_code_cell = get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_code in
let pair_box_cell =
(get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_closure)
(Il.ScalarTy (Il.AddrTy (closure_rty)))
(get_element_ptr dst_cell Abi.fn_field_box)
(Il.ScalarTy (Il.AddrTy (closure_box_rty)))
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "assign glue-code to fn slot of pair");
mov fn_cell (reify_ptr (Il.ImmPtr (glue_fixup, Il.CodeTy)));
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "assign thunk-ptr to code field of pair");
mov pair_code_cell (reify_ptr (Il.ImmPtr (thunk_fixup, Il.CodeTy)));
iflog (fun _ ->
annotate "heap-allocate closure to binding slot of pair");
trans_malloc closure_cell (imm closure_sz) zero;
trans_malloc pair_box_cell closure_box_sz zero;
(deref closure_cell)
(deref pair_box_cell)
@ -3947,12 +3937,16 @@ let trans_visitor
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "extract closure indirect-arg");
let closure_cell =
let closure_box_cell =
deref (get_element_ptr self_indirect_args_cell
let closure_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_box_cell Abi.box_rc_field_body
let closure_args_cell =
get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_elt_bound_args
get_element_ptr closure_cell Abi.closure_body_elt_bound_args
for arg_i = 0 to (n_args - 1) do
@ -3990,7 +3984,7 @@ let trans_visitor
and callee_fn_ptr
and callee_code_ptr
: Il.operand =
@ -3998,11 +3992,11 @@ let trans_visitor
| CALL_vtbl -> fptr
| CALL_indirect ->
(* fptr is a pair [fptr, binding*] *)
(* fptr is a pair [code*, box*] *)
let pair_cell = need_cell (reify_ptr fptr) in
Il.Cell (get_element_ptr pair_cell Abi.fn_field_thunk)
Il.Cell (get_element_ptr pair_cell Abi.fn_field_code)
and callee_binding_ptr
and callee_box_ptr
: Il.operand =
@ -4054,7 +4048,7 @@ let trans_visitor
match cc with
CALL_direct -> [| |]
| CALL_indirect -> [| callee_binding_ptr flv cc |]
| CALL_indirect -> [| callee_box_ptr flv cc |]
| CALL_vtbl ->
match flv with
@ -4062,7 +4056,7 @@ let trans_visitor
* if we add a 'self' value for self-dispatch within
* objs. Also to support forwarding-functions / 'as'.
Ast.LVAL_ext (base, _) -> [| callee_binding_ptr base cc |]
Ast.LVAL_ext (base, _) -> [| callee_box_ptr base cc |]
| _ ->
bug (lval_base_id flv)
"call_indirect_args on obj-fn without base obj"
@ -4074,7 +4068,7 @@ let trans_visitor
: unit =
let callee_fptr = callee_fn_ptr call.call_callee_ptr call.call_ctrl in
let callee_fptr = callee_code_ptr call.call_callee_ptr call.call_ctrl in
let callee_code = code_of_operand callee_fptr in
let callee_args_rty =
call_args_referent_type cx 0 call.call_callee_ty
@ -4106,7 +4100,7 @@ let trans_visitor
: Il.operand =
let callee_fptr = callee_fn_ptr call.call_callee_ptr call.call_ctrl in
let callee_fptr = callee_code_ptr call.call_callee_ptr call.call_ctrl in
iflog (fun _ -> annotate
(Printf.sprintf "copy args for call to %s" (logname ())));
copy_fn_args false initializing CLONE_none call;
@ -5011,7 +5005,7 @@ let trans_visitor
(Il.Cell (get_tydesc
(Some obj_id)
(Ast.TY_tup obj_fields_tup)));
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "copy ctor args to obj args");
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "copy ctor args to obj body fields");
frame_ty_params true
obj_fields frame_args obj_fields_tup;