Finish name collision testing.

And fix a the single screw-up in the source code it caught.
This commit is contained in:
Marijn Haverbeke 2011-05-19 21:46:51 +02:00
parent 31d65453d4
commit 8a7b544995
3 changed files with 139 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -470,7 +470,6 @@ fn parse_ty(&parser p) -> @ast::ty {
// FIXME: do something with this
let ast::layer lyr = parse_layer(p);
let ast::ty t;
if (eat_word(p, "bool")) { t = ast::ty_bool; }
else if (eat_word(p, "int")) { t = ast::ty_int; }
else if (eat_word(p, "uint")) { t = ast::ty_uint; }

View file

@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ fn lookup_in_block(&ident id, &ast::block_ b, namespace ns)
ret none[def];
fn found_def_item(@ast::item i, namespace ns) -> option::t[def] {
fn found_def_item(&@ast::item i, namespace ns) -> option::t[def] {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast::item_const(_, _, _, ?defid, _)) {
if (ns == ns_value) { ret some(ast::def_const(defid)); }
@ -928,20 +928,21 @@ fn lookup_external(&env e, int cnum, vec[ident] ids, namespace ns)
// Collision detection
fn check_for_collisions(&@env e, &ast::crate c) {
auto msp = mie_span;
// Module indices make checking those relatively simple -- just check each
// name for multiple entities in the same namespace.
for each (@tup(ast::def_num, @indexed_mod) m in e.mod_map.items()) {
for each (@tup(ident, list[mod_index_entry]) name in
m._1.index.items()) {
check_mod_name(*e, name._0, name._1);
auto v = rec(visit_item_pre = bind visit_item(e, _),
// Other scopes have to be checked the hard way.
auto v = rec(visit_item_pre = bind check_item(e, _),
visit_block_pre = bind check_block(e, _),
visit_arm_pre = bind check_arm(e, _)
with walk::default_visitor());
walk::walk_crate(v, c);
fn visit_item(@env e, &@ast::item i) {
fn check_mod_name(&env e, &ident name, &list[mod_index_entry] entries) {
@ -983,6 +984,129 @@ fn mie_span(&mod_index_entry mie) -> span {
fn check_item(@env e, &@ast::item i) {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast::item_fn(_, ?f, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
check_fn(*e, i.span, f);
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ty_params, ident_id, "type parameter");
case (ast::item_obj(_, ?ob, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
fn field_name(&ast::obj_field field) -> ident {
ret field.ident;
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ob.fields, field_name, "object field");
for (@ast::method m in ob.methods) {
check_fn(*e, m.span, m.node.meth);
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ty_params, ident_id, "type parameter");
case (ast::item_tag(_, _, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ty_params, ident_id, "type parameter");
case (_) {}
fn check_arm(@env e, &ast::arm a) {
fn walk_pat(checker ch, &@ast::pat p) {
alt (p.node) {
case (ast::pat_bind(?name, _, _)) {
add_name(ch, p.span, name);
case (ast::pat_tag(_, ?children, _)) {
for (@ast::pat child in children) {
walk_pat(ch, child);
case (_) {}
walk_pat(checker(*e, "binding"), a.pat);
fn check_block(@env e, &ast::block b) {
auto values = checker(*e, "value");
auto types = checker(*e, "type");
auto mods = checker(*e, "module");
for (@ast::stmt st in b.node.stmts) {
alt (st.node) {
case (ast::stmt_decl(?d,_)) {
alt (d.node) {
case (ast::decl_local(?loc)) {
add_name(values, d.span, loc.ident);
case (ast::decl_item(?it)) {
alt (it.node) {
case (ast::item_tag(?name, ?variants, _, _, _)) {
add_name(types, it.span, name);
for (ast::variant v in variants) {
add_name(values, v.span,;
case (ast::item_const(?name, _, _, _, _)) {
add_name(values, it.span, name);
case (ast::item_fn(?name, _, _, _, _)) {
add_name(values, it.span, name);
case (ast::item_mod(?name, _, _)) {
add_name(mods, it.span, name);
case (ast::item_native_mod(?name, _, _)) {
add_name(mods, it.span, name);
case (ast::item_ty(?name, _, _, _, _)) {
add_name(types, it.span, name);
case (ast::item_obj(?name, _, _, _, _)) {
add_name(types, it.span, name);
add_name(values, it.span, name);
case (_) { }
case (_) {}
fn check_fn(&env e, &span sp, &ast::_fn f) {
fn arg_name(&ast::arg a) -> ident {
ret a.ident;
ensure_unique(e, sp, f.decl.inputs, arg_name, "argument");
type checker = @rec(mutable vec[ident] seen,
str kind,
session sess);
fn checker(&env e, str kind) -> checker {
let vec[ident] seen = [];
ret @rec(mutable seen=seen, kind=kind, sess=e.sess);
fn add_name(&checker ch, &span sp, &ident id) {
for (ident s in ch.seen) {
if (str::eq(s, id)) {
ch.sess.span_err(sp, "duplicate " + ch.kind + " name: " + id);
vec::push(ch.seen, id);
fn ident_id(&ident i) -> ident { ret i; }
fn ensure_unique[T](&env e, &span sp, &vec[T] elts, fn (&T) -> ident id,
&str kind) {
auto ch = checker(e, kind);
for (T elt in elts) {
add_name(ch, sp, id(elt));
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern: duplicate value name: x
fn main() {
auto x = 10;
let int x = 20;