Codegen entry wrapper (fixes #13)

This commit is contained in:
bjorn3 2018-08-17 13:21:03 +02:00
parent 7a3ba963e1
commit 871be2a469
3 changed files with 147 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ extract_data libmini_core.rlib mini_core.o &&
$RUSTC examples/ --crate-type lib &&
SHOULD_RUN=1 $RUSTC examples/ --crate-type bin &&
# SimpleJIT is broken
#SHOULD_RUN=1 $RUSTC examples/ --crate-type bin &&
$RUSTC examples/ --crate-type bin &&
extract_data mini_core_hello_world mini_core_hello_world.o &&
@ -40,4 +41,4 @@ gcc target/out/mini_core.o target/out/mini_core_hello_world.o -o target/out/mini
$RUSTC target/libcore/src/libcore/ --color=always --crate-type lib -Cincremental=target/incremental 2>&1 | (head -n 20; echo "===="; tail -n 1000)
cat target/libcore/log.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep -v "rval unsize move" | grep -v "rval len"
cat target/out/log.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep -v "rval unsize move" | grep -v "rval len"

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#![feature(no_core, unboxed_closures, start, lang_items)]
extern crate mini_core;
@ -16,20 +15,37 @@ extern "C" {
fn puts(s: *const u8);
#[lang = "termination"]
trait Termination {
fn report(self) -> i32;
impl Termination for () {
fn report(self) -> i32 {
unsafe {
NUM = 6 * 7 + 1 + (1u8 == 1u8) as u8; // 44
*NUM_REF as i32
#[lang = "start"]
fn start<T: Termination + 'static>(
main: fn() -> T,
_argc: isize,
_argv: *const *const u8,
) -> isize {
main().report() as isize
static mut NUM: u8 = 6 * 7;
static NUM_REF: &'static u8 = unsafe { &NUM };
#[lang = "start"]
fn start(_main: *const u8, i: isize, _: *const *const u8) -> isize {
fn main() {
unsafe {
let (ptr, _): (*const u8, usize) = intrinsics::transmute("Hello!\0");
//panic(&("panic msg", "", 0, 43));
unsafe {
NUM = 6 * 7 + 1 + (1u8 == 1u8) as u8; // 44
*NUM_REF as isize

View file

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ pub struct CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx: 'a, B: Backend + 'static> {
pub struct ModuleTup<T> {
jit: Option<T>,
faerie: Option<T>,
@ -234,21 +235,27 @@ impl CodegenBackend for CraneliftCodegenBackend {
tcx.sess.warn("Compiled everything");
tcx.sess.warn("Rustc codegen cranelift will JIT run the executable, because the SHOULD_RUN env var is set");
let start_wrapper = tcx.lang_items().start_fn().expect("no start lang item");
let (name, sig) =
crate::abi::get_function_name_and_sig(tcx, Instance::mono(tcx, start_wrapper));
let called_func_id = jit_module
.declare_function(&name, Linkage::Import, &sig)
let sig = Signature {
params: vec![
AbiParam::new(types::I64 /*usize*/),
AbiParam::new(types::I64 /* *const _*/),
returns: vec![AbiParam::new(types::I64 /*isize*/)],
call_conv: CallConv::SystemV,
argument_bytes: None,
let main_func_id = jit_module
.declare_function("main", Linkage::Import, &sig)
let finalized_function: *const u8 = jit_module.finalize_function(called_func_id);
let finalized_main: *const u8 = jit_module.finalize_function(main_func_id);
tcx.sess.warn("Finalized everything");
let f: extern "C" fn(*const u8, isize, *const *const u8) -> isize =
unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_function) };
let res = f(0 as *const u8, 0, 0 as *const _);
let f: extern "C" fn(isize, *const *const u8) -> isize =
unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_main) };
let res = f(0, 0 as *const _);
tcx.sess.warn(&format!("main returned {}", res));
@ -379,6 +386,8 @@ fn codegen_mono_items<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
maybe_create_entry_wrapper(&mut cx);
cx.ccx.finalize(tcx, cx.module);
let after = ::std::time::Instant::now();
@ -396,3 +405,105 @@ fn save_incremental<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
pub fn __rustc_codegen_backend() -> Box<CodegenBackend> {
/// Create the `main` function which will initialize the rust runtime and call
/// users main function.
fn maybe_create_entry_wrapper(cx: &mut CodegenCx<impl Backend + 'static>) {
use rustc::middle::lang_items::StartFnLangItem;
use rustc::session::config::EntryFnType;
let tcx = cx.tcx;
let (main_def_id, use_start_lang_item) = match *tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow() {
Some((id, _, entry_ty)) => (
match entry_ty {
EntryFnType::Main => true,
EntryFnType::Start => false,
None => return,
create_entry_fn(tcx, cx.module, main_def_id, use_start_lang_item);;
fn create_entry_fn<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
m: &mut Module<impl Backend + 'static>,
rust_main_def_id: DefId,
use_start_lang_item: bool,
) {
let main_ret_ty = tcx.fn_sig(rust_main_def_id).output();
// Given that `main()` has no arguments,
// then its return type cannot have
// late-bound regions, since late-bound
// regions must appear in the argument
// listing.
let main_ret_ty = tcx.erase_regions(&main_ret_ty.no_late_bound_regions().unwrap());
let cmain_sig = Signature {
params: vec![
AbiParam::new(types::I64 /*usize*/),
AbiParam::new(types::I64 /* *const _*/),
returns: vec![AbiParam::new(types::I64 /*isize*/)],
call_conv: CallConv::SystemV,
argument_bytes: None,
let cmain_func_id = m
.declare_function("main", Linkage::Export, &cmain_sig)
let instance = Instance::mono(tcx, rust_main_def_id);
let (main_name, main_sig) = get_function_name_and_sig(tcx, instance);
let main_func_id = m
.declare_function(&main_name, Linkage::Import, &main_sig)
let mut ctx = Context::new();
ctx.func = Function::with_name_signature(ExternalName::user(0, 0), cmain_sig.clone());
let mut func_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
let mut bcx: FunctionBuilder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut ctx.func, &mut func_ctx);
let ebb = bcx.create_ebb();
let arg_argc = bcx.append_ebb_param(ebb, types::I64 /*usize*/);
let arg_argv = bcx.append_ebb_param(ebb, types::I64 /* *const _*/);
let main_func_ref = m.declare_func_in_func(main_func_id, &mut bcx.func);
let call_inst = if use_start_lang_item {
let start_def_id = tcx.require_lang_item(StartFnLangItem);
let start_instance = Instance::resolve(
let (start_name, start_sig) = get_function_name_and_sig(tcx, start_instance);
let start_func_id = m
.declare_function(&start_name, Linkage::Import, &start_sig)
let main_val = bcx.ins().func_addr(types::I64, main_func_ref);
let func_ref = m.declare_func_in_func(start_func_id, &mut bcx.func);
bcx.ins().call(func_ref, &[main_val, arg_argc, arg_argv])
} else {
// using user-defined start fn
bcx.ins().call(main_func_ref, &[arg_argc, arg_argv])
let result = bcx.inst_results(call_inst)[0];
m.define_function(cmain_func_id, &mut ctx).unwrap();