Overlap locals that never have storage live at the same time

...and are only included in a single variant.
This commit is contained in:
Tyler Mandry 2019-05-07 19:47:18 -07:00
parent f9f8bfabf0
commit 786875824c

View file

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ use std::ops::Bound;
use crate::hir;
use crate::ich::StableHashingContext;
use crate::mir::GeneratorSavedLocal;
use crate::ty::subst::Subst;
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec, Idx};
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher,
@ -612,34 +615,219 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LayoutCx<'tcx, TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>> {
ty::Generator(def_id, ref substs, _) => {
// FIXME(tmandry): For fields that are repeated in multiple
// variants in the GeneratorLayout, we need code to ensure that
// the offset of these fields never change. Right now this is
// not an issue since every variant has every field, but once we
// optimize this we have to be more careful.
// When laying out generators, we divide our saved local fields
// into two categories: overlap-eligible and overlap-ineligible.
// Those fields which are ineligible for overlap go in a
// "prefix" at the beginning of the layout, and always have
// space reserved for them.
// Overlap-eligible fields are only assigned to one variant, so
// we lay those fields out for each variant and put them right
// after the prefix.
// Finally, in the layout details, we point to the fields
// from the variants they are assigned to. It is possible for
// some fields to be included in multiple variants. No field
// ever "moves around" in the layout; its offset is always the
// same.
// Also included in the layout are the upvars and the
// discriminant. These are included as fields on the "outer"
// layout; they are not part of any variant.
let info = tcx.generator_layout(def_id);
let subst_field = |ty: Ty<'tcx>| { ty.subst(tcx, substs.substs) };
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum SavedLocalEligibility {
// FIXME: Use newtype_index so we aren't wasting bytes
use SavedLocalEligibility::*;
let mut assignments: IndexVec<GeneratorSavedLocal, SavedLocalEligibility> =
// The saved locals not eligible for overlap. These will get
// "promoted" to the prefix of our generator.
let mut eligible_locals = BitSet::new_filled(info.field_tys.len());
// Figure out which of our saved locals are fields in only
// one variant. The rest are deemed ineligible for overlap.
for (variant_index, fields) in info.variant_fields.iter_enumerated() {
for local in fields {
match assignments[*local] {
Unassigned => {
assignments[*local] = Assigned(variant_index);
Assigned(idx) => {
// We've already seen this local at another suspension
// point, so it is no longer a candidate.
trace!("removing local {:?} in >1 variant ({:?}, {:?})",
local, variant_index, idx);
assignments[*local] = Ineligible(None);
Ineligible(_) => {},
// Next, check every pair of eligible locals to see if they
// conflict.
for (local_a, conflicts_a) in info.storage_conflicts.iter_enumerated() {
if !eligible_locals.contains(local_a) {
for local_b in conflicts_a.iter() {
// local_a and local_b have overlapping storage, therefore they
// cannot overlap in the generator layout. The only way to guarantee
// this is if they are in the same variant, or one is ineligible
// (which means it is stored in every variant).
if !eligible_locals.contains(local_b) ||
assignments[local_a] == assignments[local_b]
// If they conflict, we will choose one to make ineligible.
let conflicts_b = &info.storage_conflicts[local_b];
let (remove, other) = if conflicts_a.count() > conflicts_b.count() {
(local_a, local_b)
} else {
(local_b, local_a)
assignments[remove] = Ineligible(None);
trace!("removing local {:?} due to conflict with {:?}", remove, other);
let mut ineligible_locals = BitSet::new_filled(info.field_tys.len());
// Write down the order of our locals that will be promoted to
// the prefix.
for (idx, local) in ineligible_locals.iter().enumerate() {
assignments[local] = Ineligible(Some(idx as u32));
debug!("generator saved local assignments: {:?}", assignments);
// Build a prefix layout, including "promoting" all ineligible
// locals as part of the prefix.
let discr_index = substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx).count();
let promoted_tys =
ineligible_locals.iter().map(|local| subst_field(info.field_tys[local]));
let prefix_tys = substs.prefix_tys(def_id, tcx)
let prefix = univariant_uninterned(
&prefix_tys.map(|ty| self.layout_of(ty)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
let (prefix_size, prefix_align) = (prefix.size, prefix.align);
// Split the prefix layout into the "outer" fields (upvars and
// discriminant) and the "promoted" fields. Promoted fields will
// get included in each variant that requested them in
// GeneratorLayout.
let renumber_indices = |mut index: Vec<u32>| -> Vec<u32> {
debug!("renumber_indices({:?})", index);
let mut inverse_index = (0..index.len() as u32).collect::<Vec<_>>();
inverse_index.sort_unstable_by_key(|i| index[*i as usize]);
for i in 0..index.len() {
index[inverse_index[i] as usize] = i as u32;
debug!("renumber_indices() => {:?}", index);
debug!("prefix = {:#?}", prefix);
let (outer_fields, promoted_offsets, promoted_memory_index) = match prefix.fields {
FieldPlacement::Arbitrary { offsets, memory_index } => {
let (offsets_a, offsets_b) =
offsets.split_at(discr_index + 1);
let (memory_index_a, memory_index_b) =
memory_index.split_at(discr_index + 1);
let outer_fields = FieldPlacement::Arbitrary {
offsets: offsets_a.to_vec(),
memory_index: renumber_indices(memory_index_a.to_vec())
_ => bug!(),
let mut size = prefix.size;
let mut align = prefix.align;
let variants_tys = substs.state_tys(def_id, tcx);
let variants = variants_tys.enumerate().map(|(i, variant_tys)| {
let mut variant = univariant_uninterned(
&variant_tys.map(|ty| self.layout_of(ty)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
StructKind::Prefixed(prefix.size, prefix.align.abi))?;
let variants = info.variant_fields.iter_enumerated().map(|(index, variant_fields)| {
// Only include overlap-eligible fields when we compute our variant layout.
let variant_only_tys = variant_fields.iter().flat_map(|local| {
let ty = info.field_tys[*local];
match assignments[*local] {
Unassigned => bug!(),
Assigned(v) if v == index => Some(subst_field(ty)),
Assigned(_) => bug!("assignment does not match variant"),
Ineligible(_) => None,
variant.variants = Variants::Single { index: VariantIdx::new(i) };
let mut variant = univariant_uninterned(
.map(|ty| self.layout_of(ty))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
StructKind::Prefixed(prefix_size, prefix_align.abi))?;
variant.variants = Variants::Single { index };
let (offsets, memory_index) = match variant.fields {
FieldPlacement::Arbitrary { offsets, memory_index } =>
(offsets, memory_index),
_ => bug!(),
// Now, stitch the promoted and variant-only fields back
// together in the order they are mentioned by our
// GeneratorLayout.
let mut next_variant_field = 0;
let mut combined_offsets = Vec::new();
let mut combined_memory_index = Vec::new();
for local in variant_fields.iter() {
match assignments[*local] {
Unassigned => bug!(),
Assigned(_) => {
// Shift memory indices by the number of
// promoted fields, which all come first. We
// may not use all promoted fields in our
// variant but that's okay; we'll renumber them
// below.
promoted_memory_index.len() as u32 +
next_variant_field += 1;
Ineligible(field_idx) => {
let field_idx = field_idx.unwrap() as usize;
variant.fields = FieldPlacement::Arbitrary {
offsets: combined_offsets,
memory_index: renumber_indices(combined_memory_index),
size = size.max(variant.size);
align = align.max(variant.align);
}).collect::<Result<IndexVec<VariantIdx, _>, _>>()?;
@ -661,7 +849,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LayoutCx<'tcx, TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>> {
fields: prefix.fields,
fields: outer_fields,