Generate code to load a crate's tests into the std test runner. Issue #428

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-07-09 18:36:19 -07:00
parent 09982784c6
commit 75047ea87e
2 changed files with 233 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ export modify_for_testing;
type node_id_gen = @fn() -> ast::node_id;
type test_ctxt = rec(node_id_gen next_node_id,
mutable ast::ident[] path,
mutable ast::ident[][] testfns);
type test_ctxt = @rec(node_id_gen next_node_id,
mutable ast::ident[] path,
mutable ast::ident[][] testfns);
// Traverse the crate, collecting all the test functions, eliding any
// existing main functions, and synthesizing a main test harness
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ fn modify_for_testing(@ast::crate crate) -> @ast::crate {
ret this_node_id;
} (next_node_id);
let test_ctxt cx = rec(next_node_id = next_node_id_fn,
mutable path = ~[],
mutable testfns = ~[]);
let test_ctxt cx = @rec(next_node_id = next_node_id_fn,
mutable path = ~[],
mutable testfns = ~[]);
auto precursor = rec(fold_crate = bind fold_crate(cx, _, _),
fold_item = bind fold_item(cx, _, _)
@ -55,51 +55,6 @@ fn fold_crate(&test_ctxt cx, &ast::crate_ c,
with folded);
fn add_test_module(&test_ctxt cx, &ast::_mod m) -> ast::_mod {
auto testmod = mk_test_module(cx);
ret rec(items=m.items + ~[testmod] with m);
fn mk_test_module(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto mainfn = mk_main(cx);
let ast::_mod testmod = rec(view_items=~[], items=~[mainfn]);
auto item_ = ast::item_mod(testmod);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "__test",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn mk_main(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto ret_ty = @rec(node=ast::ty_nil,
span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::fn_decl decl = rec(inputs = ~[],
output = ret_ty,
purity = ast::impure_fn,
cf = ast::return,
constraints = ~[]);
auto proto = ast::proto_fn;
let ast::block_ body_ = rec(stmts = ~[],
expr = option::none,
id = cx.next_node_id());
auto body = rec(node = body_, span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
auto fn_ = rec(decl = decl,
proto = proto,
body = body);
auto item_ = ast::item_fn(fn_, ~[]);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "main",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn fold_item(&test_ctxt cx, &@ast::item i,
fold::ast_fold fld) -> @ast::item {
@ -110,6 +65,7 @@ fn fold_item(&test_ctxt cx, &@ast::item i,
if (is_test_fn(i)) {
log "this is a test function";
cx.testfns += ~[cx.path];
log #fmt("have %u test functions", ivec::len(cx.testfns));
auto res = fold::noop_fold_item(i, fld);
@ -136,6 +92,231 @@ fn is_test_fn(&@ast::item i) -> bool {
ret has_test_attr && has_test_signature(i);
fn add_test_module(&test_ctxt cx, &ast::_mod m) -> ast::_mod {
auto testmod = mk_test_module(cx);
ret rec(items=m.items + ~[testmod] with m);
We're going to be building a module that looks more or less like:
mod __test {
fn main(vec[str] args) -> int {
std::test::test_main(args, tests())
fn tests() -> std::test::test_desc[] {
... the list of tests in the crate ...
fn mk_test_module(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
// A function that generates a vector of test descriptors to feed to the
// test runner
auto testsfn = mk_tests(cx);
// The synthesized main function which will call the console test runner
// with our list of tests
auto mainfn = mk_main(cx);
let ast::_mod testmod = rec(view_items=~[],
items=~[mainfn, testsfn]);
auto item_ = ast::item_mod(testmod);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "__test",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn nospan[T](&T t) -> ast::spanned[T] {
ret rec(node=t,
fn mk_tests(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto ret_ty = mk_test_desc_ivec_ty();
let ast::fn_decl decl = rec(inputs = ~[],
output = ret_ty,
purity = ast::impure_fn,
cf = ast::return,
constraints = ~[]);
auto proto = ast::proto_fn;
// The vector of test_descs for this crate
auto test_descs = mk_test_desc_vec(cx);
let ast::block_ body_= rec(stmts = ~[],
expr = option::some(test_descs),
id = cx.next_node_id());
auto body = nospan(body_);
auto fn_ = rec(decl = decl,
proto = proto,
body = body);
auto item_ = ast::item_fn(fn_, ~[]);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "tests",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn empty_fn_ty() -> ast::ty {
auto proto = ast::proto_fn;
auto input_ty = ~[];
auto ret_ty = @nospan(ast::ty_nil);
auto cf = ast::return;
auto constrs = ~[];
ret nospan(ast::ty_fn(proto, input_ty, ret_ty, cf, constrs));
// The ast::ty of std::test::test_desc
fn mk_test_desc_ivec_ty() -> @ast::ty {
// Oh this is brutal to build by hand
let ast::mt name_mt = rec(ty = @nospan(ast::ty_str),
mut = ast::imm);
let ast::mt fn_mt = rec(ty = @empty_fn_ty(),
mut = ast::imm);
let ast::ty_field_ name_ty_field_ = rec(ident = "name",
mt = name_mt);
let ast::ty_field_ fn_ty_field_ = rec(ident = "fn",
mt = fn_mt);
let ast::ty_field[] test_desc_fields = ~[nospan(name_ty_field_),
let ast::ty test_desc_ty = nospan(ast::ty_rec(test_desc_fields));
let ast::mt ivec_mt = rec(ty = @test_desc_ty,
mut = ast::imm);
ret @nospan(ast::ty_ivec(ivec_mt));
fn mk_test_desc_vec(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::expr {
log #fmt("building test vector from %u tests",
auto descs = ~[];
for (ast::ident[] testpath in cx.testfns) {
log #fmt("encoding %s", ast::path_name_i(testpath));
auto path = testpath;
descs += ~[mk_test_desc_rec(cx, path)];
ret @rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = ast::expr_vec(descs, ast::imm, ast::sk_unique),
span = rec(lo=0u,hi=0u));
fn mk_test_desc_rec(&test_ctxt cx, ast::ident[] path) -> @ast::expr {
let ast::lit name_lit = nospan(ast::lit_str(ast::path_name_i(path),
let ast::expr name_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = ast::expr_lit(@name_lit),
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::field name_field = nospan(rec(mut = ast::imm,
ident = "name",
expr = @name_expr));
let ast::path fn_path = nospan(rec(idents = path,
types = ~[]));
let ast::expr fn_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = ast::expr_path(fn_path),
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::field fn_field = nospan(rec(mut = ast::imm,
ident = "fn",
expr = @fn_expr));
let ast::expr_ desc_rec_ = ast::expr_rec(~[name_field, fn_field],
let ast::expr desc_rec = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = desc_rec_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @desc_rec;
fn mk_main(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto ret_ty = @rec(node=ast::ty_int,
span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::fn_decl decl = rec(inputs = ~[],
output = ret_ty,
purity = ast::impure_fn,
cf = ast::return,
constraints = ~[]);
auto proto = ast::proto_fn;
auto test_main_call_expr = mk_test_main_call(cx);
let ast::block_ body_ = rec(stmts = ~[],
expr = option::some(test_main_call_expr),
id = cx.next_node_id());
auto body = rec(node = body_, span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
auto fn_ = rec(decl = decl,
proto = proto,
body = body);
auto item_ = ast::item_fn(fn_, ~[]);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "main",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn mk_test_main_call(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::expr {
let ast::path test_path = nospan(rec(idents = ~["tests"],
types = ~[]));
let ast::expr_ test_path_expr_ = ast::expr_path(test_path);
let ast::expr test_path_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = test_path_expr_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::expr_ test_call_expr_ = ast::expr_call(@test_path_expr, ~[]);
let ast::expr test_call_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = test_call_expr_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::path test_main_path = nospan(rec(idents = ~["std",
types = ~[]));
let ast::expr_ test_main_path_expr_
= ast::expr_path(test_main_path);
let ast::expr test_main_path_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = test_main_path_expr_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::expr_ test_main_call_expr_
= ast::expr_call(@test_main_path_expr, ~[@test_call_expr]);
let ast::expr test_main_call_expr = rec(id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = test_main_call_expr_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @test_main_call_expr;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type test_desc = rec(test_name name,
// The default console test runner. It accepts the command line
// arguments and a vector of test_descs (generated at compile time).
fn test_main(&vec[str] args, &test_desc[] tests) -> int {
fn test_main(&test_desc[] tests) -> int {
if (run_tests(tests)) {
ret 0;
} else {