std: tightening up net::tcp, server/client test done, still has races..

.. going to rework the listen() API to be non-blocking.
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Olson 2012-05-09 15:07:54 -07:00 committed by Brian Anderson
parent a4127d3fc6
commit 733881d852
2 changed files with 327 additions and 224 deletions

View file

@ -3,12 +3,25 @@ High-level interface to libuv's TCP functionality
import ip = net_ip;
import comm::*;
import result::*;
import str::*;
// data
export tcp_socket, tcp_err_data;
export connect, write, read_start, read_stop, listen, accept;
// operations on a tcp_socket
export write, read_start, read_stop;
// tcp server stuff
export listen, accept;
// tcp client stuff
export connect;
// misc util
export is_responding;
Encapsulates an open TCP/IP connection through libuv
`tcp_socket` non-sendable and handles automatically closing the underlying libuv data structures when it goes out of scope.
resource tcp_socket(socket_data: @tcp_socket_data) unsafe {
let closed_po = comm::port::<()>();
@ -221,6 +234,7 @@ fn read_start(sock: tcp_socket)
let stream_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of((**sock).stream_handle);
let start_po = comm::port::<option<uv::ll::uv_err_data>>();
let start_ch = comm::chan(start_po);
log(debug, "in tcp::read_start before interact loop");
uv::hl::interact((**sock).hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
log(debug, #fmt("in tcp::read_start interact cb %?", loop_ptr));
alt uv::ll::read_start(stream_handle_ptr as *uv::ll::uv_stream_t,
@ -290,7 +304,19 @@ Bind to a given IP/port and listen for new connections
* `backlog` - a uint representing the number of incoming connections
to cache in memory
* `new_connect_cb` - a callback to be evaluated, on the libuv thread,
whenever a client attempts to conect on the provided ip/port
whenever a client attempts to conect on the provided ip/port. The
callback's arguments are:
* `new_conn` - an opaque type that can be passed to
`net::tcp::accept` in order to be converted to a `tcp_socket`.
* `kill_ch` - channel of type `comm::chan<option<tcp_err_data>>`. This
channel can be used to send a message to cause `listen` to begin
closing the underlying libuv data structures.
# Returns
A `result` instance containing empty data of type `()` on a successful
or normal shutdown, and a `tcp_err_data` record in the event of listen
exiting because of an error
fn listen(host_ip: ip::ip_addr, port: uint, backlog: uint,
new_connect_cb: fn~(tcp_new_connection,
@ -385,18 +411,49 @@ Bind an incoming client connection to a `net::tcp::tcp_socket`
# Notes
It is safe to call `net::tcp::accept` _only_ within the callback
provided as the final argument of the `net::tcp::listen` function.
It is safe to call `net::tcp::accept` _only_ within the context of the
`new_connect_cb` callback provided as the final argument to the
`net::tcp::listen` function.
The `new_conn` opaque value provided _only_ as the first argument to the
`new_connect_cb`. It can be safely sent to another task but it _must_ be
The `new_conn` opaque value is provided _only_ as the first argument to the
`new_connect_cb` provided as a part of `net::tcp::listen`.
It can be safely sent to another task but it _must_ be
used (via `net::tcp::accept`) before the `new_connect_cb` call it was
provided within returns.
provided to returns.
This means that a port/chan pair must be used to make sure that the
This implies that a port/chan pair must be used to make sure that the
`new_connect_cb` call blocks until an attempt to create a
`net::tcp::tcp_socket` is completed.
# Example
Here, the `new_conn` is used in conjunction with `accept` from within
a task spawned by the `new_connect_cb` passed into `listen`
net::tcp::listen(remote_ip, remote_port, backlog) {|new_conn, kill_ch|
let cont_po = comm::port::<option<tcp_err_data>>();
let cont_ch = comm::chan(cont_po);
task::spawn {||
let accept_result = net::tcp::accept(new_conn);
alt accept_result.is_failure() {
false { comm::send(cont_ch, result::get_err(accept_result)); }
true {
let sock = result::get(accept_result);
comm::send(cont_ch, true);
// do work here
alt comm::recv(cont_po) {
// shut down listen()
some(err_data) { comm::send(kill_chan, some(err_data)) }
// wait for next connection
none {}
# Arguments
* `new_conn` - an opaque value used to create a new `tcp_socket`
@ -418,8 +475,8 @@ fn accept(new_conn: tcp_new_connection)
new_tcp_conn(server_handle_ptr) {
let server_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(
server_handle_ptr) as *tcp_server_data;
let hl_loop = (*server_data_ptr).hl_loop;// FIXME
let reader_po = comm::port::<result::result<[u8], tcp_err_data>>();
let hl_loop = (*server_data_ptr).hl_loop;
let client_socket_data = @{
reader_po: reader_po,
reader_ch: comm::chan(reader_po),
@ -434,31 +491,42 @@ fn accept(new_conn: tcp_new_connection)
let result_po = comm::port::<option<tcp_err_data>>();
let result_ch = comm::chan(result_po);
uv::hl::interact(hl_loop) {|loop_ptr|
log(debug, "in interact cb for tcp::accept");
alt uv::ll::tcp_init(loop_ptr, client_stream_handle_ptr) {
// .. normally this happens within the context of
// a call to uv::hl::interact.. but we're breaking
// the rules here because this always has to be
// called within the context of a listen() new_connect_cb
// callback (or it will likely fail and drown your cat)
log(debug, "in interact cb for tcp::accept");
let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(
alt uv::ll::tcp_init(loop_ptr, client_stream_handle_ptr) {
0i32 {
log(debug, "uv_tcp_init successful for client stream");
alt uv::ll::accept(
server_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void,
client_stream_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void) {
0i32 {
log(debug, "uv_tcp_init successful for client stream");
alt uv::ll::accept(server_handle_ptr,
client_stream_handle_ptr) {
0i32 {
log(debug, "successfully accepted client connection");
comm::send(result_ch, none);
_ {
log(debug, "failed to accept client conn");
comm::send(result_ch, some(
log(debug, "successfully accepted client connection");
comm::send(result_ch, none);
_ {
log(debug, "failed to init client stream");
log(debug, "failed to accept client conn");
comm::send(result_ch, some(
_ {
log(debug, "failed to init client stream");
comm::send(result_ch, some(
alt comm::recv(result_po) {
some(err_data) {
@ -471,6 +539,52 @@ fn accept(new_conn: tcp_new_connection)
Attempt to open a TCP/IP connection on a remote host
The connection will (attempt to) be successfully established and then
disconnect immediately. It is useful to determine, simply, if a remote
host is responding, and that is all.
# Arguments
* `remote_ip` - an IP address (versions 4 or 6) for the remote host
* `remote_port` - a uint representing the port on the remote host to
connect to
* `timeout_msecs` - a timeout period, in miliseconds, to wait before
aborting the connection attempt
# Returns
A `bool` indicating success or failure. If a connection was established
to the remote host in the alloted timeout, `true` is returned. If the
host refused the connection, timed out or had some other error condition,
`false` is returned.
fn is_responding(remote_ip: ip::ip_addr, remote_port: uint,
timeout_msecs: uint) -> bool {
log(debug, "entering is_responding");
let connected_po = comm::port::<bool>();
let connected_ch = comm::chan(connected_po);
task::spawn {||
log(debug, "in is_responding nested task");
let connect_result = connect(remote_ip, remote_port);
let connect_succeeded = result::is_success(connect_result);
log(debug, #fmt("leaving is_responding nested task .. result %?",
comm::send(connected_ch, connect_succeeded);
log(debug, "exiting is_responding");
alt timer::recv_timeout(timeout_msecs, connected_po) {
some(connect_succeeded) {
log(debug, #fmt("connect succedded? %?", connect_succeeded));
connect_succeeded }
none {
log(debug, "is_responding timed out on waiting to connect");
false }
enum tcp_new_connection {
@ -553,16 +667,19 @@ impl of to_tcp_err_iface for uv::ll::uv_err_data {
crust fn on_tcp_read_cb(stream: *uv::ll::uv_stream_t,
nread: libc::ssize_t,
++buf: uv::ll::uv_buf_t) unsafe {
log(debug, "entering on_tcp_read_cb");
log(debug, #fmt("entering on_tcp_read_cb stream: %? nread: %?",
stream, nread));
let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(stream);
let socket_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(stream)
as *tcp_socket_data;
let reader_ch = (*socket_data_ptr).reader_ch;
alt nread {
// incoming err.. probably eof
-1 {
let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr);
comm::send(reader_ch, result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()));
let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr).to_tcp_err();
log(debug, #fmt("on_tcp_read_cb: incoming err.. name %? msg %?",
err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg));
let reader_ch = (*socket_data_ptr).reader_ch;
comm::send(reader_ch, result::err(err_data));
// do nothing .. unneeded buf
0 {}
@ -570,6 +687,7 @@ crust fn on_tcp_read_cb(stream: *uv::ll::uv_stream_t,
_ {
// we have data
log(debug, #fmt("tcp on_read_cb nread: %d", nread));
let reader_ch = (*socket_data_ptr).reader_ch;
let buf_base = uv::ll::get_base_from_buf(buf);
let buf_len = uv::ll::get_len_from_buf(buf);
let new_bytes = vec::unsafe::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len);
@ -702,221 +820,206 @@ fn ipv4_ip_addr_to_sockaddr_in(input_ip: ip::ip_addr,
mod test {
fn test_gl_tcp_ipv4_client() {
let ip_str = "";
let port = 80u;
let write_input = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
let read_output =
impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_client(ip_str, port, write_input);
log(debug, "DATA RECEIVED: "+read_output);
// FIXME don't run on fbsd or linux 32 bit(#2064)
mod tcp_ipv4_server_and_client_test {
mod impl64 {
fn test_gl_tcp_server_and_client_ipv4() unsafe {
mod impl32 {
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "linux"))]
fn test_gl_tcp_server_and_client_ipv4() unsafe {
fn test_gl_tcp_ipv4_server() {
fn impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server_and_client() {
let server_ip = "";
let server_port = 8888u;
let kill_str = "asdf";
let resp_str = "hw";
let expected_req = "ping";
let expected_resp = "pong";
let result_po = comm::port::<str>();
let result_ch = comm::chan(result_po);
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(4u)) {||
let inner_result_po = comm::port::<str>();
let inner_result_ch = comm::chan(inner_result_po);
impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server(server_ip, server_port,
kill_str, resp_str,
let result_str = comm::recv(inner_result_po);
comm::send(result_ch, result_str);
let output = comm::recv(result_po);
log(debug, #fmt("RECEIVED REQ %? FROM USER", output));
fn impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server(host_str: str, port: uint,
kill_str: str, resp_str: str,
output_ch: comm::chan<str>) {
let host_ip = ip::v4::parse_addr(host_str);
log(debug, "about to enter listen() call for test server");
listen(host_ip, port, 128u) {|new_conn, kill_ch|
// this is a callback that is going to be invoked on the
// loop's thread (can't be avoided).
let cont_po = comm::port::<()>();
let cont_ch = comm::chan(cont_po);
task::spawn {||
log(debug, "starting worker for incoming req");
// work loop
let accept_result = accept(new_conn);
if result::is_failure(accept_result) {
// accept failed..
log(debug,"accept in worker task failed");
// accept() succeeded, let the task that is
// listen()'ing know so it can continue and
// unblock libuv..
comm::send(cont_ch, ());
// our precious sock.. from here on out, things
// match the tcp request/client api, as they're
// both on tcp_sockets at this point..
let sock = result::unwrap(accept_result);
let req_bytes = single_read_bytes_from(sock);
let req_str = str::from_bytes(req_bytes);
if str::contains(req_str, kill_str) {
// our signal to shut down the tcp
// server was received. shut it down.
comm::send(kill_ch, none);
write_single_str(sock, resp_str);
comm::send(output_ch, req_str);
// work's complete, let socket close..
log(debug, "exiting worker");
let server_result_po = comm::port::<str>();
let server_result_ch = comm::chan(server_result_po);
// server
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {||
let actual_req = comm::listen {|server_ch|
log(debug, "exiting listen() block for test server");
// client
log(debug, "server started, firing up client..");
let actual_resp = comm::listen {|client_ch|
log(debug, "before client sleep");
log(debug, "after client sleep");
let actual_req = comm::recv(server_result_po);
log(debug, #fmt("REQ: expected: '%s' actual: '%s'",
expected_req, actual_req));
log(debug, #fmt("RESP: expected: '%s' actual: '%s'",
expected_resp, actual_resp));
assert str::contains(actual_req, expected_req);
assert str::contains(actual_resp, expected_resp);
fn impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_client(ip_str: str, port: uint,
write_input: str) -> str {
// pre-connection/input data
let host_ip = ip::v4::parse_addr(ip_str);
fn run_tcp_test_server(server_ip: str, server_port: uint, resp: str,
server_ch: comm::chan<str>) -> str {
// connect to remote host
let connect_result = connect(host_ip, port);
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {||
let server_ip_addr = ip::v4::parse_addr(server_ip);
let listen_result = listen(server_ip_addr, server_port, 128u)
// this callback is ran on the loop.
// .. should it go?
{|new_conn, kill_ch|
log(debug, "SERVER: new connection!");
comm::listen {|cont_ch|
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {||
log(debug, "SERVER: starting worker for new req");
let accept_result = accept(new_conn);
log(debug, "SERVER: after accept()");
if result::is_failure(accept_result) {
log(debug, "SERVER: error accept connection");
let err_data = result::get_err(accept_result);
comm::send(kill_ch, some(err_data));
"SERVER/WORKER: send on err cont ch");
else {
"SERVER/WORKER: send on cont ch");
let sock = result::unwrap(accept_result);
log(debug, "SERVER: successfully accepted"+
let received_req_bytes =
alt received_req_bytes {
result::ok(data) {
log(debug, "SERVER: before write");
tcp_write_single(sock, str::bytes(resp));
log(debug, "SERVER: after write.. die");
comm::send(kill_ch, none);
result::err(err_data) {
comm::send(kill_ch, some(err_data));
log(debug, "SERVER: worker spinning down");
log(debug, "SERVER: waiting to recv on cont_ch");
log(debug, "SERVER: recv'd on cont_ch..leaving listen cb");
// err check on listen_result
if result::is_failure(listen_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(listen_result);
log(debug, #fmt("SERVER: exited abnormally name %s msg %s",
err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg));
let ret_val = server_ch.recv();
log(debug, #fmt("SERVER: exited and got ret val: '%s'", ret_val));
fn run_tcp_test_client(server_ip: str, server_port: uint, resp: str,
client_ch: comm::chan<str>) -> str {
let server_ip_addr = ip::v4::parse_addr(server_ip);
log(debug, "CLIENT: starting..");
let connect_result = connect(server_ip_addr, server_port);
if result::is_failure(connect_result) {
log(debug, "CLIENT: failed to connect");
let err_data = result::get_err(connect_result);
log(debug, "tcp_connect_error received..");
log(debug, #fmt("tcp connect error: %? %?", err_data.err_name,
assert false;
log(debug, #fmt("CLIENT: connect err name: %s msg: %s",
err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg));
// this is our tcp_socket resource instance. It's dtor will
// clean-up/close the underlying TCP stream when the fn scope
// ends
let sock = result::unwrap(connect_result);
log(debug, "successful tcp connect");
// set up write data
let write_data = [str::as_bytes(write_input) {|str_bytes|
// write data to tcp socket
let write_result = write(sock, write_data);
if result::is_failure(write_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(write_result);
log(debug, "tcp_write_error received..");
log(debug, #fmt("tcp write error: %? %?", err_data.err_name,
assert false;
log(debug, "tcp::write successful");
// set up read data
let mut total_read_data: [u8] = [];
let read_start_result = read_start(sock);
if result::is_failure(read_start_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_start_result);
log(debug, "tcp read_start err received..");
log(debug, #fmt("read_start error: %? %?", err_data.err_name,
assert false;
let reader_po = result::get(read_start_result);
loop {
let read_data_result = comm::recv(reader_po);
if result::is_failure(read_data_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_data_result);
log(debug, "read error data recv'd");
log(debug, #fmt("read error: %? %?",
assert false;
else {
let sock = result::unwrap(connect_result);
let resp_bytes = str::bytes(resp);
tcp_write_single(sock, resp_bytes);
let read_result = tcp_read_single(sock);
if read_result.is_failure() {
log(debug, "CLIENT: failure to read");
let new_data = result::unwrap(read_data_result);
total_read_data += new_data;
// theoretically, we could keep iterating, if
// we expect the server on the other end to keep
// streaming/chunking data to us, but..
let read_stop_result = read_stop(sock);
if result::is_failure(read_stop_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_stop_result);
log(debug, "error while calling read_stop");
log(debug, #fmt("read_stop error: %? %?",
assert false;
else {
let ret_val = client_ch.recv();
log(debug, #fmt("CLIENT: after client_ch recv ret: '%s'",
fn single_read_bytes_from(sock: tcp_socket) -> [u8] {
let mut total_read_data: [u8] = [];
let read_start_result = read_start(sock);
if result::is_failure(read_start_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_start_result);
log(debug, "srbf tcp read_start err received..");
log(debug, #fmt("srbf read_start error: %? %?",
assert false;
fn tcp_read_single(sock: tcp_socket)
-> result::result<[u8],tcp_err_data> {
log(debug, "starting tcp_read_single");
let rs_result = read_start(sock);
if result::is_failure(rs_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(rs_result);
let reader_po = result::get(read_start_result);
let read_data_result = comm::recv(reader_po);
if result::is_failure(read_data_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_data_result);
log(debug, "srbf read error data recv'd");
log(debug, #fmt("srbf read error: %? %?",
assert false;
else {
log(debug, "before recv_timeout");
let read_result = timer::recv_timeout(
2000u, result::get(rs_result));
log(debug, "after recv_timeout");
alt read_result {
none {
log(debug, "tcp_read_single: timed out..");
let err_data = {
err_name: "TIMEOUT",
err_msg: "req timed out"
some(data_result) {
log(debug, "tcp_read_single: got data");
let new_data = result::unwrap(read_data_result);
total_read_data += new_data;
// theoretically, we could keep iterating, if
// we expect the server on the other end to keep
// streaming/chunking data to us, but..
let read_stop_result = read_stop(sock);
if result::is_failure(read_stop_result) {
let err_data = result::get_err(read_stop_result);
log(debug, "srbf error while calling read_stop");
log(debug, #fmt("srbf read_stop error: %? %?",
assert false;
fn write_single_str(sock: tcp_socket, write_input: str) {
// set up write data
let write_data = [str::as_bytes(write_input) {|str_bytes|
// write data to tcp socket
let write_result = write(sock, write_data);
fn tcp_write_single(sock: tcp_socket, val: [u8]) {
let write_result = write(sock, [val]);
if result::is_failure(write_result) {
log(debug, "tcp_write_single: write failed!");
let err_data = result::get_err(write_result);
log(debug, "wss tcp_write_error received..");
log(debug, #fmt("wss tcp write error: %? %?",
assert false;
log(debug, #fmt("tcp_write_single err name: %s msg: %s",
err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg));
// meh. torn on what to do here.
fail "tcp_write_single failed";
log(debug, "wss tcp::write successful");

View file

@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ mod test {
assert str::contains(msg_from_server, server_resp_msg);
// don't run this test on fbsd or 32bit linux
// FIXME don't run on fbsd or linux 32 bit(#2064)