Cargo: Added experimental dependency support (solves from crate files)

This commit is contained in:
Zack Corr 2012-06-07 20:33:04 +10:00
parent 9187406da5
commit 67e62b388c

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
// - Rust package manager
import syntax::{ast, codemap};
import syntax::parse;
import syntax::{ast, codemap, parse, visit, attr};
import syntax::diagnostic::span_handler;
import codemap::span;
import rustc::metadata::filesearch::{get_cargo_root, get_cargo_root_nearest,
get_cargo_sysroot, libdir};
import syntax::diagnostic;
@ -22,7 +23,15 @@ type package = {
mut method: str,
mut description: str,
mut ref: option<str>,
mut tags: [str]
mut tags: [str],
mut versions: [(str, str)]
type local_package = {
mut name: str,
mut metaname: str,
mut version: str,
mut files: [str]
type source = {
@ -43,16 +52,19 @@ type cargo = {
workdir: str,
sourcedir: str,
sources: map::hashmap<str, source>,
mut current_install: str,
dep_cache: map::hashmap<str, bool>,
opts: options
type pkg = {
type crate = {
mut name: str,
mut vers: str,
mut uuid: str,
mut desc: option<str>,
mut sigs: option<str>,
mut crate_type: option<str>
mut crate_type: option<str>,
mut deps: [str]
type options = {
@ -160,8 +172,17 @@ fn test_is_uuid() {
fn has_archive_extension(p: str) -> bool {
str::ends_with(p, ".tar") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.gz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.bz2") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.Z") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.lz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.xz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tar.bz2")
str::ends_with(p, ".tgz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tbz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tbz2") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tb2") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".taz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".tlz") ||
str::ends_with(p, ".txz")
fn is_archive_path(u: str) -> bool {
@ -186,7 +207,9 @@ fn is_git_url(url: str) -> bool {
fn assume_source_method(url: str) -> str {
if is_git_url(url) { ret "git"; }
if is_git_url(url) {
ret "git";
if str::starts_with(url, "file://") || os::path_exists(url) {
ret "file";
@ -216,7 +239,7 @@ fn load_link(mis: [@ast::meta_item]) -> (option<str>,
(name, vers, uuid)
fn load_pkg(filename: str) -> option<pkg> {
fn load_crate(filename: str) -> option<crate> {
let cm = codemap::new_codemap();
let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(none);
let sess = @{
@ -253,10 +276,77 @@ fn load_pkg(filename: str) -> option<pkg> {
uuid = u;
_ { fail "load_pkg: pkg attributes may not contain meta_words"; }
_ {
fail "crate attributes may not contain " +
type env = @{
mut deps: [str]
fn goto_view_item(e: env, i: @ast::view_item) {
alt i.node {
ast::view_item_use(ident, metas, id) {
let name_items = attr::find_meta_items_by_name(metas, "name");
let m = if name_items.is_empty() {
metas + [attr::mk_name_value_item_str("name", ident)]
} else {
let mut attr_name = ident;
let mut attr_vers = "";
let mut attr_from = "";
for m.each { |item|
alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str(item) {
some(value) {
let name = attr::get_meta_item_name(item);
alt name {
"vers" { attr_vers = value; }
"from" { attr_from = value; }
_ {}
none {}
let query = if !str::is_empty(attr_from) {
} else {
if !str::is_empty(attr_vers) {
attr_name + "@" + attr_vers
} else { attr_name }
alt attr_name {
"std" | "core" { }
_ { e.deps += [query]; }
_ { }
fn goto_item(_e: env, _i: @ast::item) {
let e = @{
mut deps: []
let v = visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{
visit_view_item: bind goto_view_item(e, _),
visit_item: bind goto_item(e, _),
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()
visit::visit_crate(*c, (), v);
let deps = copy e.deps;
alt (name, vers, uuid) {
(some(name0), some(vers0), some(uuid0)) {
@ -265,7 +355,8 @@ fn load_pkg(filename: str) -> option<pkg> {
mut uuid: uuid0,
mut desc: desc,
mut sigs: sigs,
mut crate_type: crate_type})
mut crate_type: crate_type,
mut deps: deps })
_ { ret none; }
@ -444,7 +535,8 @@ fn load_one_source_package(&src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
mut method: method,
mut description: description,
mut ref: ref,
mut tags: tags
mut tags: tags,
mut versions: []
for src.packages.each { |pkg|
@ -456,6 +548,7 @@ fn load_one_source_package(&src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
pkg.description = newpkg.description;
pkg.ref = newpkg.ref;
pkg.tags = newpkg.tags;
pkg.versions = newpkg.versions;
log(debug, " updated package: " + + "/" + name);
@ -565,6 +658,8 @@ fn configure(opts: options) -> cargo {
try_parse_sources(path::connect(home, "sources.json"), sources);
try_parse_sources(path::connect(home, "local-sources.json"), sources);
let dep_cache = map::str_hash::<bool>();
let mut c = {
pgp: pgp::supported(),
root: home,
@ -574,6 +669,8 @@ fn configure(opts: options) -> cargo {
workdir: path::connect(home, "work"),
sourcedir: path::connect(home, "sources"),
sources: sources,
mut current_install: "",
dep_cache: dep_cache,
opts: opts
@ -701,10 +798,23 @@ fn install_source(&c: cargo, path: str) {
for cratefiles.each {|cf|
let p = load_pkg(cf);
alt p {
alt load_crate(cf) {
none { cont; }
some(_) {
some(crate) {
for crate.deps.each { |query|
// TODO: handle cyclic dependencies
let wd_base = c.workdir + path::path_sep();
let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(wd_base, "") {
some(_wd) { _wd }
none { fail #fmt("needed temp dir: %s", wd_base); }
install_query(c, wd, query);
if c.opts.test {
test_one_crate(c, path, cf);
@ -916,28 +1026,17 @@ fn cmd_uninstall(&c: cargo) {
fn cmd_install(&c: cargo) unsafe {
let wd_base = c.workdir + path::path_sep();
let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(wd_base, "") {
some(_wd) { _wd }
none { fail #fmt("needed temp dir: %s", wd_base); }
if vec::len( == 2u {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let status = run::run_program("cp", ["-R", cwd, wd]);
if status != 0 {
fail #fmt("could not copy directory: %s", cwd);
fn install_query(&c: cargo, wd: str, target: str) {
alt c.dep_cache.find(target) {
some(_inst) {
if _inst {
install_source(c, wd);
none {}
let target =[2];
c.dep_cache.insert(target, true);
if is_archive_path(target) {
install_file(c, wd, target);
@ -948,7 +1047,7 @@ fn cmd_install(&c: cargo) unsafe {
} else {
install_git(c, wd, target, ref)
install_git(c, wd, target, ref);
} else if !valid_pkg_name(target) && has_archive_extension(target) {
install_curl(c, wd, target);
@ -974,14 +1073,50 @@ fn cmd_install(&c: cargo) unsafe {
// FIXME: This whole dep_cache and current_install
// thing is a bit of a hack. It should be cleaned up in the future.
if target == c.current_install {
for c.dep_cache.each { |k, _v|
c.current_install = "";
fn cmd_install(&c: cargo) unsafe {
let wd_base = c.workdir + path::path_sep();
let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(wd_base, "") {
some(_wd) { _wd }
none { fail #fmt("needed temp dir: %s", wd_base); }
if vec::len( == 2u {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let status = run::run_program("cp", ["-R", cwd, wd]);
if status != 0 {
fail #fmt("could not copy directory: %s", cwd);
install_source(c, wd);
let query =[2];
c.current_install = copy query;
install_query(c, wd, copy query);
fn sync(&c: cargo) {
for c.sources.each_key { |k|
let mut s = c.sources.get(k);
sync_one(c, s);
// FIXME: mutability hack
c.sources.insert(k, s);
@ -1302,13 +1437,13 @@ fn cmd_init(&c: cargo) {
let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", srcfile, srcurl]);
if p.status != 0 {
warn(#fmt["fetch of sources.json failed: %s", p.out]);
error(#fmt["fetch of sources.json failed: %s", p.out]);
let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", sigfile, sigurl]);
if p.status != 0 {
warn(#fmt["fetch of sources.json.sig failed: %s", p.out]);
error(#fmt["fetch of sources.json.sig failed: %s", p.out]);
@ -1416,17 +1551,21 @@ fn install_to_dir(srcfile: str, destdir: str) {
fn dump_cache(c: cargo) {
fn dump_cache(&c: cargo) {
let out = path::connect(c.root, "cache.json");
let root = json::dict(map::str_hash());
let _root = json::dict(map::str_hash());
if os::path_exists(out) {
copy_warn(out, path::connect(c.root, "cache.json.old"));
fn dump_sources(c: cargo) {
fn dump_sources(&c: cargo) {
if c.sources.size() < 1u {
let out = path::connect(c.root, "sources.json");
@ -1566,12 +1705,12 @@ fn cmd_sources(&c: cargo) {
alt c.sources.find(name) {
some(source) {
let old = copy source.url;
let method = assume_source_method(url);
source.url = if source.method == "file" {
} else {
source.url = url;
source.method = method;
c.sources.insert(name, source);
info(#fmt("changed source url: '%s' to '%s'", old, url));
@ -1604,6 +1743,8 @@ fn cmd_sources(&c: cargo) {
_ { "curl" }
c.sources.insert(name, source);
info(#fmt("changed source method: '%s' to '%s'", old,
@ -1646,61 +1787,116 @@ fn cmd_sources(&c: cargo) {
fn cmd_usage() {
print("Usage: cargo <verb> [options] [args..]\n" +
" e.g.: cargo [init | sync]\n" +
" e.g.: cargo install [-g | -G] <package>
print("Usage: cargo <cmd> [options] [args..]
e.g. cargo install <name>
init Reinitialize cargo in ~/.cargo
usage Display this message
Where <cmd> is one of:
init, install, list, search, sources,
uninstall, usage
list [sources..] List the packages in sources
search <name | '*'> [tags...] Search packages
sources List sources
sources add <name> <url> Add a source
sources remove <name> Remove a source
sources rename <name> <new> Rename a source
sources set-url <name> <url> Change the source URL
sources set-method <name> <method> Change the method (guesses from
the URL by default) can be ;git',
'file' or 'curl'
sources clear Remove all sources
install [options] Install a package from source
code in the current directory
install [options] [source/]<name> Install a package by name
install [options] [source/]<uuid> Install a package by uuid
install [options] <url> Install a package via curl (HTTP,
FTP, etc.) from an
.tar[.gz|bz2|xz] file
install [options] <url> [ref] Install a package via read-only
install [options] <file> Install a package directly from an
.tar[.gz|bz2|xz] file
uninstall [options] [source/]<name> Remove a package by [meta]name
uninstall [options] [source/]<uuid> Remove a package by [meta]uuid
Package installation options:
--test Run crate tests before installing
Package [un]installation options:
-g Work at the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
-G Work at the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
-h, --help Display this message
-h, --help Display this message
<cmd> -h, <cmd> --help Display help for <cmd>
fn cmd_usage_init() {
print("cargo init
Re-initialize cargo in ~/.cargo. Clears all sources and then adds the
default sources from <>.");
fn cmd_usage_install() {
print("cargo install
cargo install [source/]<name>[@version]
cargo install [source/]<uuid>[@version]
cargo install <git url> [ref]
cargo install <tarball url>
cargo install <tarball file>
--test Run crate tests before installing
-g Install to the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
-G Install to the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
Install a crate. If no arguments are supplied, it installs from
the current working directory. If a source is provided, only install
from that source, otherwise it installs from any source.");
fn cmd_usage_uninstall() {
print("cargo uninstall [source/]<name>[@version]
cargo uninstall [source/]<uuid>[@version]
cargo uninstall <meta-name>[@version]
cargo uninstall <meta-uuid>[@version]
-g Remove from the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
-G Remove from the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
Remove a crate. If a source is provided, only remove
from that source, otherwise it removes from any source.
If a crate was installed directly (git, tarball, etc.), you can remove
it by metadata.");
fn cmd_usage_list() {
print("cargo list [sources..]
If no arguments are provided, list all sources and their packages.
If source names are provided, list those sources and their packages.
fn cmd_usage_search() {
print("cargo search <query | '*'> [tags..]
Search packages.");
fn cmd_usage_sources() {
print("cargo sources
cargo sources add <name> <url>
cargo sources remove <name>
cargo sources rename <name> <new>
cargo sources set-url <name> <url>
cargo sources set-method <name> <method>
If no arguments are supplied, list all sources (but not their packages).
add Add a source. The source method will be guessed
from the URL.
remove Remove a source.
rename Rename a source.
set-url Change the URL for a source.
set-method Change the method for a source.");
fn main(argv: [str]) {
let o = build_cargo_options(argv);
if vec::len( < 2u || {
if vec::len( < 2u {
if {
alt[1] {
"init" { cmd_usage_init(); }
"install" { cmd_usage_install(); }
"uninstall" { cmd_usage_uninstall(); }
"list" { cmd_usage_list(); }
"search" { cmd_usage_search(); }
"sources" { cmd_usage_sources(); }
_ { cmd_usage(); }
if[1] == "usage" {