An example using pipes with most of the synchronization code in place.

Fixed a bug in the atomic intrinsics where they wouldn't correctly return their old value.

Pipes currently busy wait. The next step is to teach the scheduler how to deal with them.
This commit is contained in:
Eric Holk 2012-06-22 12:52:13 -07:00
parent 4dbd10a702
commit 61be3cc19e

View file

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
The first test case using pipes. The idea is to break this into
several stages for prototyping. Here's the plan:
1. Write an already-compiled protocol using existing ports and chans.
2. Take the already-compiled version and add the low-level
synchronization code instead. (That's what this file attempts to do)
3. Write a syntax extension to compile the protocols.
At some point, we'll need to add support for select.
// Hopefully someday we'll move this into core.
mod pipes {
import unsafe::{forget, reinterpret_cast};
enum state {
type packet<T: send> = {
mut state: state,
mut blocked_task: option<task::task>,
mut payload: option<T>
fn packet<T: send>() -> *packet<T> unsafe {
let p: *packet<T> = unsafe::transmute(~{
mut state: empty,
mut blocked_task: none::<task::task>,
mut payload: none::<T>
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
native mod rusti {
fn atomic_xchng(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
fn atomic_xchng_acq(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
fn atomic_xchng_rel(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
// We should consider moving this to core::unsafe, although I
// suspect graydon would want us to use void pointers instead.
unsafe fn uniquify<T>(x: *T) -> ~T {
unsafe { unsafe::reinterpret_cast(x) }
fn swap_state_acq(&dst: state, src: state) -> state {
unsafe {
*(ptr::mut_addr_of(dst) as *mut int),
src as int))
fn swap_state_rel(&dst: state, src: state) -> state {
unsafe {
*(ptr::mut_addr_of(dst) as *mut int),
src as int))
fn send<T: send>(p: *packet<T>, -payload: T) {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
assert (*p).payload == none;
(*p).payload <- some(payload);
let old_state = swap_state_rel((*p).state, full);
alt old_state {
empty {
// Yay, fastpath.
// The receiver will eventually clean this up.
unsafe { forget(p); }
full { fail "duplicate send" }
blocked {
// FIXME: once the target will actually block, tell the
// scheduler to wake it up.
// The receiver will eventually clean this up.
unsafe { forget(p); }
terminated {
// The receiver will never receive this. Rely on drop_glue
// to clean everything up.
fn recv<T: send>(p: *packet<T>) -> option<T> {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
loop {
let old_state = swap_state_acq((*p).state,
alt old_state {
empty | blocked { task::yield(); }
full {
let mut payload = none;
payload <-> (*p).payload;
ret some(option::unwrap(payload))
terminated {
assert old_state == terminated;
ret none;
fn sender_terminate<T: send>(p: *packet<T>) {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
alt swap_state_rel((*p).state, terminated) {
empty | blocked {
// The receiver will eventually clean up.
unsafe { forget(p) }
full {
// This is impossible
fail "you dun goofed"
terminated {
// I have to clean up, use drop_glue
fn receiver_terminate<T: send>(p: *packet<T>) {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
alt swap_state_rel((*p).state, terminated) {
empty {
// the sender will clean up
unsafe { forget(p) }
blocked {
// this shouldn't happen.
fail "terminating a blocked packet"
terminated | full {
// I have to clean up, use drop_glue
mod pingpong {
enum ping = *pipes::packet<pong>;
enum pong = *pipes::packet<ping>;
fn init() -> (client::ping, server::ping) {
let p = pipes::packet();
let p = pingpong::ping(p);
let client = client::ping(p);
let server = server::ping(p);
(client, server)
mod client {
enum ping = pingpong::ping;
enum pong = pingpong::pong;
fn do_ping(-c: ping) -> pong {
let packet = pipes::packet();
let packet = pingpong::pong(packet);
pipes::send(**c, copy packet);
fn do_pong(-c: pong) -> (ping, ()) {
let packet = pipes::recv(**c);
alt packet {
none {
fail "sender closed the connection"
some(new_packet) {
(ping(new_packet), ())
mod server {
enum ping = pingpong::ping;
enum pong = pingpong::pong;
fn do_ping(-c: ping) -> (pong, ()) {
let packet = pipes::recv(**c);
alt packet {
none { fail "sender closed the connection" }
some(new_packet) {
(pong(new_packet), ())
fn do_pong(-c: pong) -> ping {
let packet = pipes::packet();
let packet = pingpong::ping(packet);
pipes::send(**c, copy packet);
fn client(-chan: pingpong::client::ping) {
let chan = pingpong::client::do_ping(chan);
log(error, "Sent ping");
let (chan, _data) = pingpong::client::do_pong(chan);
log(error, "Received pong");
fn server(-chan: pingpong::server::ping) {
let (chan, _data) = pingpong::server::do_ping(chan);
log(error, "Received ping");
let chan = pingpong::server::do_pong(chan);
log(error, "Sent pong");
fn main() {
let (client_, server_) = pingpong::init();
let client_ = ~mut some(client_);
let server_ = ~mut some(server_);
task::spawn {|move client_|
let mut client__ = none;
*client_ <-> client__;
task::spawn {|move server_|
let mut server_ˊ = none;
*server_ <-> server_ˊ;