tests: add 3 cases involving pointers to codegen/transmute-scalar.

This commit is contained in:
Eduard-Mihai Burtescu 2020-12-09 21:54:24 +02:00
parent 97c7022d08
commit 5c1d2ced03

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@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#![crate_type = "lib"]
// FIXME(eddyb) all of these tests show memory stores and loads, even after a
// scalar `bitcast`, more special-casing is required to remove `alloca` usage.
// CHECK: define i32 @f32_to_bits(float %x)
// CHECK: %2 = bitcast float %x to i32
// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 %2, i32* %0
@ -33,3 +36,50 @@ pub fn bool_to_byte(b: bool) -> u8 {
pub unsafe fn byte_to_bool(byte: u8) -> bool {
// CHECK: define i8* @ptr_to_ptr(i16* %p)
// CHECK: %2 = bitcast i16* %p to i8*
// CHECK-NEXT: store i8* %2, i8** %0
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load i8*, i8** %0
// CHECK: ret i8* %3
pub fn ptr_to_ptr(p: *mut u16) -> *mut u8 {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(p) }
// HACK(eddyb) scalar `transmute`s between pointers and non-pointers are
// currently not special-cased like other scalar `transmute`s, because
// LLVM requires specifically `ptrtoint`/`inttoptr` instead of `bitcast`.
// Tests below show the non-special-cased behavior (with the possible
// future special-cased instructions in the "NOTE(eddyb)" comments).
// CHECK: define [[USIZE:i[0-9]+]] @ptr_to_int(i16* %p)
// NOTE(eddyb) see above, the following two CHECK lines should ideally be this:
// %2 = ptrtoint i16* %p to [[USIZE]]
// store [[USIZE]] %2, [[USIZE]]* %0
// CHECK: %2 = bitcast [[USIZE]]* %0 to i16**
// CHECK-NEXT: store i16* %p, i16** %2
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load [[USIZE]], [[USIZE]]* %0
// CHECK: ret [[USIZE]] %3
pub fn ptr_to_int(p: *mut u16) -> usize {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(p) }
// CHECK: define i16* @int_to_ptr([[USIZE]] %i)
// NOTE(eddyb) see above, the following two CHECK lines should ideally be this:
// %2 = inttoptr [[USIZE]] %i to i16*
// store i16* %2, i16** %0
// CHECK: %2 = bitcast i16** %0 to [[USIZE]]*
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[USIZE]] %i, [[USIZE]]* %2
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load i16*, i16** %0
// CHECK: ret i16* %3
pub fn int_to_ptr(i: usize) -> *mut u16 {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(i) }