Document that Display entails ToString

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Matthew Esposito 2022-09-26 12:50:45 -04:00
parent 84946fe241
commit 4fad063cba

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@ -709,12 +709,19 @@ pub use macros::Debug;
/// Format trait for an empty format, `{}`.
/// Implementing this trait for a type will automatically implement the
/// [`ToString`][tostring] trait for the type, allowing the usage
/// of the [`.to_string()`][tostring_function] method. Prefer implementing
/// the `Display` trait for a type, rather than [`ToString`][tostring].
/// `Display` is similar to [`Debug`], but `Display` is for user-facing
/// output, and so cannot be derived.
/// For more information on formatters, see [the module-level documentation][module].
/// [module]: ../../std/fmt/index.html
/// [tostring]: ../../std/string/trait.ToString.html
/// [tostring_function]: ../../std/string/trait.ToString.html#tymethod.to_string
/// # Examples