Add some more clif comments

This commit is contained in:
bjorn3 2018-12-27 10:59:01 +01:00
parent e6359826c7
commit 3e40f150d0
2 changed files with 133 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -197,8 +197,10 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, B: Backend + 'a> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, B> {
/// Instance must be monomorphized
pub fn get_function_ref(&mut self, inst: Instance<'tcx>) -> FuncRef {
let func_id = self.get_function_id(inst);
.declare_func_in_func(func_id, &mut self.bcx.func)
let func_ref = self.module
.declare_func_in_func(func_id, &mut self.bcx.func);
self.add_entity_comment(func_ref, format!("{:?}", inst));
fn lib_call(
@ -271,13 +273,13 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, B: Backend + 'a> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, B> {
fn add_local_comment<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
fn add_arg_comment<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, impl Backend>,
msg: &str,
local: mir::Local,
local_field: Option<usize>,
param: Option<Value>,
pass_mode: Option<PassMode>,
pass_mode: PassMode,
ssa: crate::analyze::Flags,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) {
@ -291,11 +293,7 @@ fn add_local_comment<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
} else {
let pass_mode = if let Some(pass_mode) = pass_mode {
Cow::Owned(format!("{:?}", pass_mode))
} else {
let pass_mode = format!("{:?}", pass_mode);
"{msg:5} {local:>3}{local_field:<5} {param:10} {pass_mode:20} {ssa:10} {ty:?}",
msg=msg, local=format!("{:?}", local), local_field=local_field, param=param, pass_mode=pass_mode, ssa=format!("{:?}", ssa), ty=ty,
@ -322,6 +320,13 @@ fn local_place<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
offset: None,
let TyLayout { ty, details } = layout;
let ty::layout::LayoutDetails { size, align, abi: _, variants: _, fields: _ } = details;
fx.add_entity_comment(stack_slot, format!(
"{:?}: {:?} size={} align={},{}",
local, ty, size.bytes(), align.abi.bytes(), align.pref.bytes(),
CPlace::from_stack_slot(fx, stack_slot, layout.ty)
@ -329,8 +334,20 @@ fn local_place<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
fn param_to_cvalue<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(fx: &FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, impl Backend>, ebb_param: Value, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> CValue<'tcx> {
match get_pass_mode(fx.tcx, fx.self_sig().abi, layout.ty, false) {
fn cvalue_for_param<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, impl Backend>,
start_ebb: Ebb,
local: mir::Local,
local_field: Option<usize>,
arg_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
ssa_flags: crate::analyze::Flags,
) -> CValue<'tcx> {
let layout = fx.layout_of(arg_ty);
let pass_mode = get_pass_mode(fx.tcx, fx.self_sig().abi, arg_ty, false);
let clif_type = pass_mode.get_param_ty(fx);
let ebb_param = fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, clif_type);
add_arg_comment(fx, "arg", local, local_field, Some(ebb_param), pass_mode, ssa_flags, arg_ty);
match pass_mode {
PassMode::NoPass => unimplemented!("pass mode nopass"),
PassMode::ByVal(_) => CValue::ByVal(ebb_param, layout),
PassMode::ByRef => CValue::ByRef(ebb_param, layout),
@ -352,9 +369,12 @@ pub fn codegen_fn_prelude<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
PassMode::ByRef => Some(fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, fx.pointer_type)),
enum ArgKind {
add_arg_comment(fx, "ret", RETURN_PLACE, None, ret_param, output_pass_mode, ssa_analyzed[&RETURN_PLACE], ret_layout.ty);
enum ArgKind<'tcx> {
let func_params = fx
@ -375,25 +395,18 @@ pub fn codegen_fn_prelude<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
_ => bug!("spread argument isn't a tuple?! but {:?}", arg_ty),
let mut ebb_params = Vec::new();
let mut params = Vec::new();
for (i, arg_ty) in tupled_arg_tys.iter().enumerate() {
let pass_mode = get_pass_mode(fx.tcx, fx.self_sig().abi, arg_ty, false);;
let clif_type = pass_mode.get_param_ty(fx);
let ebb_param = fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, clif_type);
add_local_comment(fx, "arg", local, Some(i), Some(ebb_param), Some(pass_mode), ssa_analyzed[&local], arg_ty);
let param = cvalue_for_param(fx, start_ebb, local, Some(i), arg_ty, ssa_analyzed[&local]);
(local, ArgKind::Spread(ebb_params), arg_ty)
(local, ArgKind::Spread(params), arg_ty)
} else {
let clif_type =
get_pass_mode(fx.tcx, fx.self_sig().abi, arg_ty, false).get_param_ty(fx);
let ebb_param = fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, clif_type);
let pass_mode = get_pass_mode(fx.tcx, fx.self_sig().abi, arg_ty, false);
add_local_comment(fx, "arg", local, None, Some(ebb_param), Some(pass_mode), ssa_analyzed[&local], arg_ty);
let param = cvalue_for_param(fx, start_ebb, local, None, arg_ty, ssa_analyzed[&local]);
@ -423,9 +436,6 @@ pub fn codegen_fn_prelude<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
add_local_comment(fx, "ret", RETURN_PLACE, None, ret_param, Some(output_pass_mode), ssa_analyzed[&RETURN_PLACE], ret_layout.ty);
for (local, arg_kind, ty) in func_params {
let layout = fx.layout_of(ty);
@ -437,15 +447,12 @@ pub fn codegen_fn_prelude<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
let place = local_place(fx, local, layout, is_ssa);
match arg_kind {
ArgKind::Normal(ebb_param) => {
let cvalue = param_to_cvalue(fx, ebb_param, layout);
place.write_cvalue(fx, cvalue);
ArgKind::Normal(param) => {
place.write_cvalue(fx, param);
ArgKind::Spread(ebb_params) => {
for (i, ebb_param) in ebb_params.into_iter().enumerate() {
let sub_place = place.place_field(fx, mir::Field::new(i));
let cvalue = param_to_cvalue(fx, ebb_param, sub_place.layout());
sub_place.write_cvalue(fx, cvalue);
ArgKind::Spread(params) => {
for (i, param) in params.into_iter().enumerate() {
place.place_field(fx, mir::Field::new(i)).write_cvalue(fx, param);
@ -455,8 +462,6 @@ pub fn codegen_fn_prelude<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
let ty = fx.mir.local_decls[local].ty;
let layout = fx.layout_of(ty);
add_local_comment(fx, "local", local, None, None, None, ssa_analyzed[&local], ty);
let is_ssa = !ssa_analyzed

View file

@ -3,14 +3,70 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use cranelift::codegen::entity::SecondaryMap;
use cranelift::codegen::ir::entities::AnyEntity;
use cranelift::codegen::write::{FuncWriter, PlainWriter};
use crate::prelude::*;
/// This module provides the [CommentWriter] which makes it possible
/// to add comments to the written cranelift ir.
/// # Example
/// ```clif
/// test compile
/// target x86_64
/// function u0:0(i64, i64, i64) system_v {
/// ; symbol _ZN119_$LT$example..IsNotEmpty$u20$as$u20$mini_core..FnOnce$LT$$LP$$RF$$u27$a$u20$$RF$$u27$b$u20$$u5b$u16$u5d$$C$$RP$$GT$$GT$9call_once17he85059d5e6a760a0E
/// ; instance Instance { def: Item(DefId(0/0:29 ~ example[8787]::{{impl}}[0]::call_once[0])), substs: [ReErased, ReErased] }
/// ; sig ([IsNotEmpty, (&&[u16],)]; variadic: false)->(u8, u8)
/// ; ssa {_2: NOT_SSA, _4: NOT_SSA, _0: NOT_SSA, _3: (empty), _1: NOT_SSA}
/// ; msg loc.idx param pass mode ssa flags ty
/// ; ret _0 = v0 ByRef NOT_SSA (u8, u8)
/// ; arg _1 = v1 ByRef NOT_SSA IsNotEmpty
/// ; arg _2.0 = v2 ByVal(types::I64) NOT_SSA &&[u16]
/// ss0 = explicit_slot 0 ; _1: IsNotEmpty size=0 align=1,8
/// ss1 = explicit_slot 8 ; _2: (&&[u16],) size=8 align=8,8
/// ss2 = explicit_slot 8 ; _4: (&&[u16],) size=8 align=8,8
/// sig0 = (i64, i64, i64) system_v
/// sig1 = (i64, i64, i64) system_v
/// fn0 = colocated u0:6 sig1 ; Instance { def: Item(DefId(0/0:31 ~ example[8787]::{{impl}}[1]::call_mut[0])), substs: [ReErased, ReErased] }
/// ebb0(v0: i64, v1: i64, v2: i64):
/// v3 = stack_addr.i64 ss0
/// v4 = stack_addr.i64 ss1
/// store v2, v4
/// v5 = stack_addr.i64 ss2
/// jump ebb1
/// ebb1:
/// nop
/// ; _3 = &mut _1
/// ; _4 = _2
/// v6 = load.i64 v4
/// store v6, v5
/// ;
/// ; _0 = const mini_core::FnMut::call_mut(move _3, move _4)
/// v7 = load.i64 v5
/// call fn0(v0, v3, v7)
/// jump ebb2
/// ebb2:
/// nop
/// ;
/// ; return
/// return
/// }
/// ```
pub struct CommentWriter {
global_comments: Vec<String>,
inst_comments: HashMap<Inst, String>
entity_comments: HashMap<AnyEntity, String>,
inst_comments: HashMap<Inst, String>,
impl CommentWriter {
@ -25,6 +81,7 @@ impl CommentWriter {
format!("sig {:?}", crate::abi::ty_fn_sig(tcx, instance.ty(tcx))),
entity_comments: HashMap::new(),
inst_comments: HashMap::new(),
@ -48,7 +105,23 @@ impl<'a> FuncWriter for &'a CommentWriter {
writeln!(w, "")?;
PlainWriter.write_preamble(w, func, reg_info)
self.super_preamble(w, func, reg_info)
fn write_entity_definition(
&mut self,
w: &mut dyn fmt::Write,
_func: &Function,
entity: AnyEntity,
value: &fmt::Display,
) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, " {} = {}", entity, value)?;
if let Some(comment) = self.entity_comments.get(&entity) {
writeln!(w, " ; {}", comment.replace('\n', "\n; "))
} else {
writeln!(w, "")
fn write_ebb_header(
@ -84,6 +157,19 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, B: Backend + 'a> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, B> {
pub fn add_entity_comment<'s, S: Into<Cow<'s, str>>, E: Into<AnyEntity>>(&mut self, entity: E, comment: S) {
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
match self.clif_comments.entity_comments.entry(entity.into()) {
Entry::Occupied(mut occ) => {
Entry::Vacant(vac) => {
pub fn add_comment<'s, S: Into<Cow<'s, str>>>(&mut self, inst: Inst, comment: S) {
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
match self.clif_comments.inst_comments.entry(inst) {