doc: Expand rustdoc's documentation for testing

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Alex Crichton 2013-12-22 16:41:37 -08:00
parent fe8b360c9d
commit 316345610a

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@ -85,3 +85,92 @@ javascript and a statically-generated search index. No special web server is
required for the search.
# Testing the Documentation
`rustdoc` has support for testing code examples which appear in the
documentation. This is helpful for keeping code examples up to date with the
source code.
To test documentation, the `--test` argument is passed to rustdoc:
rustdoc --test
## Defining tests
Rust documentation currently uses the markdown format, and code blocks can refer
to any piece of code-related documentation, which isn't always rust. Because of
this, only code blocks with the language of "rust" will be considered for
// This is a testable code block
// This is not a testable code block
// This is not a testable code block (4-space indent)
In addition to only testing "rust"-language code blocks, there are additional
specifiers that can be used to dictate how a code block is tested:
// This code block is ignored by rustdoc, but is passed through to the test
// harness
// This code block is expected to generate a failure
Rustdoc also supplies some extra sugar for helping with some tedious
documentation examples. If a line os prefixed with a `#` character, then the
line will not show up in the HTML documentation, but it will be used when
testing the code block.
# // showing 'fib' in this documentation would just be tedious and detracts from
# // what's actualy being documented.
# fn fib(n: int) { n + 2 }
do spawn { fib(200); }
The documentation online would look like `do spawn { fib(200); }`, but when
testing this code, the `fib` function will be included (so it can compile).
## Running tests (advanced)
Running tests often requires some special configuration to filter tests, find
libraries, or try running ignored examples. The testing framework that rustdoc
uses is build on `extra::test`, which is also used when you compile crates with
rustc's `--test` flag. Extra arguments can be passed to rustdoc's test harness
with the `--test-args` flag.
// Only run tests containing 'foo' in their name
rustdoc --test --test-args 'foo'
// See what's possible when running tests
rustdoc --test --test-args '--help'
// Run all ignored tests
rustdoc --test --test-args '--ignored'
When testing a library, code examples will often show how functions are used,
and this code often requires `use`-ing paths from the crate. To accomodate this,
rustdoc will implicitly add `extern mod <crate>;` where `<crate>` is the name of
the crate being tested to the top of each code example. This means that rustdoc
must be able to find a compiled version of the library crate being tested. Extra
search paths may be added via the `-L` flag to `rustdoc`.