fmt: add unit tests

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Paseltiner 2013-01-07 17:05:31 -05:00
parent 73649f36e8
commit 1d4c5d90bd

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@ -335,6 +335,128 @@ pub mod ct {
Parsed::new(t, i + 1)
fn die(s: &str) -> ! { fail s.to_owned() }
fn test_parse_count() {
fn test(s: &str, count: Count, next: uint) -> bool {
parse_count(s, 0, s.len()) == Parsed::new(count, next)
assert test("", CountImplied, 0);
assert test("*", CountIsNextParam, 1);
assert test("*1", CountIsNextParam, 1);
assert test("*1$", CountIsParam(1), 3);
assert test("123", CountIs(123), 3);
fn test_parse_flags() {
fn pack(fs: &[Flag]) -> uint {
fs.foldl(0, |&p, &f| p | (1 << f as uint))
fn test(s: &str, flags: &[Flag], next: uint) {
let f = parse_flags(s, 0, s.len());
assert pack(f.val) == pack(flags);
assert == next;
test("", [], 0);
test("!#-+ 0", [], 0);
test("#-+", [FlagAlternate, FlagLeftJustify, FlagSignAlways], 3);
test(" 0", [FlagSpaceForSign, FlagLeftZeroPad], 2);
fn test_parse_fmt_string() {
assert parse_fmt_string("foo %s bar", die) == ~[
PieceString(~"foo "),
PieceConv(Conv {param: None, flags: ~[], width: CountImplied,
precision: CountImplied, ty: TyStr}),
PieceString(~" bar")];
assert parse_fmt_string("%s", die) == ~[
PieceConv(Conv {param: None, flags: ~[], width: CountImplied,
precision: CountImplied, ty: TyStr })];
assert parse_fmt_string("%%%%", die) == ~[
PieceString(~"%"), PieceString(~"%")];
fn test_parse_parameter() {
fn test(s: &str, param: Option<uint>, next: uint) -> bool {
parse_parameter(s, 0, s.len()) == Parsed::new(param, next)
assert test("", None, 0);
assert test("foo", None, 0);
assert test("123", None, 0);
assert test("123$", Some(123), 4);
fn test_parse_precision() {
fn test(s: &str, count: Count, next: uint) -> bool {
parse_precision(s, 0, s.len()) == Parsed::new(count, next)
assert test("", CountImplied, 0);
assert test(".", CountIs(0), 1);
assert test(".*", CountIsNextParam, 2);
assert test(".*1", CountIsNextParam, 2);
assert test(".*1$", CountIsParam(1), 4);
assert test(".123", CountIs(123), 4);
fn test_parse_type() {
fn test(s: &str, ty: Ty) -> bool {
parse_type(s, 0, s.len(), die) == Parsed::new(ty, 1)
assert test("b", TyBool);
assert test("c", TyChar);
assert test("d", TyInt(Signed));
assert test("f", TyFloat);
assert test("i", TyInt(Signed));
assert test("o", TyOctal);
assert test("s", TyStr);
assert test("t", TyBits);
assert test("x", TyHex(CaseLower));
assert test("X", TyHex(CaseUpper));
assert test("?", TyPoly);
fn test_parse_type_missing() {
parse_type("", 0, 0, die);
fn test_parse_type_unknown() {
parse_type("!", 0, 1, die);
fn test_peek_num() {
let s1 = "";
assert peek_num(s1, 0, s1.len()).is_none();
let s2 = "foo";
assert peek_num(s2, 0, s2.len()).is_none();
let s3 = "123";
assert peek_num(s3, 0, s3.len()) == Some(Parsed::new(123, 3));
let s4 = "123foo";
assert peek_num(s4, 0, s4.len()) == Some(Parsed::new(123, 3));
// Functions used by the fmt extension at runtime. For now there are a lot of