Merge pull request #2454 from killerswan/cargo_may2012

(cargo) fixed a package installation bug, cleaned up usage
This commit is contained in:
Erick Tryzelaar 2012-05-28 18:20:20 -07:00
commit 07db8c8382

View file

@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ type options = {
test: bool,
mode: mode,
free: [str],
help: bool,
enum mode { system_mode, user_mode, local_mode }
fn opts() -> [getopts::opt] {
[optflag("g"), optflag("G"), optopt("mode"), optflag("test")]
[optflag("g"), optflag("G"), optopt("mode"), optflag("test"),
optflag("h"), optflag("help")]
fn info(msg: str) {
@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ fn rest(s: str, start: uint) -> str {
fn need_dir(s: str) {
if os::path_is_dir(s) { ret; }
if !os::make_dir(s, 0x1c0i32) {
if !os::make_dir(s, 493_i32 /* oct: 755 */) {
fail #fmt["can't make_dir %s", s];
@ -337,49 +339,55 @@ fn build_cargo_options(argv: [str]) -> options {
let test = opt_present(match, "test");
let G = opt_present(match, "G");
let g = opt_present(match, "g");
let m = opt_present(match, "mode");
let G = opt_present(match, "G");
let g = opt_present(match, "g");
let m = opt_present(match, "mode");
let help = opt_present(match, "h") || opt_present(match, "help");
let is_install = vec::len( > 1u &&[1] == "install";
if G && g { fail "-G and -g both provided"; }
if g && m { fail "--mode and -g both provided"; }
if G && m { fail "--mode and -G both provided"; }
let mode = if is_install {
if G { system_mode }
else if g { user_mode }
else if m {
if !is_install && (g || G || m) {
fail "-g, -G, --mode are only valid for `install`";
let mode =
if !is_install || G { system_mode }
else if g { user_mode }
else if !m { local_mode }
else {
alt getopts::opt_str(match, "mode") {
"system" { system_mode }
"user" { user_mode }
"local" { local_mode }
_ { fail "argument to `mode` must be one of `system`" +
", `user`, or `local`";
} else { local_mode }
} else { system_mode };
"user" { user_mode }
"local" { local_mode }
_ { fail "argument to `mode` must be" +
"one of `system`, `user`, or `local`"; }}
{test: test, mode: mode, free:}
{test: test, mode: mode, free:, help: help}
fn configure(opts: options) -> cargo {
// NOTE: to make init and sync save into non-root level directories
// simply get rid of syscargo, below
let syscargo = result::get(get_cargo_sysroot());
let get_cargo_dir = alt opts.mode {
system_mode { get_cargo_sysroot }
user_mode { get_cargo_root }
local_mode { get_cargo_root_nearest }
let p = alt get_cargo_dir() {
result::ok(p) { p }
result::err(e) { fail e }
let p = result::get(get_cargo_dir());
let sources = map::str_hash::<source>();
try_parse_sources(path::connect(syscargo, "sources.json"), sources);
try_parse_sources(path::connect(syscargo, "local-sources.json"), sources);
let mut c = {
pgp: pgp::supported(),
root: p,
@ -467,17 +475,20 @@ fn install_one_crate(c: cargo, path: str, cf: str) {
let newv = os::list_dir_path(buildpath);
let exec_suffix = os::exe_suffix();
for newv.each {|ct|
// FIXME: What's up with the dual installation? Both `install_to_dir`
// and `install_one_crate_to_sysroot` install the binary files...
if (exec_suffix != "" && str::ends_with(ct, exec_suffix)) ||
(exec_suffix == "" && !str::starts_with(path::basename(ct),
"lib")) {
#debug(" bin: %s", ct);
copy_warn(ct, c.bindir);
install_to_dir(ct, c.bindir);
if c.opts.mode == system_mode {
install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct, "bin");
} else {
#debug(" lib: %s", ct);
copy_warn(ct, c.bindir);
install_to_dir(ct, c.libdir);
if c.opts.mode == system_mode {
install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct, libdir());
@ -491,7 +502,7 @@ fn install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct: str, target: str) {
let path = [_path, "..", target];
check vec::is_not_empty(path);
let target_dir = path::normalize(path::connect_many(path));
copy_warn(ct, target_dir);
install_to_dir(ct, target_dir);
none { }
@ -684,9 +695,10 @@ fn cmd_install(c: cargo) unsafe {
let target =[2];
let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(c.workdir + path::path_sep(), "") {
let wd_base = c.workdir + path::path_sep();
let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(wd_base, "") {
some(_wd) { _wd }
none { fail "needed temp dir"; }
none { fail #fmt("needed temp dir: %s", wd_base); }
if str::starts_with(target, "uuid:") {
@ -802,9 +814,9 @@ fn cmd_init(c: cargo) {
let r = pgp::verify(c.root, srcfile, sigfile, pgp::signing_key_fp());
if !r {
warn(#fmt["signature verification failed for sources.json"]);
warn(#fmt["signature verification failed for '%s'", srcfile]);
} else {
info(#fmt["signature ok for sources.json"]);
info(#fmt["signature ok for '%s'", srcfile]);
copy_warn(srcfile, destsrcfile);
@ -847,44 +859,56 @@ fn cmd_search(c: cargo) {
info(#fmt["Found %d packages.", n]);
fn copy_warn(src: str, dest: str) {
if !os::copy_file(src, dest) {
warn(#fmt["Copying %s to %s failed", src, dest]);
fn install_to_dir(srcfile: str, destdir: str) {
let newfile = path::connect(destdir, path::basename(srcfile));
info(#fmt["Installing '%s'...", newfile]);
run::run_program("cp", [srcfile, newfile]);
fn copy_warn(srcfile: str, destfile: str) {
if !os::copy_file(srcfile, destfile) {
warn(#fmt["Copying %s to %s failed", srcfile, destfile]);
// FIXME: decide on either [-g | -G] or [--mode=...] and remove the other
fn cmd_usage() {
print("Usage: cargo <verb> [options] [args...]" +
print("Usage: cargo <verb> [options] [args...]\n" +
" e.g.: cargo [init | sync]\n" +
" e.g.: cargo install [-g | -G | --mode=MODE] ] [PACKAGE...]
init Set up .cargo
install [options] [source/]package-name Install by name
install [options] uuid:[source/]package-uuid Install by uuid
list [source] List packages
search <name | '*'> [tags...] Search packages
sync Sync all sources
usage This
init Set up the cargo system near this binary,
for example, at /usr/local/lib/cargo/
sync Sync all package sources
list [source] List packages
search <name | '*'> [tags...] Search packages
usage Display this message
cargo install
Package installation:
[options] [source/]PKGNAME Install a package by name
[options] uuid:[source/]PKGUUID Install a package by uuid
--mode=[system,user,local] change mode as (system/user/local)
--test run crate tests before installing
-g equivalent to --mode=user
-G equivalent to --mode=system
Package installation options:
--mode=MODE Install to one of the following locations:
local (./.cargo/bin/, which is the default),
user (~/.cargo/bin/), or system (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
--test Run crate tests before installing
-g Equivalent to --mode=user
-G Equivalent to --mode=system
\"cargo install\" installs bin/libs to local-level .cargo by default.
To install them into user-level .cargo, use option -g/--mode=user.
To install them into bin/lib on sysroot, use option -G/--mode=system.
-h, --help Display this message
fn main(argv: [str]) {
let o = build_cargo_options(argv);
if vec::len( < 2u {
if vec::len( < 2u || {