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//! An experimental implementation of [Rust RFC#2256 libsyntax2.0][rfc#2256].
//! The intent is to be an IDE-ready parser, i.e. one that offers
//! - easy and fast incremental re-parsing,
//! - graceful handling of errors, and
//! - maintains all information in the source file.
//! For more information, see [the RFC][rfc#2265], or [the working draft][].
//! [rfc#2256]: <>
//! []: <>
#![forbid(missing_debug_implementations, unconditional_recursion, future_incompatible)]
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
#![deny(bad_style, missing_docs)]
//#![warn(unreachable_pub)] // rust-lang/rust#47816
2017-12-29 21:33:04 +01:00
extern crate unicode_xid;
2018-07-28 12:07:10 +02:00
extern crate text_unit;
2017-12-29 21:33:04 +01:00
2017-12-28 22:56:36 +01:00
mod tree;
mod lexer;
2017-12-31 21:34:29 +01:00
mod parser;
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
mod yellow;
2017-12-28 22:56:36 +01:00
pub mod syntax_kinds;
2018-07-28 12:07:10 +02:00
pub use text_unit::{TextRange, TextUnit};
2018-01-28 09:18:17 +01:00
pub use tree::{File, Node, SyntaxKind, Token};
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
pub(crate) use tree::{ErrorMsg, FileBuilder, Sink, GreenBuilder};
2017-12-31 15:54:33 +01:00
pub use lexer::{next_token, tokenize};
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
pub use yellow::SyntaxNode;
pub(crate) use yellow::SError;
pub use parser::{parse, parse_green};
/// Utilities for simple uses of the parser.
pub mod utils {
use std::fmt::Write;
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
use {File, Node, SyntaxNode};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use SError;
/// Parse a file and create a string representation of the resulting parse tree.
pub fn dump_tree(file: &File) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
go(file.root(), &mut result, 0);
return result;
fn go(node: Node, buff: &mut String, level: usize) {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "{:?}\n", node).unwrap();
let my_errors = node.errors().filter(|e| e.after_child().is_none());
2018-01-28 00:31:23 +01:00
let parent_errors = node.parent()
.flat_map(|n| n.errors())
.filter(|e| e.after_child() == Some(node));
for err in my_errors {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "err: `{}`\n", err.message()).unwrap();
for child in node.children() {
go(child, buff, level + 1)
for err in parent_errors {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "err: `{}`\n", err.message()).unwrap();
2018-07-29 12:51:55 +02:00
/// Parse a file and create a string representation of the resulting parse tree.
pub fn dump_tree_green(syntax: &SyntaxNode) -> String {
let mut errors: BTreeSet<_> = syntax.root.errors.iter().cloned().collect();
let mut result = String::new();
go(syntax, &mut result, 0, &mut errors);
return result;
fn go(node: &SyntaxNode, buff: &mut String, level: usize, errors: &mut BTreeSet<SError>) {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "{:?}\n", node).unwrap();
// let my_errors = node.errors().filter(|e| e.after_child().is_none());
// let parent_errors = node.parent()
// .into_iter()
// .flat_map(|n| n.errors())
// .filter(|e| e.after_child() == Some(node));
let my_errors: Vec<_> = errors.iter().filter(|e| e.offset == node.range().start())
for err in my_errors {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "err: `{}`\n", err.message).unwrap();
for child in node.children().iter() {
go(child, buff, level + 1, errors)
let my_errors: Vec<_> = errors.iter().filter(|e| e.offset == node.range().end())
for err in my_errors {
buff.push_str(&String::from(" ").repeat(level));
write!(buff, "err: `{}`\n", err.message).unwrap();