Alex Crichton 8a8bc668d0 Add a style checking script to CI
It's tough to have PRs bounce or to have a back and forth with contributors
about minor style quibbles. Sometimes it ends up just being easier to fix style
after the fact, but let's add some automation to help this!

This commit adds a script to run on CI and locally to verify the style of this
repository. There's a few stylistic guidelines to ensure that definitions are
understandable across the jungle of modules. This consistency should help assist
readability for any future readers!
2016-03-01 22:03:34 -08:00

205 lines
5.1 KiB

//! Simple script to verify the coding style of this library
//! ## How to run
//! The first argument to this script is the directory to run on, so running
//! this script should be as simple as:
//! ```notrust
//! rustc ci/
//! ./style src
//! ```
//! ## Guidelines
//! The current style is:
//! * No trailing whitespace
//! * No tabs
//! * 80-character lines
//! * `extern` instead of `extern "C"`
//! * Specific module layout:
//! 1. use directives
//! 2. typedefs
//! 3. structs
//! 4. constants
//! 5. f! { ... } functions
//! 6. extern functions
//! 7. modules + pub use
//! Things not verified:
//! * alignment
//! * 4-space tabs
//! * leading colons on paths
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
macro_rules! t {
($e:expr) => (match $e {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {}", stringify!($e), e),
fn main() {
let arg = env::args().skip(1).next().unwrap_or(".".to_string());
let mut errors = Errors { errs: false };
walk(Path::new(&arg), &mut errors);
if errors.errs {
panic!("found some lint errors");
} else {
println!("good style!");
fn walk(path: &Path, err: &mut Errors) {
for entry in t!(path.read_dir()).map(|e| t!(e)) {
let path = entry.path();
if t!(entry.file_type()).is_dir() {
walk(&path, err);
let name = entry.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
match &name[..] {
n if !n.ends_with(".rs") => continue,
"" |
"" |
"" => continue,
_ => {}
let mut contents = String::new();
t!(t!(fs::File::open(&path)).read_to_string(&mut contents));
check_style(&contents, &path, err);
struct Errors {
errs: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum State {
fn check_style(file: &str, path: &Path, err: &mut Errors) {
let mut state = State::Start;
let mut s_macros = 0;
let mut f_macros = 0;
let mut prev_blank = false;
for (i, line) in file.lines().enumerate() {
if line == "" {
if prev_blank {
err.error(path, i, "double blank line");
prev_blank = true;
} else {
prev_blank = false;
if line != line.trim_right() {
err.error(path, i, "trailing whitespace");
if line.contains("\t") {
err.error(path, i, "tab character");
if line.len() > 80 {
err.error(path, i, "line longer than 80 chars");
if line.contains("extern \"C\"") {
err.error(path, i, "use `extern` instead of `extern \"C\"");
if line.contains("#[cfg(") && !line.contains(" if ") {
if state != State::Structs {
err.error(path, i, "use cfg_if! and submodules \
instead of #[cfg]");
let line = line.trim_left();
let is_pub = line.starts_with("pub ");
let line = if is_pub {&line[4..]} else {line};
let line_state = if line.starts_with("use ") {
if is_pub {
} else {
} else if line.starts_with("const ") {
} else if line.starts_with("type ") {
} else if line.starts_with("s! {") {
s_macros += 1;
} else if line.starts_with("f! {") {
f_macros += 1;
} else if line.starts_with("extern ") {
} else if line.starts_with("mod ") {
} else {
if state as usize > line_state as usize {
err.error(path, i, &format!("{} found after {} when \
it belongs before",
line_state.desc(), state.desc()));
if f_macros == 2 {
f_macros += 1;
err.error(path, i, "multiple f! macros in one module");
if s_macros == 2 {
s_macros += 1;
err.error(path, i, "multiple s! macros in one module");
state = line_state;
impl State {
fn desc(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
State::Start => "start",
State::Imports => "import",
State::Typedefs => "typedef",
State::Structs => "struct",
State::Constants => "constant",
State::FunctionDefinitions => "function definition",
State::Functions => "extern function",
State::Modules => "module",
impl Errors {
fn error(&mut self, path: &Path, line: usize, msg: &str) {
self.errs = true;
println!("{}:{} - {}", path.display(), line + 1, msg);