Maksim Panchenko 4f44d60947 Special handling for GNU_args_size call frame instruction.
GNU_args_size is a special kind of CFI that tells runtime to adjust
%rsp when control is passed to a landing pad. It is used for annotating
call instructions that pass (extra) parameters on the stack and there's
a corresponding landing pad.

It is also special in a way that its value is not handled by
DW_CFA_remember_state/DW_CFA_restore_state instruction sequence
that we utilize to restore the state after block re-ordering.

This diff adds association of call instructions with GNU_args_size value
when it's used. If the function does not use GNU_args_size, there is
no overhead. Otherwise, we regenerate GNU_args_size instruction during
code emission, i.e. after all optimizations and block-reordering.

(cherry picked from FBD3201322)
2016-04-19 22:00:29 -07:00

836 lines
31 KiB

//===-- Exceptions.cpp - Helpers for processing C++ exceptions ------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Some of the code is taken from examples/ExceptionDemo
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include "BinaryFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "bolt-exceptions"
using namespace llvm::dwarf;
namespace llvm {
namespace bolt {
namespace opts {
static cl::opt<bool>
cl::desc("print exception handling data"),
} // namespace opts
// Read and dump the .gcc_exception_table section entry.
// .gcc_except_table section contains a set of Language-Specific Data Areas -
// a fancy name for exception handling tables. There's one LSDA entry per
// function. However, we can't actually tell which function LSDA refers to
// unless we parse .eh_frame entry that refers to the LSDA.
// Then inside LSDA most addresses are encoded relative to the function start,
// so we need the function context in order to get to real addresses.
// The best visual representation of the tables comprising LSDA and
// relationships between them is illustrated at:
// http://mentorembedded.github.io/cxx-abi/exceptions.pdf
// Keep in mind that GCC implementation deviates slightly from that document.
// To summarize, there are 4 tables in LSDA: call site table, actions table,
// types table, and types index table (for indirection). The main table contains
// call site entries. Each call site includes a PC range that can throw an
// exception, a handler (landing pad), and a reference to an entry in the action
// table. The handler and/or action could be 0. The action entry is a head
// of a list of actions associated with a call site. The action table contains
// all such lists (it could be optimized to share list tails). Each action could
// be either to catch an exception of a given type, to perform a cleanup, or to
// propagate the exception after filtering it out (e.g. to make sure function
// exception specification is not violated). Catch action contains a reference
// to an entry in the type table, and filter action refers to an entry in the
// type index table to encode a set of types to filter.
// Call site table follows LSDA header. Action table immediately follows the
// call site table.
// Both types table and type index table start at the same location, but they
// grow in opposite directions (types go up, indices go down). The beginning of
// these tables is encoded in LSDA header. Sizes for both of the tables are not
// included anywhere.
// For the purpose of rewriting exception handling tables, we can reuse action,
// types, and type index tables in their original binary format.
// This is only possible when type references are encoded as absolute addresses.
// We still have to parse all the tables to determine their sizes. Then we have
// to parse the call site table and associate discovered information with
// actual call instructions and landing pad blocks.
// Ideally we should be able to re-write LSDA in-place, without the need to
// allocate a new space for it. Sadly there's no guarantee that the new call
// site table will be the same size as GCC uses uleb encodings for PC offsets.
// For split function re-writing we would need to split LSDA too.
// Note: some functions have LSDA entries with 0 call site entries.
void BinaryFunction::parseLSDA(ArrayRef<uint8_t> LSDASectionData,
uint64_t LSDASectionAddress) {
assert(CurrentState == State::Disassembled && "unexpected function state");
if (!getLSDAAddress())
assert(getLSDAAddress() < LSDASectionAddress + LSDASectionData.size() &&
"wrong LSDA address");
const uint8_t *Ptr =
LSDASectionData.data() + getLSDAAddress() - LSDASectionAddress;
uint8_t LPStartEncoding = *Ptr++;
uintptr_t LPStart = 0;
if (LPStartEncoding != DW_EH_PE_omit) {
LPStart = readEncodedPointer(Ptr, LPStartEncoding);
assert(LPStart == 0 && "support for split functions not implemented");
uint8_t TTypeEncoding = *Ptr++;
uintptr_t TTypeEnd = 0;
if (TTypeEncoding != DW_EH_PE_omit) {
TTypeEnd = readULEB128(Ptr);
if (opts::PrintExceptions) {
errs() << "[LSDA at 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(getLSDAAddress())
<< " for function " << getName() << "]:\n";
errs() << "LPStart Encoding = " << (unsigned)LPStartEncoding << '\n';
errs() << "LPStart = 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(LPStart) << '\n';
errs() << "TType Encoding = " << (unsigned)TTypeEncoding << '\n';
errs() << "TType End = " << TTypeEnd << '\n';
// Table to store list of indices in type table. Entries are uleb128 values.
auto TypeIndexTableStart = Ptr + TTypeEnd;
// Offset past the last decoded index.
intptr_t MaxTypeIndexTableOffset = 0;
// The actual type info table starts at the same location, but grows in
// different direction. Encoding is different too (TTypeEncoding).
auto TypeTableStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(Ptr + TTypeEnd);
uint8_t CallSiteEncoding = *Ptr++;
uint32_t CallSiteTableLength = readULEB128(Ptr);
const uint8_t *CallSiteTableStart = Ptr;
const uint8_t *CallSiteTableEnd = CallSiteTableStart + CallSiteTableLength;
const uint8_t *CallSitePtr = CallSiteTableStart;
const uint8_t *ActionTableStart = CallSiteTableEnd;
if (opts::PrintExceptions) {
errs() << "CallSite Encoding = " << (unsigned)CallSiteEncoding << '\n';
errs() << "CallSite table length = " << CallSiteTableLength << '\n';
errs() << '\n';
HasEHRanges = CallSitePtr < CallSiteTableEnd;
uint64_t RangeBase = getAddress();
while (CallSitePtr < CallSiteTableEnd) {
uintptr_t Start = readEncodedPointer(CallSitePtr, CallSiteEncoding);
uintptr_t Length = readEncodedPointer(CallSitePtr, CallSiteEncoding);
uintptr_t LandingPad = readEncodedPointer(CallSitePtr, CallSiteEncoding);
uintptr_t ActionEntry = readULEB128(CallSitePtr);
if (opts::PrintExceptions) {
errs() << "Call Site: [0x" << Twine::utohexstr(RangeBase + Start)
<< ", 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(RangeBase + Start + Length)
<< "); landing pad: 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(LPStart + LandingPad)
<< "; action entry: 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(ActionEntry) << "\n";
// Create a handler entry if necessary.
MCSymbol *LPSymbol{nullptr};
if (LandingPad) {
if (Instructions.find(LandingPad) == Instructions.end()) {
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: landing pad " << Twine::utohexstr(LandingPad)
<< " not pointing to an instruction in function "
<< getName() << " - ignoring.\n";
} else {
auto Label = Labels.find(LandingPad);
if (Label != Labels.end()) {
LPSymbol = Label->second;
} else {
LPSymbol = BC.Ctx->createTempSymbol("LP", true);
Labels[LandingPad] = LPSymbol;
// Mark all call instructions in the range.
auto II = Instructions.find(Start);
auto IE = Instructions.end();
assert(II != IE && "exception range not pointing to an instruction");
do {
auto &Instruction = II->second;
if (BC.MIA->isCall(Instruction)) {
assert(!BC.MIA->isInvoke(Instruction) &&
"overlapping exception ranges detected");
// Add extra operands to a call instruction making it an invoke from
// now on.
if (LPSymbol) {
} else {
} while (II != IE && II->first < Start + Length);
if (ActionEntry != 0) {
auto printType = [&] (int Index, raw_ostream &OS) {
assert(Index > 0 && "only positive indices are valid");
assert(TTypeEncoding == DW_EH_PE_udata4 &&
"only udata4 supported for TTypeEncoding");
auto TypeAddress = *(TypeTableStart - Index);
if (TypeAddress == 0) {
OS << "<all>";
auto NI = BC.GlobalAddresses.find(TypeAddress);
if (NI != BC.GlobalAddresses.end()) {
OS << NI->second;
} else {
OS << "0x" << Twine::utohexstr(TypeAddress);
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << " actions: ";
const uint8_t *ActionPtr = ActionTableStart + ActionEntry - 1;
long long ActionType;
long long ActionNext;
auto Sep = "";
do {
ActionType = readSLEB128(ActionPtr);
auto Self = ActionPtr;
ActionNext = readSLEB128(ActionPtr);
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << Sep << "(" << ActionType << ", " << ActionNext << ") ";
if (ActionType == 0) {
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << "cleanup";
} else if (ActionType > 0) {
// It's an index into a type table.
if (opts::PrintExceptions) {
errs() << "catch type ";
printType(ActionType, errs());
} else { // ActionType < 0
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << "filter exception types ";
auto TSep = "";
// ActionType is a negative *byte* offset into *uleb128-encoded* table
// of indices with base 1.
// E.g. -1 means offset 0, -2 is offset 1, etc. The indices are
// encoded using uleb128 thus we cannot directly dereference them.
auto TypeIndexTablePtr = TypeIndexTableStart - ActionType - 1;
while (auto Index = readULEB128(TypeIndexTablePtr)) {
if (opts::PrintExceptions) {
errs() << TSep;
printType(Index, errs());
TSep = ", ";
MaxTypeIndexTableOffset =
TypeIndexTablePtr - TypeIndexTableStart);
Sep = "; ";
ActionPtr = Self + ActionNext;
} while (ActionNext);
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << '\n';
if (opts::PrintExceptions)
errs() << '\n';
assert(TypeIndexTableStart + MaxTypeIndexTableOffset <=
LSDASectionData.data() + LSDASectionData.size() &&
"LSDA entry has crossed section boundary");
if (TTypeEnd) {
// TypeIndexTableStart is a <uint8_t *> alias for TypeTableStart.
LSDAActionAndTypeTables =
TypeIndexTableStart - ActionTableStart);
LSDATypeIndexTable =
ArrayRef<uint8_t>(TypeIndexTableStart, MaxTypeIndexTableOffset);
void BinaryFunction::updateEHRanges() {
assert(CurrentState == State::CFG && "unexpected state");
// Build call sites table.
struct EHInfo {
const MCSymbol *LP; // landing pad
uint64_t Action;
// Markers for begining and the end of exceptions range.
const MCSymbol *StartRange{nullptr};
const MCSymbol *EndRange{nullptr};
// If previous call can throw, this is its exception handler.
EHInfo PreviousEH = {nullptr, 0};
for (auto &BB : BasicBlocksLayout) {
for (auto II = BB->begin(); II != BB->end(); ++II) {
auto Instr = *II;
if (!BC.MIA->isCall(Instr))
// Instruction can throw an exception that should be handled.
bool Throws = BC.MIA->isInvoke(Instr);
// Ignore the call if it's a continuation of a no-throw gap.
if (!Throws && !StartRange)
// Extract exception handling information from the instruction.
const MCSymbol *LP = nullptr;
uint64_t Action = 0;
std::tie(LP, Action) = BC.MIA->getEHInfo(Instr);
// No action if the exception handler has not changed.
if (Throws &&
StartRange &&
PreviousEH.LP == LP &&
PreviousEH.Action == Action)
// Same symbol is used for the beginning and the end of the range.
MCSymbol *EHSymbol{nullptr};
if (BB->isCold()) {
// If we see a label in the cold block, it means we have to close
// the range using function end symbol.
EHSymbol = getFunctionEndLabel();
} else {
EHSymbol = BC.Ctx->createTempSymbol("EH", true);
MCInst EHLabel;
BC.MIA->createEHLabel(EHLabel, EHSymbol, BC.Ctx.get());
II = BB->Instructions.insert(II, EHLabel);
// At this point we could be in the one of the following states:
// I. Exception handler has changed and we need to close the prev range
// and start the new one.
// II. Start the new exception range after the gap.
// III. Close exception range and start the new gap.
if (StartRange) {
// I, III:
EndRange = EHSymbol;
} else {
// II:
StartRange = EHSymbol;
EndRange = nullptr;
// Close the previous range.
if (EndRange) {
assert(StartRange && "beginning of the range expected");
CallSites.emplace_back(CallSite{StartRange, EndRange,
PreviousEH.LP, PreviousEH.Action});
EndRange = nullptr;
if (Throws) {
// I, II:
StartRange = EHSymbol;
PreviousEH = EHInfo{LP, Action};
} else {
StartRange = nullptr;
// Check if we need to close the range.
if (StartRange) {
assert(!EndRange && "unexpected end of range");
EndRange = getFunctionEndLabel();
CallSites.emplace_back(CallSite{StartRange, EndRange,
PreviousEH.LP, PreviousEH.Action});
// The code is based on EHStreamer::emitExceptionTable().
void BinaryFunction::emitLSDA(MCStreamer *Streamer) {
if (CallSites.empty()) {
// Calculate callsite table size. Size of each callsite entry is:
// sizeof(start) + sizeof(length) + sizeof(LP) + sizeof(uleb128(action))
// or
// sizeof(dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4) * 3 + sizeof(uleb128(action))
uint64_t CallSiteTableLength = CallSites.size() * 4 * 3;
for (const auto &CallSite : CallSites) {
CallSiteTableLength+= getULEB128Size(CallSite.Action);
// When we read we make sure only the following encoding is supported.
constexpr unsigned TTypeEncoding = dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4;
// Type tables have to be aligned at 4 bytes.
// Emit the LSDA label.
auto LSDASymbol = getLSDASymbol();
assert(LSDASymbol && "no LSDA symbol set");
// Emit the LSDA header.
Streamer->EmitIntValue(dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit, 1); // LPStart format
Streamer->EmitIntValue(TTypeEncoding, 1); // TType format
// See the comment in EHStreamer::emitExceptionTable() on how we use
// uleb128 encoding (which can use variable number of bytes to encode the same
// value) to ensure type info table is properly aligned at 4 bytes without
// iteratively messing with sizes of the tables.
unsigned CallSiteTableLengthSize = getULEB128Size(CallSiteTableLength);
unsigned TTypeBaseOffset =
sizeof(int8_t) + // Call site format
CallSiteTableLengthSize + // Call site table length size
CallSiteTableLength + // Call site table length
LSDAActionAndTypeTables.size(); // Actions + Types size
unsigned TTypeBaseOffsetSize = getULEB128Size(TTypeBaseOffset);
unsigned TotalSize =
sizeof(int8_t) + // LPStart format
sizeof(int8_t) + // TType format
TTypeBaseOffsetSize + // TType base offset size
TTypeBaseOffset; // TType base offset
unsigned SizeAlign = (4 - TotalSize) & 3;
// Account for any extra padding that will be added to the call site table
// length.
Streamer->EmitULEB128IntValue(TTypeBaseOffset, SizeAlign);
// Emit the landing pad call site table.
Streamer->EmitIntValue(dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4, 1);
for (const auto &CallSite : CallSites) {
const MCSymbol *BeginLabel = CallSite.Start;
const MCSymbol *EndLabel = CallSite.End;
assert(BeginLabel && "start EH label expected");
assert(EndLabel && "end EH label expected");
Streamer->emitAbsoluteSymbolDiff(BeginLabel, getOutputSymbol(), 4);
Streamer->emitAbsoluteSymbolDiff(EndLabel, BeginLabel, 4);
if (!CallSite.LP) {
Streamer->EmitIntValue(0, 4);
} else {
Streamer->emitAbsoluteSymbolDiff(CallSite.LP, getOutputSymbol(), 4);
// Write out action, type, and type index tables at the end.
// There's no need to change the original format we saw on input
// unless we are doing a function splitting in which case we can
// perhaps split and optimize the tables.
for (auto const &Byte : LSDAActionAndTypeTables) {
Streamer->EmitIntValue(Byte, 1);
for (auto const &Byte : LSDATypeIndexTable) {
Streamer->EmitIntValue(Byte, 1);
const uint8_t DWARF_CFI_PRIMARY_OPCODE_MASK = 0xc0;
const uint8_t DWARF_CFI_PRIMARY_OPERAND_MASK = 0x3f;
bool CFIReaderWriter::fillCFIInfoFor(BinaryFunction &Function) const {
uint64_t Address = Function.getAddress();
auto I = FDEs.find(Address);
if (I == FDEs.end())
return true;
const FDE &CurFDE = *I->second;
if (Function.getSize() != CurFDE.getAddressRange()) {
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: CFI information size mismatch for function \""
<< Function.getName() << "\""
<< format(": Function size is %dB, CFI covers "
Function.getSize(), CurFDE.getAddressRange());
return false;
uint64_t Offset = 0;
uint64_t CodeAlignment = CurFDE.getLinkedCIE()->getCodeAlignmentFactor();
uint64_t DataAlignment = CurFDE.getLinkedCIE()->getDataAlignmentFactor();
if (CurFDE.getLinkedCIE()->getPersonalityAddress() != 0) {
auto decodeFrameInstruction =
[&Function, &Offset, Address, CodeAlignment, DataAlignment](
const FrameEntry::Instruction &Instr) {
uint8_t Opcode = Instr.Opcode;
switch (Instr.Opcode) {
case DW_CFA_nop:
case DW_CFA_advance_loc4:
case DW_CFA_advance_loc2:
case DW_CFA_advance_loc1:
case DW_CFA_advance_loc:
// Advance our current address
Offset += CodeAlignment * int64_t(Instr.Ops[0]);
case DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createOffset(
nullptr, Instr.Ops[0],
DataAlignment * int64_t(Instr.Ops[1])));
case DW_CFA_offset_extended:
case DW_CFA_offset:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createOffset(
nullptr, Instr.Ops[0], DataAlignment * Instr.Ops[1]));
case DW_CFA_restore_extended:
case DW_CFA_restore:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createRestore(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_set_loc:
assert(Instr.Ops[0] >= Address && "set_loc out of function bounds");
assert(Instr.Ops[0] <= Address + Function.getSize() &&
"set_loc out of function bounds");
Offset = Instr.Ops[0] - Address;
case DW_CFA_undefined:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createUndefined(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_same_value:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createSameValue(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_register:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createRegister(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0],
case DW_CFA_remember_state:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createRememberState(nullptr));
case DW_CFA_restore_state:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createRestoreState(nullptr));
case DW_CFA_def_cfa:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfa(nullptr, Instr.Ops[1],
case DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfa(
nullptr, Instr.Ops[1],
-(DataAlignment * int64_t(Instr.Ops[0]))));
case DW_CFA_def_cfa_register:
MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaRegister(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset:
MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(nullptr, -Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf:
Offset, MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(
nullptr, -(DataAlignment * int64_t(Instr.Ops[0]))));
case DW_CFA_GNU_args_size:
MCCFIInstruction::createGnuArgsSize(nullptr, Instr.Ops[0]));
case DW_CFA_val_offset_sf:
case DW_CFA_val_offset:
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: DWARF val_offset() unimplemented\n";
return false;
case DW_CFA_expression:
case DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression:
case DW_CFA_val_expression:
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: DWARF CFA expressions unimplemented\n";
return false;
case DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc8:
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc unimplemented\n";
return false;
case DW_CFA_GNU_window_save:
case DW_CFA_lo_user:
case DW_CFA_hi_user:
errs() <<
"BOLT-WARNING: DW_CFA_GNU_* and DW_CFA_*_user unimplemented\n";
return false;
errs() << "BOLT-WARNING: Unrecognized CFI instruction\n";
return false;
return true;
for (const FrameEntry::Instruction &Instr : *(CurFDE.getLinkedCIE())) {
if (!decodeFrameInstruction(Instr))
return false;
for (const FrameEntry::Instruction &Instr : CurFDE) {
if (!decodeFrameInstruction(Instr))
return false;
return true;
void CFIReaderWriter::rewriteHeaderFor(StringRef EHFrame,
uint64_t NewEHFrameAddress,
uint64_t NewFrameHdrAddress,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> FailedAddresses) {
DataExtractor Data(EHFrame,
uint32_t Offset = 0;
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> PCToFDE;
DEBUG(dbgs() << format(
"CFIReaderWriter: Starting to patch .eh_frame_hdr.\n"
"New .eh_frame address = %08x\nNew .eh_frame_hdr address = %08x\n",
NewEHFrameAddress, NewFrameHdrAddress));
// Scans the EHFrame, parsing start addresses for each function
while (Data.isValidOffset(Offset)) {
uint32_t StartOffset = Offset;
uint64_t Length = Data.getU32(&Offset);
if (Length == 0)
uint32_t EndStructureOffset = Offset + static_cast<uint32_t>(Length);
uint64_t Id = Data.getUnsigned(&Offset, 4);
if (Id == 0) {
Offset = EndStructureOffset;
const uint8_t *DataStart =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Data.getData().substr(Offset).data());
const uint8_t *DataEnd = DataStart;
uint64_t FuncAddress =
readEncodedPointer(DataEnd, DW_EH_PE_sdata4 | DW_EH_PE_pcrel,
NewEHFrameAddress + Offset - (uintptr_t)DataEnd);
Offset += DataEnd - DataStart;
auto I = std::lower_bound(FailedAddresses.begin(), FailedAddresses.end(),
if (I != FailedAddresses.end() && *I == FuncAddress) {
Offset = EndStructureOffset;
PCToFDE[FuncAddress] = NewEHFrameAddress + StartOffset;
Offset = EndStructureOffset;
//Updates the EHFrameHdr
DataExtractor HDRData(
StringRef(FrameHdrContents.data(), FrameHdrContents.size()),
Offset = 0;
uint8_t Version = HDRData.getU8(&Offset);
assert(Version == 1 &&
"Don't know how to handle this version of .eh_frame_hdr");
uint8_t EhFrameAddrEncoding = HDRData.getU8(&Offset);
uint8_t FDECntEncoding = HDRData.getU8(&Offset);
uint8_t TableEncoding = HDRData.getU8(&Offset);
const uint8_t *DataStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
const uint8_t *DataEnd = DataStart;
uint64_t EHFrameAddrOffset = Offset;
uint64_t EHFrameAddress = readEncodedPointer(
DataEnd, EhFrameAddrEncoding,
FrameHdrAddress + Offset - (uintptr_t)DataEnd, FrameHdrAddress);
Offset += DataEnd - DataStart;
DataStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
DataEnd = DataStart;
uint64_t FDECountOffset = Offset;
uint64_t FDECount = readEncodedPointer(
DataEnd, FDECntEncoding, FrameHdrAddress + Offset - (uintptr_t)DataEnd,
Offset += DataEnd - DataStart;
assert(FDECount > 0 && "Empty binary search table in .eh_frame_hdr!");
assert(EhFrameAddrEncoding == (DW_EH_PE_pcrel | DW_EH_PE_sdata4) &&
"Don't know how to handle other .eh_frame address encoding!");
assert(FDECntEncoding == DW_EH_PE_udata4 &&
"Don't know how to thandle other .eh_frame_hdr encoding!");
assert(TableEncoding == (DW_EH_PE_datarel | DW_EH_PE_sdata4) &&
"Don't know how to handle other .eh_frame_hdr encoding!");
// Update .eh_frame address
// Write address using signed 4-byte pc-relative encoding
DEBUG(dbgs() << format("CFIReaderWriter: Patching .eh_frame_hdr contents "
"(.eh_frame pointer) with %08x\n",
int64_t RealOffset = EHFrameAddress - EHFrameAddrOffset - NewFrameHdrAddress;
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + EHFrameAddrOffset) =
// Offset now points to the binary search table. Update it.
uint64_t LastPC = 0;
for (uint64_t I = 0; I != FDECount; ++I) {
assert(HDRData.isValidOffset(Offset) &&
".eh_frame_hdr table finished earlier than we expected");
DataStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
DataEnd = DataStart;
uint64_t InitialPCOffset = Offset;
uint64_t InitialPC = readEncodedPointer(
DataEnd, TableEncoding, FrameHdrAddress + Offset - (uintptr_t)DataEnd,
LastPC = InitialPC;
Offset += DataEnd - DataStart;
uint64_t FDEPtrOffset = Offset;
DataStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
DataEnd = DataStart;
// Advance Offset past FDEPtr
uint64_t FDEPtr = readEncodedPointer(
DataEnd, TableEncoding, FrameHdrAddress + Offset - (uintptr_t)DataEnd,
Offset += DataEnd - DataStart;
// Update InitialPC according to new eh_frame_hdr address
// Write using signed 4-byte "data relative" (relative to .eh_frame_addr)
// encoding
int64_t RealOffset = InitialPC - NewFrameHdrAddress;
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + InitialPCOffset) =
if (uint64_t NewPtr = PCToFDE[InitialPC])
RealOffset = NewPtr - NewFrameHdrAddress;
RealOffset = FDEPtr - NewFrameHdrAddress;
DEBUG(dbgs() << format("CFIReaderWriter: Patching .eh_frame_hdr contents "
"@offset %08x with new FDE ptr %08x\n",
FDEPtrOffset, RealOffset + NewFrameHdrAddress));
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + FDEPtrOffset) =
// Add new entries (for cold function parts)
uint64_t ExtraEntries = 0;
for (auto I = PCToFDE.upper_bound(LastPC), E = PCToFDE.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (ExtraEntries == 0)
FrameHdrContents.resize(FrameHdrContents.size() + (ExtraEntries * 8));
// Update FDE count
DEBUG(dbgs() << "CFIReaderWriter: Updating .eh_frame_hdr FDE count from "
<< FDECount << " to " << (FDECount + ExtraEntries) << "\n");
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + FDECountOffset) =
FDECount + ExtraEntries;
for (auto I = PCToFDE.upper_bound(LastPC), E = PCToFDE.end(); I != E; ++I) {
// Write PC
DEBUG(dbgs() << format("CFIReaderWriter: Writing extra FDE entry for PC "
"0x%x, FDE pointer 0x%x\n",
I->first, I->second));
uint64_t InitialPC = I->first;
int64_t RealOffset = InitialPC - NewFrameHdrAddress;
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + Offset) = RealOffset;
Offset += 4;
// Write FDE pointer
uint64_t FDEPtr = I->second;
RealOffset = FDEPtr - NewFrameHdrAddress;
support::ulittle32_t::ref(FrameHdrContents.data() + Offset) = RealOffset;
Offset += 4;
} // namespace bolt
} // namespace llvm