peter klausler b861018e3a [flang] COMPLEX folding
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@6f1ef45b2f
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/162
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-08-03 16:23:56 -07:00

314 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "variable.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
#include "../parser/char-block.h"
#include "../parser/characters.h"
#include "../semantics/symbol.h"
#include <ostream>
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
// Constructors, accessors, mutators
Triplet::Triplet(std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&l,
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&u,
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&s) {
if (l.has_value()) {
lower_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*l));
if (u.has_value()) {
upper_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*u));
if (s.has_value()) {
stride_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*s));
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> Triplet::lower() const {
if (lower_) {
return {**lower_};
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> Triplet::upper() const {
if (upper_) {
return {**upper_};
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> Triplet::stride() const {
if (stride_) {
return {**stride_};
return std::nullopt;
CoarrayRef::CoarrayRef(std::vector<const Symbol *> &&c,
std::vector<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&ss,
std::vector<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&css)
: base_(std::move(c)), subscript_(std::move(ss)),
cosubscript_(std::move(css)) {
CoarrayRef &CoarrayRef::setStat(Variable &&v) {
stat_ = CopyableIndirection<Variable>::Make(std::move(v));
return *this;
CoarrayRef &CoarrayRef::setTeam(Variable &&v, bool isTeamNumber) {
team_ = CopyableIndirection<Variable>::Make(std::move(v));
teamIsTeamNumber_ = isTeamNumber;
return *this;
Substring::Substring(DataRef &&d, std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&f,
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&l)
: u_{std::move(d)} {
if (f.has_value()) {
first_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*f));
if (l.has_value()) {
last_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*l));
Substring::Substring(std::string &&s, std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&f,
std::optional<SubscriptIntegerExpr> &&l)
: u_{std::move(s)} {
if (f.has_value()) {
first_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*f));
if (l.has_value()) {
last_ = IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr::Make(std::move(*l));
SubscriptIntegerExpr Substring::first() const {
if (first_.has_value()) {
return **first_;
return {1};
SubscriptIntegerExpr Substring::last() const {
if (last_.has_value()) {
return **last_;
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const std::string &s) {
// std::string::size_type isn't convertible to uint64_t
// on Darwin
return SubscriptIntegerExpr{
[](const DataRef &x) { return x.LEN(); }},
// Variable dumping
template<typename A> std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const A &x) {
return x.Dump(o);
template<> std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const std::string &lit) {
return o << parser::QuoteCharacterLiteral(lit);
template<typename A>
std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const A *p, const char *kw = nullptr) {
if (p != nullptr) {
if (kw != nullptr) {
o << kw;
Emit(o, *p);
return o;
template<typename A>
std::ostream &Emit(
std::ostream &o, const std::optional<A> &x, const char *kw = nullptr) {
if (x.has_value()) {
if (kw != nullptr) {
o << kw;
Emit(o, *x);
return o;
template<typename A>
std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const CopyableIndirection<A> &p,
const char *kw = nullptr) {
if (kw != nullptr) {
o << kw;
Emit(o, *p);
return o;
template<typename... A>
std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const std::variant<A...> &u) {
std::visit([&](const auto &x) { Emit(o, x); }, u);
return o;
template<> std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const Symbol &symbol) {
return o << symbol.name().ToString();
template<> std::ostream &Emit(std::ostream &o, const IntrinsicProcedure &p) {
return o << EnumToString(p);
std::ostream &Component::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return Emit(o << '%', symbol_);
std::ostream &Triplet::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
Emit(o, lower_) << ':';
Emit(o, upper_);
if (stride_) {
Emit(o << ':', stride_);
return o;
std::ostream &Subscript::Dump(std::ostream &o) const { return Emit(o, u_); }
std::ostream &ArrayRef::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
Emit(o, u_);
char separator{'('};
for (const Subscript &ss : subscript_) {
ss.Dump(o << separator);
separator = ',';
return o << ')';
std::ostream &CoarrayRef::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
for (const Symbol *sym : base_) {
Emit(o, *sym);
char separator{'('};
for (const auto &ss : subscript_) {
Emit(o << separator, ss);
separator = ',';
if (separator == ',') {
o << ')';
separator = '[';
for (const auto &css : cosubscript_) {
Emit(o << separator, css);
separator = ',';
if (stat_.has_value()) {
Emit(o << separator, stat_, "STAT=");
separator = ',';
if (team_.has_value()) {
Emit(o << separator, team_, teamIsTeamNumber_ ? "TEAM_NUMBER=" : "TEAM=");
return o << ']';
std::ostream &DataRef::Dump(std::ostream &o) const { return Emit(o, u_); }
std::ostream &Substring::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
Emit(o, u_) << '(';
Emit(o, first_) << ':';
return Emit(o, last_);
std::ostream &ComplexPart::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return complex_.Dump(o) << '%' << EnumToString(part_);
std::ostream &Designator::Dump(std::ostream &o) const { return Emit(o, u_); }
std::ostream &ProcedureDesignator::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return Emit(o, u_);
template<typename ARG>
std::ostream &ProcedureRef<ARG>::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
Emit(o, proc_);
char separator{'('};
for (const auto &arg : argument_) {
Emit(o << separator, arg);
separator = ',';
if (separator == '(') {
o << '(';
return o << ')';
std::ostream &Variable::Dump(std::ostream &o) const { return Emit(o, u_); }
std::ostream &ActualFunctionArg::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return Emit(o, u_);
std::ostream &ActualSubroutineArg::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return Emit(o, u_);
std::ostream &Label::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return o << '*' << std::dec << label;
// LEN()
static SubscriptIntegerExpr SymbolLEN(const Symbol &sym) {
return SubscriptIntegerExpr{0}; // TODO
SubscriptIntegerExpr Component::LEN() const { return SymbolLEN(symbol()); }
SubscriptIntegerExpr ArrayRef::LEN() const {
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const Symbol *s) { return SymbolLEN(*s); },
[](const Component &x) { return x.LEN(); }},
SubscriptIntegerExpr CoarrayRef::LEN() const {
return SymbolLEN(*base_.back());
SubscriptIntegerExpr DataRef::LEN() const {
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const Symbol *s) { return SymbolLEN(*s); },
[](const auto &x) { return x.LEN(); }},
SubscriptIntegerExpr Substring::LEN() const {
return SubscriptIntegerExpr::Max{
SubscriptIntegerExpr{0}, last() - first() + SubscriptIntegerExpr{1}};
SubscriptIntegerExpr ProcedureDesignator::LEN() const {
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const Symbol *s) { return SymbolLEN(*s); },
[](const Component &c) { return c.LEN(); },
[](const auto &) {
return SubscriptIntegerExpr{0};
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate