Tim Keith 2a43e78c17 [flang] Improvements to name resolution in data statements
Handle variables in data statements differently from implied dos:
If a variable is first mentioned in a data statement, it is implicitly
declared in the current scope (and subsequent type declarations only
confirm the type).
In the implied do case, the only variables that can be implicitly
declared are the iteration variables. They must be created in the new
ImpliedDos scope. There must be one such scope for each data-stmt-object
because the variable name can be reused.

Resolve references to named constants, e.g. in complex-literal-constant
and data-stmt-value. This requires changing the handling of
named-constant-def as that is a definition, not a reference.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@9952b56af0
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/277
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-02-06 17:18:02 -08:00

155 lines
3.8 KiB

! Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
! You may obtain a copy of the License at
! http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
! limitations under the License.
!DEF: /s1 Subprogram
subroutine s1
!DEF: /s1/a ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!DEF: /s1/b ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real a(10), b(10)
!DEF: /s1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
integer(kind=8) i
!DEF: /s1/Forall1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s1/a
!REF: /s1/Forall1/i
!REF: /s1/b
a(i) = b(i)
end forall
!DEF: /s1/Forall2/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s1/a
!REF: /s1/b
forall(i=1:10)a(i) = b(i)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s2 Subprogram
subroutine s2
!DEF: /s2/a ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real a(10)
!DEF: /s2/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer i
!DEF: /s2/Block1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
do concurrent(i=1:10)
!REF: /s2/a
!REF: /s2/Block1/i
a(i) = i
end do
!REF: /s2/i
do i=1,10
!REF: /s2/a
!REF: /s2/i
a(i) = i
end do
end subroutine
!DEF: /s3 Subprogram
subroutine s3
!DEF: /s3/n PARAMETER ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer, parameter :: n = 4
!DEF: /s3/n2 PARAMETER ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!REF: /s3/n
integer, parameter :: n2 = n*n
!REF: /s3/n
!DEF: /s3/x ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, dimension(n,n) :: x
!REF: /s3/x
!DEF: /s3/ImpliedDos1/k (implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s3/ImpliedDos1/j ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!REF: /s3/n
!REF: /s3/n2
data ((x(k,j),integer(kind=8)::j=1,n),k=1,n)/n2*3.0/
end subroutine
!DEF: /s4 Subprogram
subroutine s4
!DEF: /s4/t DerivedType
!DEF: /s4/t/k TypeParam INTEGER(4)
type :: t(k)
!REF: /s4/t/k
integer, kind :: k
!DEF: /s4/t/a ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer :: a
end type t
!REF: /s4/t
!DEF: /s4/x ObjectEntity TYPE(t(k=1_4))
type(t(1)) :: x
!REF: /s4/x
!REF: /s4/t
data x/t(1)(2)/
!REF: /s4/x
!REF: /s4/t
x = t(1)(2)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s5 Subprogram
subroutine s5
!DEF: /s5/t DerivedType
!DEF: /s5/t/l TypeParam INTEGER(4)
type :: t(l)
!REF: /s5/t/l
integer, len :: l
end type t
!REF: /s5/t
!DEF: /s5/x ALLOCATABLE ObjectEntity TYPE(t(l=:))
type(t(:)), allocatable :: x
!DEF: /s5/y ALLOCATABLE ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, allocatable :: y
!REF: /s5/t
!REF: /s5/x
!REF: /s5/y
end subroutine
!DEF: /s6 Subprogram
subroutine s6
!DEF: /s6/j ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
integer(kind=8) j
!DEF: /s6/a ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
integer :: a(5) = 1
!DEF: /s6/Block1/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/j (local) ObjectEntity INTEGER(8)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/k (implicit) (local_init) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!REF: /s6/a
do concurrent(integer::i=1:5)local(j)local_init(k)shared(a)
!DEF: /s6/Block1/a (shared) HostAssoc
!REF: /s6/Block1/i
!REF: /s6/Block1/j
a(i) = j+1
end do
end subroutine
!DEF: /s7 Subprogram
subroutine s7
!DEF: /s7/one PARAMETER ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, parameter :: one = 1.0
!DEF: /s7/z ObjectEntity COMPLEX(4)
!REF: /s7/one
complex :: z = (one, -one)
end subroutine
!DEF: /s8 Subprogram
subroutine s8
!DEF: /s8/one PARAMETER ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real, parameter :: one = 1.0
!DEF: /s8/y ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!DEF: /s8/z ObjectEntity REAL(4)
real y(10), z(10)
!REF: /s8/y
!DEF: /s8/ImpliedDos1/i (implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!REF: /s8/z
!DEF: /s8/ImpliedDos2/i (implicit) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
!DEF: /s8/x (implicit) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
!REF: /s8/one
data (y(i),i=1,10),(z(i),i=1,10),x/21*one/
end subroutine