Vedant Kumar 4926a5ee63 [lldb] Clarify docstring for SBBlock::IsInlined, NFC
Previously, there was a little ambiguity about whether IsInlined should
return true for an inlined lexical block, since technically the lexical
block would not represent an inlined function (it'd just be contained
within one).

Edit suggested by Jim Ingham.
2020-09-17 16:54:58 -07:00

164 lines
6.2 KiB

//===-- SWIG Interface for SBBlock ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
namespace lldb {
"Represents a lexical block. SBFunction contains SBBlock(s)."
) SBBlock;
class SBBlock
SBBlock ();
SBBlock (const lldb::SBBlock &rhs);
~SBBlock ();
"Is this block contained within an inlined function?"
) IsInlined;
IsInlined () const;
IsValid () const;
explicit operator bool() const;
%feature("docstring", "
Get the function name if this block represents an inlined function;
otherwise, return None.") GetInlinedName;
const char *
GetInlinedName () const;
%feature("docstring", "
Get the call site file if this block represents an inlined function;
otherwise, return an invalid file spec.") GetInlinedCallSiteFile;
GetInlinedCallSiteFile () const;
%feature("docstring", "
Get the call site line if this block represents an inlined function;
otherwise, return 0.") GetInlinedCallSiteLine;
GetInlinedCallSiteLine () const;
%feature("docstring", "
Get the call site column if this block represents an inlined function;
otherwise, return 0.") GetInlinedCallSiteColumn;
GetInlinedCallSiteColumn () const;
%feature("docstring", "Get the parent block.") GetParent;
GetParent ();
%feature("docstring", "Get the inlined block that is or contains this block.") GetContainingInlinedBlock;
GetContainingInlinedBlock ();
%feature("docstring", "Get the sibling block for this block.") GetSibling;
GetSibling ();
%feature("docstring", "Get the first child block.") GetFirstChild;
GetFirstChild ();
GetNumRanges ();
GetRangeStartAddress (uint32_t idx);
GetRangeEndAddress (uint32_t idx);
GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress (lldb::SBAddress block_addr);
GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description);
GetVariables (lldb::SBFrame& frame,
bool arguments,
bool locals,
bool statics,
lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
GetVariables (lldb::SBTarget& target,
bool arguments,
bool locals,
bool statics);
%pythoncode %{
def get_range_at_index(self, idx):
if idx < self.GetNumRanges():
return [self.GetRangeStartAddress(idx), self.GetRangeEndAddress(idx)]
return []
class ranges_access(object):
'''A helper object that will lazily hand out an array of lldb.SBAddress that represent address ranges for a block.'''
def __init__(self, sbblock):
self.sbblock = sbblock
def __len__(self):
if self.sbblock:
return int(self.sbblock.GetNumRanges())
return 0
def __getitem__(self, key):
count = len(self)
if type(key) is int:
return self.sbblock.get_range_at_index (key);
if isinstance(key, SBAddress):
range_idx = self.sbblock.GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(key);
if range_idx < len(self):
return [self.sbblock.GetRangeStartAddress(range_idx), self.sbblock.GetRangeEndAddress(range_idx)]
print("error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key))
return None
def get_ranges_access_object(self):
'''An accessor function that returns a ranges_access() object which allows lazy block address ranges access.'''
return self.ranges_access (self)
def get_ranges_array(self):
'''An accessor function that returns an array object that contains all ranges in this block object.'''
if not hasattr(self, 'ranges_array'):
self.ranges_array = []
for idx in range(self.num_ranges):
self.ranges_array.append ([self.GetRangeStartAddress(idx), self.GetRangeEndAddress(idx)])
return self.ranges_array
def get_call_site(self):
return declaration(self.GetInlinedCallSiteFile(), self.GetInlinedCallSiteLine(), self.GetInlinedCallSiteColumn())
parent = property(GetParent, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetParent().''')
first_child = property(GetFirstChild, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetFirstChild().''')
call_site = property(get_call_site, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a lldb.declaration object that contains the inlined call site file, line and column.''')
sibling = property(GetSibling, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetSibling().''')
name = property(GetInlinedName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetInlinedName().''')
inlined_block = property(GetContainingInlinedBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetContainingInlinedBlock().''')
range = property(get_ranges_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that allows item access to the address ranges for a block by integer (range = block.range[0]) and by lldb.SBAddress (find the range that contains the specified lldb.SBAddress like "pc_range = lldb.frame.block.range[frame.addr]").''')
ranges = property(get_ranges_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() object that contains all of the address ranges for the block.''')
num_ranges = property(GetNumRanges, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetNumRanges().''')
} // namespace lldb