Markus Böck e13d23bc6c [mlir] Rename OpAsmParser::OperandType to OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand
I am not sure about the meaning of Type in the name (was it meant be interpreted as Kind?), and given the importance and meaning of Type in the context of MLIR, its probably better to rename it. Given the comment in the source code, the suggestion in the GitHub issue and the final discussions in the review, this patch renames the OperandType to UnresolvedOperand.

Fixes https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/54446

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D122142
2022-03-21 21:42:13 +01:00

2272 lines
82 KiB

//===- Parser.cpp - MLIR Parser Implementation ----------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the parser for the MLIR textual form.
#include "Parser.h"
#include "AsmParserImpl.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "mlir/Parser/AsmParserState.h"
#include "mlir/Parser/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/bit.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::detail;
using llvm::MemoryBuffer;
using llvm::SourceMgr;
// Parser
/// Parse a list of comma-separated items with an optional delimiter. If a
/// delimiter is provided, then an empty list is allowed. If not, then at
/// least one element will be parsed.
Parser::parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter delimiter,
function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElementFn,
StringRef contextMessage) {
switch (delimiter) {
case Delimiter::None:
case Delimiter::OptionalParen:
if (getToken().isNot(Token::l_paren))
return success();
case Delimiter::Paren:
if (parseToken(Token::l_paren, "expected '('" + contextMessage))
return failure();
// Check for empty list.
if (consumeIf(Token::r_paren))
return success();
case Delimiter::OptionalLessGreater:
// Check for absent list.
if (getToken().isNot(Token::less))
return success();
case Delimiter::LessGreater:
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<'" + contextMessage))
return success();
// Check for empty list.
if (consumeIf(Token::greater))
return success();
case Delimiter::OptionalSquare:
if (getToken().isNot(Token::l_square))
return success();
case Delimiter::Square:
if (parseToken(Token::l_square, "expected '['" + contextMessage))
return failure();
// Check for empty list.
if (consumeIf(Token::r_square))
return success();
case Delimiter::OptionalBraces:
if (getToken().isNot(Token::l_brace))
return success();
case Delimiter::Braces:
if (parseToken(Token::l_brace, "expected '{'" + contextMessage))
return failure();
// Check for empty list.
if (consumeIf(Token::r_brace))
return success();
// Non-empty case starts with an element.
if (parseElementFn())
return failure();
// Otherwise we have a list of comma separated elements.
while (consumeIf(Token::comma)) {
if (parseElementFn())
return failure();
switch (delimiter) {
case Delimiter::None:
return success();
case Delimiter::OptionalParen:
case Delimiter::Paren:
return parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')'" + contextMessage);
case Delimiter::OptionalLessGreater:
case Delimiter::LessGreater:
return parseToken(Token::greater, "expected '>'" + contextMessage);
case Delimiter::OptionalSquare:
case Delimiter::Square:
return parseToken(Token::r_square, "expected ']'" + contextMessage);
case Delimiter::OptionalBraces:
case Delimiter::Braces:
return parseToken(Token::r_brace, "expected '}'" + contextMessage);
llvm_unreachable("Unknown delimiter");
/// Parse a comma-separated list of elements, terminated with an arbitrary
/// token. This allows empty lists if allowEmptyList is true.
/// abstract-list ::= rightToken // if allowEmptyList == true
/// abstract-list ::= element (',' element)* rightToken
Parser::parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::Kind rightToken,
function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElement,
bool allowEmptyList) {
// Handle the empty case.
if (getToken().is(rightToken)) {
if (!allowEmptyList)
return emitError("expected list element");
return success();
if (parseCommaSeparatedList(parseElement) ||
parseToken(rightToken, "expected ',' or '" +
Token::getTokenSpelling(rightToken) + "'"))
return failure();
return success();
InFlightDiagnostic Parser::emitError(SMLoc loc, const Twine &message) {
auto diag = mlir::emitError(getEncodedSourceLocation(loc), message);
// If we hit a parse error in response to a lexer error, then the lexer
// already reported the error.
if (getToken().is(Token::error))
return diag;
/// Consume the specified token if present and return success. On failure,
/// output a diagnostic and return failure.
ParseResult Parser::parseToken(Token::Kind expectedToken,
const Twine &message) {
if (consumeIf(expectedToken))
return success();
return emitError(message);
/// Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
OptionalParseResult Parser::parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result) {
Token curToken = getToken();
if (curToken.isNot(Token::integer, Token::minus))
return llvm::None;
bool negative = consumeIf(Token::minus);
Token curTok = getToken();
if (parseToken(Token::integer, "expected integer value"))
return failure();
StringRef spelling = curTok.getSpelling();
bool isHex = spelling.size() > 1 && spelling[1] == 'x';
if (spelling.getAsInteger(isHex ? 0 : 10, result))
return emitError(curTok.getLoc(), "integer value too large");
// Make sure we have a zero at the top so we return the right signedness.
if (result.isNegative())
result = result.zext(result.getBitWidth() + 1);
// Process the negative sign if present.
if (negative)
return success();
/// Parse a floating point value from an integer literal token.
ParseResult Parser::parseFloatFromIntegerLiteral(
Optional<APFloat> &result, const Token &tok, bool isNegative,
const llvm::fltSemantics &semantics, size_t typeSizeInBits) {
SMLoc loc = tok.getLoc();
StringRef spelling = tok.getSpelling();
bool isHex = spelling.size() > 1 && spelling[1] == 'x';
if (!isHex) {
return emitError(loc, "unexpected decimal integer literal for a "
"floating point value")
<< "add a trailing dot to make the literal a float";
if (isNegative) {
return emitError(loc, "hexadecimal float literal should not have a "
"leading minus");
Optional<uint64_t> value = tok.getUInt64IntegerValue();
if (!value.hasValue())
return emitError(loc, "hexadecimal float constant out of range for type");
if (&semantics == &APFloat::IEEEdouble()) {
result = APFloat(semantics, APInt(typeSizeInBits, *value));
return success();
APInt apInt(typeSizeInBits, *value);
if (apInt != *value)
return emitError(loc, "hexadecimal float constant out of range for type");
result = APFloat(semantics, apInt);
return success();
// OperationParser
namespace {
/// This class provides support for parsing operations and regions of
/// operations.
class OperationParser : public Parser {
OperationParser(ParserState &state, ModuleOp topLevelOp);
/// After parsing is finished, this function must be called to see if there
/// are any remaining issues.
ParseResult finalize();
// SSA Value Handling
/// This represents a use of an SSA value in the program. The first two
/// entries in the tuple are the name and result number of a reference. The
/// third is the location of the reference, which is used in case this ends
/// up being a use of an undefined value.
struct SSAUseInfo {
StringRef name; // Value name, e.g. %42 or %abc
unsigned number; // Number, specified with #12
SMLoc loc; // Location of first definition or use.
/// Push a new SSA name scope to the parser.
void pushSSANameScope(bool isIsolated);
/// Pop the last SSA name scope from the parser.
ParseResult popSSANameScope();
/// Register a definition of a value with the symbol table.
ParseResult addDefinition(SSAUseInfo useInfo, Value value);
/// Parse an optional list of SSA uses into 'results'.
ParseResult parseOptionalSSAUseList(SmallVectorImpl<SSAUseInfo> &results);
/// Parse a single SSA use into 'result'.
ParseResult parseSSAUse(SSAUseInfo &result);
/// Given a reference to an SSA value and its type, return a reference. This
/// returns null on failure.
Value resolveSSAUse(SSAUseInfo useInfo, Type type);
parseSSADefOrUseAndType(function_ref<ParseResult(SSAUseInfo, Type)> action);
ParseResult parseOptionalSSAUseAndTypeList(SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results);
/// Return the location of the value identified by its name and number if it
/// has been already reference.
Optional<SMLoc> getReferenceLoc(StringRef name, unsigned number) {
auto &values = isolatedNameScopes.back().values;
if (!values.count(name) || number >= values[name].size())
return {};
if (values[name][number].value)
return values[name][number].loc;
return {};
// Operation Parsing
/// Parse an operation instance.
ParseResult parseOperation();
/// Parse a single operation successor.
ParseResult parseSuccessor(Block *&dest);
/// Parse a comma-separated list of operation successors in brackets.
ParseResult parseSuccessors(SmallVectorImpl<Block *> &destinations);
/// Parse an operation instance that is in the generic form.
Operation *parseGenericOperation();
/// Parse different components, viz., use-info of operand(s), successor(s),
/// region(s), attribute(s) and function-type, of the generic form of an
/// operation instance and populate the input operation-state 'result' with
/// those components. If any of the components is explicitly provided, then
/// skip parsing that component.
ParseResult parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(
OperationState &result,
Optional<ArrayRef<SSAUseInfo>> parsedOperandUseInfo = llvm::None,
Optional<ArrayRef<Block *>> parsedSuccessors = llvm::None,
Optional<MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>>> parsedRegions =
Optional<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>> parsedAttributes = llvm::None,
Optional<FunctionType> parsedFnType = llvm::None);
/// Parse an operation instance that is in the generic form and insert it at
/// the provided insertion point.
Operation *parseGenericOperation(Block *insertBlock,
Block::iterator insertPt);
/// This type is used to keep track of things that are either an Operation or
/// a BlockArgument. We cannot use Value for this, because not all Operations
/// have results.
using OpOrArgument = llvm::PointerUnion<Operation *, BlockArgument>;
/// Parse an optional trailing location and add it to the specifier Operation
/// or `UnresolvedOperand` if present.
/// trailing-location ::= (`loc` (`(` location `)` | attribute-alias))?
ParseResult parseTrailingLocationSpecifier(OpOrArgument opOrArgument);
/// Parse a location alias, that is a sequence looking like: #loc42
/// The alias may have already be defined or may be defined later, in which
/// case an OpaqueLoc is used a placeholder.
ParseResult parseLocationAlias(LocationAttr &loc);
/// This is the structure of a result specifier in the assembly syntax,
/// including the name, number of results, and location.
using ResultRecord = std::tuple<StringRef, unsigned, SMLoc>;
/// Parse an operation instance that is in the op-defined custom form.
/// resultInfo specifies information about the "%name =" specifiers.
Operation *parseCustomOperation(ArrayRef<ResultRecord> resultIDs);
/// Parse the name of an operation, in the custom form. On success, return a
/// an object of type 'OperationName'. Otherwise, failure is returned.
FailureOr<OperationName> parseCustomOperationName();
// Region Parsing
/// Parse a region into 'region' with the provided entry block arguments.
/// If non-empty, 'argLocations' contains an optional locations for each
/// argument. 'isIsolatedNameScope' indicates if the naming scope of this
/// region is isolated from those above.
ParseResult parseRegion(Region &region,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SSAUseInfo, Type>> entryArguments,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations,
bool isIsolatedNameScope = false);
/// Parse a region body into 'region'.
parseRegionBody(Region &region, SMLoc startLoc,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SSAUseInfo, Type>> entryArguments,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations, bool isIsolatedNameScope);
// Block Parsing
/// Parse a new block into 'block'.
ParseResult parseBlock(Block *&block);
/// Parse a list of operations into 'block'.
ParseResult parseBlockBody(Block *block);
/// Parse a (possibly empty) list of block arguments.
ParseResult parseOptionalBlockArgList(Block *owner);
/// Get the block with the specified name, creating it if it doesn't
/// already exist. The location specified is the point of use, which allows
/// us to diagnose references to blocks that are not defined precisely.
Block *getBlockNamed(StringRef name, SMLoc loc);
/// Define the block with the specified name. Returns the Block* or nullptr in
/// the case of redefinition.
Block *defineBlockNamed(StringRef name, SMLoc loc, Block *existing);
/// This class represents a definition of a Block.
struct BlockDefinition {
/// A pointer to the defined Block.
Block *block;
/// The location that the Block was defined at.
SMLoc loc;
/// This class represents a definition of a Value.
struct ValueDefinition {
/// A pointer to the defined Value.
Value value;
/// The location that the Value was defined at.
SMLoc loc;
/// Returns the info for a block at the current scope for the given name.
BlockDefinition &getBlockInfoByName(StringRef name) {
return blocksByName.back()[name];
/// Insert a new forward reference to the given block.
void insertForwardRef(Block *block, SMLoc loc) {
forwardRef.back().try_emplace(block, loc);
/// Erase any forward reference to the given block.
bool eraseForwardRef(Block *block) { return forwardRef.back().erase(block); }
/// Record that a definition was added at the current scope.
void recordDefinition(StringRef def);
/// Get the value entry for the given SSA name.
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDefinition> &getSSAValueEntry(StringRef name);
/// Create a forward reference placeholder value with the given location and
/// result type.
Value createForwardRefPlaceholder(SMLoc loc, Type type);
/// Return true if this is a forward reference.
bool isForwardRefPlaceholder(Value value) {
return forwardRefPlaceholders.count(value);
/// This struct represents an isolated SSA name scope. This scope may contain
/// other nested non-isolated scopes. These scopes are used for operations
/// that are known to be isolated to allow for reusing names within their
/// regions, even if those names are used above.
struct IsolatedSSANameScope {
/// Record that a definition was added at the current scope.
void recordDefinition(StringRef def) {
/// Push a nested name scope.
void pushSSANameScope() { definitionsPerScope.push_back({}); }
/// Pop a nested name scope.
void popSSANameScope() {
for (auto &def : definitionsPerScope.pop_back_val())
/// This keeps track of all of the SSA values we are tracking for each name
/// scope, indexed by their name. This has one entry per result number.
llvm::StringMap<SmallVector<ValueDefinition, 1>> values;
/// This keeps track of all of the values defined by a specific name scope.
SmallVector<llvm::StringSet<>, 2> definitionsPerScope;
/// A list of isolated name scopes.
SmallVector<IsolatedSSANameScope, 2> isolatedNameScopes;
/// This keeps track of the block names as well as the location of the first
/// reference for each nested name scope. This is used to diagnose invalid
/// block references and memorize them.
SmallVector<DenseMap<StringRef, BlockDefinition>, 2> blocksByName;
SmallVector<DenseMap<Block *, SMLoc>, 2> forwardRef;
/// These are all of the placeholders we've made along with the location of
/// their first reference, to allow checking for use of undefined values.
DenseMap<Value, SMLoc> forwardRefPlaceholders;
/// Deffered locations: when parsing `loc(#loc42)` we add an entry to this
/// map. After parsing the definition `#loc42 = ...` we'll patch back users
/// of this location.
struct DeferredLocInfo {
SMLoc loc;
StringRef identifier;
std::vector<DeferredLocInfo> deferredLocsReferences;
/// The builder used when creating parsed operation instances.
OpBuilder opBuilder;
/// The top level operation that holds all of the parsed operations.
Operation *topLevelOp;
} // namespace
OperationParser::OperationParser(ParserState &state, ModuleOp topLevelOp)
: Parser(state), opBuilder(topLevelOp.getRegion()), topLevelOp(topLevelOp) {
// The top level operation starts a new name scope.
// If we are populating the parser state, prepare it for parsing.
if (state.asmState)
OperationParser::~OperationParser() {
for (auto &fwd : forwardRefPlaceholders) {
// Drop all uses of undefined forward declared reference and destroy
// defining operation.
for (const auto &scope : forwardRef) {
for (const auto &fwd : scope) {
// Delete all blocks that were created as forward references but never
// included into a region.
delete fwd.first;
/// After parsing is finished, this function must be called to see if there are
/// any remaining issues.
ParseResult OperationParser::finalize() {
// Check for any forward references that are left. If we find any, error
// out.
if (!forwardRefPlaceholders.empty()) {
SmallVector<const char *, 4> errors;
// Iteration over the map isn't deterministic, so sort by source location.
for (auto entry : forwardRefPlaceholders)
llvm::array_pod_sort(errors.begin(), errors.end());
for (const char *entry : errors) {
auto loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(entry);
emitError(loc, "use of undeclared SSA value name");
return failure();
// Resolve the locations of any deferred operations.
auto &attributeAliases = state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions;
auto locID = TypeID::get<DeferredLocInfo *>();
auto resolveLocation = [&, this](auto &opOrArgument) -> LogicalResult {
auto fwdLoc = opOrArgument.getLoc().template dyn_cast<OpaqueLoc>();
if (!fwdLoc || fwdLoc.getUnderlyingTypeID() != locID)
return success();
auto locInfo = deferredLocsReferences[fwdLoc.getUnderlyingLocation()];
Attribute attr = attributeAliases.lookup(locInfo.identifier);
if (!attr)
return this->emitError(locInfo.loc)
<< "operation location alias was never defined";
auto locAttr = attr.dyn_cast<LocationAttr>();
if (!locAttr)
return this->emitError(locInfo.loc)
<< "expected location, but found '" << attr << "'";
return success();
auto walkRes = topLevelOp->walk([&](Operation *op) {
if (failed(resolveLocation(*op)))
return WalkResult::interrupt();
for (Region &region : op->getRegions())
for (Block &block : region.getBlocks())
for (BlockArgument arg : block.getArguments())
if (failed(resolveLocation(arg)))
return WalkResult::interrupt();
return WalkResult::advance();
if (walkRes.wasInterrupted())
return failure();
// Pop the top level name scope.
if (failed(popSSANameScope()))
return failure();
// Verify that the parsed operations are valid.
if (failed(verify(topLevelOp)))
return failure();
// If we are populating the parser state, finalize the top-level operation.
if (state.asmState)
return success();
// SSA Value Handling
void OperationParser::pushSSANameScope(bool isIsolated) {
blocksByName.push_back(DenseMap<StringRef, BlockDefinition>());
forwardRef.push_back(DenseMap<Block *, SMLoc>());
// Push back a new name definition scope.
if (isIsolated)
ParseResult OperationParser::popSSANameScope() {
auto forwardRefInCurrentScope = forwardRef.pop_back_val();
// Verify that all referenced blocks were defined.
if (!forwardRefInCurrentScope.empty()) {
SmallVector<std::pair<const char *, Block *>, 4> errors;
// Iteration over the map isn't deterministic, so sort by source location.
for (auto entry : forwardRefInCurrentScope) {
errors.push_back({entry.second.getPointer(), entry.first});
// Add this block to the top-level region to allow for automatic cleanup.
llvm::array_pod_sort(errors.begin(), errors.end());
for (auto entry : errors) {
auto loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(entry.first);
emitError(loc, "reference to an undefined block");
return failure();
// Pop the next nested namescope. If there is only one internal namescope,
// just pop the isolated scope.
auto &currentNameScope = isolatedNameScopes.back();
if (currentNameScope.definitionsPerScope.size() == 1)
return success();
/// Register a definition of a value with the symbol table.
ParseResult OperationParser::addDefinition(SSAUseInfo useInfo, Value value) {
auto &entries = getSSAValueEntry(useInfo.name);
// Make sure there is a slot for this value.
if (entries.size() <= useInfo.number)
entries.resize(useInfo.number + 1);
// If we already have an entry for this, check to see if it was a definition
// or a forward reference.
if (auto existing = entries[useInfo.number].value) {
if (!isForwardRefPlaceholder(existing)) {
return emitError(useInfo.loc)
.append("redefinition of SSA value '", useInfo.name, "'")
.append("previously defined here");
if (existing.getType() != value.getType()) {
return emitError(useInfo.loc)
.append("definition of SSA value '", useInfo.name, "#",
useInfo.number, "' has type ", value.getType())
.append("previously used here with type ", existing.getType());
// If it was a forward reference, update everything that used it to use
// the actual definition instead, delete the forward ref, and remove it
// from our set of forward references we track.
// If a definition of the value already exists, replace it in the assembly
// state.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->refineDefinition(existing, value);
/// Record this definition for the current scope.
entries[useInfo.number] = {value, useInfo.loc};
return success();
/// Parse a (possibly empty) list of SSA operands.
/// ssa-use-list ::= ssa-use (`,` ssa-use)*
/// ssa-use-list-opt ::= ssa-use-list?
OperationParser::parseOptionalSSAUseList(SmallVectorImpl<SSAUseInfo> &results) {
if (getToken().isNot(Token::percent_identifier))
return success();
return parseCommaSeparatedList([&]() -> ParseResult {
SSAUseInfo result;
if (parseSSAUse(result))
return failure();
return success();
/// Parse a SSA operand for an operation.
/// ssa-use ::= ssa-id
ParseResult OperationParser::parseSSAUse(SSAUseInfo &result) {
result.name = getTokenSpelling();
result.number = 0;
result.loc = getToken().getLoc();
if (parseToken(Token::percent_identifier, "expected SSA operand"))
return failure();
// If we have an attribute ID, it is a result number.
if (getToken().is(Token::hash_identifier)) {
if (auto value = getToken().getHashIdentifierNumber())
result.number = value.getValue();
return emitError("invalid SSA value result number");
return success();
/// Given an unbound reference to an SSA value and its type, return the value
/// it specifies. This returns null on failure.
Value OperationParser::resolveSSAUse(SSAUseInfo useInfo, Type type) {
auto &entries = getSSAValueEntry(useInfo.name);
// Functor used to record the use of the given value if the assembly state
// field is populated.
auto maybeRecordUse = [&](Value value) {
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->addUses(value, useInfo.loc);
return value;
// If we have already seen a value of this name, return it.
if (useInfo.number < entries.size() && entries[useInfo.number].value) {
Value result = entries[useInfo.number].value;
// Check that the type matches the other uses.
if (result.getType() == type)
return maybeRecordUse(result);
emitError(useInfo.loc, "use of value '")
"' expects different type than prior uses: ", type, " vs ",
.append("prior use here");
return nullptr;
// Make sure we have enough slots for this.
if (entries.size() <= useInfo.number)
entries.resize(useInfo.number + 1);
// If the value has already been defined and this is an overly large result
// number, diagnose that.
if (entries[0].value && !isForwardRefPlaceholder(entries[0].value))
return (emitError(useInfo.loc, "reference to invalid result number"),
// Otherwise, this is a forward reference. Create a placeholder and remember
// that we did so.
Value result = createForwardRefPlaceholder(useInfo.loc, type);
entries[useInfo.number] = {result, useInfo.loc};
return maybeRecordUse(result);
/// Parse an SSA use with an associated type.
/// ssa-use-and-type ::= ssa-use `:` type
ParseResult OperationParser::parseSSADefOrUseAndType(
function_ref<ParseResult(SSAUseInfo, Type)> action) {
SSAUseInfo useInfo;
if (parseSSAUse(useInfo) ||
parseToken(Token::colon, "expected ':' and type for SSA operand"))
return failure();
auto type = parseType();
if (!type)
return failure();
return action(useInfo, type);
/// Parse a (possibly empty) list of SSA operands, followed by a colon, then
/// followed by a type list.
/// ssa-use-and-type-list
/// ::= ssa-use-list ':' type-list-no-parens
ParseResult OperationParser::parseOptionalSSAUseAndTypeList(
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results) {
SmallVector<SSAUseInfo, 4> valueIDs;
if (parseOptionalSSAUseList(valueIDs))
return failure();
// If there were no operands, then there is no colon or type lists.
if (valueIDs.empty())
return success();
SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
if (parseToken(Token::colon, "expected ':' in operand list") ||
return failure();
if (valueIDs.size() != types.size())
return emitError("expected ")
<< valueIDs.size() << " types to match operand list";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = valueIDs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (auto value = resolveSSAUse(valueIDs[i], types[i]))
return failure();
return success();
/// Record that a definition was added at the current scope.
void OperationParser::recordDefinition(StringRef def) {
/// Get the value entry for the given SSA name.
auto OperationParser::getSSAValueEntry(StringRef name)
-> SmallVectorImpl<ValueDefinition> & {
return isolatedNameScopes.back().values[name];
/// Create and remember a new placeholder for a forward reference.
Value OperationParser::createForwardRefPlaceholder(SMLoc loc, Type type) {
// Forward references are always created as operations, because we just need
// something with a def/use chain.
// We create these placeholders as having an empty name, which we know
// cannot be created through normal user input, allowing us to distinguish
// them.
auto name = OperationName("builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast", getContext());
auto *op = Operation::create(
getEncodedSourceLocation(loc), name, type, /*operands=*/{},
/*attributes=*/llvm::None, /*successors=*/{}, /*numRegions=*/0);
forwardRefPlaceholders[op->getResult(0)] = loc;
return op->getResult(0);
// Operation Parsing
/// Parse an operation.
/// operation ::= op-result-list?
/// (generic-operation | custom-operation)
/// trailing-location?
/// generic-operation ::= string-literal `(` ssa-use-list? `)`
/// successor-list? (`(` region-list `)`)?
/// attribute-dict? `:` function-type
/// custom-operation ::= bare-id custom-operation-format
/// op-result-list ::= op-result (`,` op-result)* `=`
/// op-result ::= ssa-id (`:` integer-literal)
ParseResult OperationParser::parseOperation() {
auto loc = getToken().getLoc();
SmallVector<ResultRecord, 1> resultIDs;
size_t numExpectedResults = 0;
if (getToken().is(Token::percent_identifier)) {
// Parse the group of result ids.
auto parseNextResult = [&]() -> ParseResult {
// Parse the next result id.
if (!getToken().is(Token::percent_identifier))
return emitError("expected valid ssa identifier");
Token nameTok = getToken();
// If the next token is a ':', we parse the expected result count.
size_t expectedSubResults = 1;
if (consumeIf(Token::colon)) {
// Check that the next token is an integer.
if (!getToken().is(Token::integer))
return emitError("expected integer number of results");
// Check that number of results is > 0.
auto val = getToken().getUInt64IntegerValue();
if (!val.hasValue() || val.getValue() < 1)
return emitError("expected named operation to have atleast 1 result");
expectedSubResults = *val;
resultIDs.emplace_back(nameTok.getSpelling(), expectedSubResults,
numExpectedResults += expectedSubResults;
return success();
if (parseCommaSeparatedList(parseNextResult))
return failure();
if (parseToken(Token::equal, "expected '=' after SSA name"))
return failure();
Operation *op;
Token nameTok = getToken();
if (nameTok.is(Token::bare_identifier) || nameTok.isKeyword())
op = parseCustomOperation(resultIDs);
else if (nameTok.is(Token::string))
op = parseGenericOperation();
return emitError("expected operation name in quotes");
// If parsing of the basic operation failed, then this whole thing fails.
if (!op)
return failure();
// If the operation had a name, register it.
if (!resultIDs.empty()) {
if (op->getNumResults() == 0)
return emitError(loc, "cannot name an operation with no results");
if (numExpectedResults != op->getNumResults())
return emitError(loc, "operation defines ")
<< op->getNumResults() << " results but was provided "
<< numExpectedResults << " to bind";
// Add this operation to the assembly state if it was provided to populate.
if (state.asmState) {
unsigned resultIt = 0;
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, SMLoc>> asmResultGroups;
for (ResultRecord &record : resultIDs) {
asmResultGroups.emplace_back(resultIt, std::get<2>(record));
resultIt += std::get<1>(record);
op, nameTok.getLocRange(), /*endLoc=*/getToken().getLoc(),
// Add definitions for each of the result groups.
unsigned opResI = 0;
for (ResultRecord &resIt : resultIDs) {
for (unsigned subRes : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, std::get<1>(resIt))) {
if (addDefinition({std::get<0>(resIt), subRes, std::get<2>(resIt)},
return failure();
// Add this operation to the assembly state if it was provided to populate.
} else if (state.asmState) {
state.asmState->finalizeOperationDefinition(op, nameTok.getLocRange(),
return success();
/// Parse a single operation successor.
/// successor ::= block-id
ParseResult OperationParser::parseSuccessor(Block *&dest) {
// Verify branch is identifier and get the matching block.
if (!getToken().is(Token::caret_identifier))
return emitError("expected block name");
dest = getBlockNamed(getTokenSpelling(), getToken().getLoc());
return success();
/// Parse a comma-separated list of operation successors in brackets.
/// successor-list ::= `[` successor (`,` successor )* `]`
OperationParser::parseSuccessors(SmallVectorImpl<Block *> &destinations) {
if (parseToken(Token::l_square, "expected '['"))
return failure();
auto parseElt = [this, &destinations] {
Block *dest;
ParseResult res = parseSuccessor(dest);
return res;
return parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::r_square, parseElt,
namespace {
// RAII-style guard for cleaning up the regions in the operation state before
// deleting them. Within the parser, regions may get deleted if parsing failed,
// and other errors may be present, in particular undominated uses. This makes
// sure such uses are deleted.
struct CleanupOpStateRegions {
~CleanupOpStateRegions() {
SmallVector<Region *, 4> regionsToClean;
for (auto &region : state.regions)
if (region)
for (auto &block : *region)
OperationState &state;
} // namespace
ParseResult OperationParser::parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(
OperationState &result, Optional<ArrayRef<SSAUseInfo>> parsedOperandUseInfo,
Optional<ArrayRef<Block *>> parsedSuccessors,
Optional<MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>>> parsedRegions,
Optional<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>> parsedAttributes,
Optional<FunctionType> parsedFnType) {
// Parse the operand list, if not explicitly provided.
SmallVector<SSAUseInfo, 8> opInfo;
if (!parsedOperandUseInfo) {
if (parseToken(Token::l_paren, "expected '(' to start operand list") ||
parseOptionalSSAUseList(opInfo) ||
parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')' to end operand list")) {
return failure();
parsedOperandUseInfo = opInfo;
// Parse the successor list, if not explicitly provided.
if (!parsedSuccessors) {
if (getToken().is(Token::l_square)) {
// Check if the operation is not a known terminator.
if (!result.name.mightHaveTrait<OpTrait::IsTerminator>())
return emitError("successors in non-terminator");
SmallVector<Block *, 2> successors;
if (parseSuccessors(successors))
return failure();
} else {
// Parse the region list, if not explicitly provided.
if (!parsedRegions) {
if (consumeIf(Token::l_paren)) {
do {
// Create temporary regions with the top level region as parent.
result.regions.emplace_back(new Region(topLevelOp));
if (parseRegion(*result.regions.back(), /*entryArguments=*/{},
return failure();
} while (consumeIf(Token::comma));
if (parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')' to end region list"))
return failure();
} else {
// Parse the attributes, if not explicitly provided.
if (!parsedAttributes) {
if (getToken().is(Token::l_brace)) {
if (parseAttributeDict(result.attributes))
return failure();
} else {
// Parse the operation type, if not explicitly provided.
Location typeLoc = result.location;
if (!parsedFnType) {
if (parseToken(Token::colon, "expected ':' followed by operation type"))
return failure();
typeLoc = getEncodedSourceLocation(getToken().getLoc());
auto type = parseType();
if (!type)
return failure();
auto fnType = type.dyn_cast<FunctionType>();
if (!fnType)
return mlir::emitError(typeLoc, "expected function type");
parsedFnType = fnType;
// Check that we have the right number of types for the operands.
ArrayRef<Type> operandTypes = parsedFnType->getInputs();
if (operandTypes.size() != parsedOperandUseInfo->size()) {
auto plural = "s"[parsedOperandUseInfo->size() == 1];
return mlir::emitError(typeLoc, "expected ")
<< parsedOperandUseInfo->size() << " operand type" << plural
<< " but had " << operandTypes.size();
// Resolve all of the operands.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = parsedOperandUseInfo->size(); i != e; ++i) {
resolveSSAUse((*parsedOperandUseInfo)[i], operandTypes[i]));
if (!result.operands.back())
return failure();
return success();
Operation *OperationParser::parseGenericOperation() {
// Get location information for the operation.
auto srcLocation = getEncodedSourceLocation(getToken().getLoc());
std::string name = getToken().getStringValue();
if (name.empty())
return (emitError("empty operation name is invalid"), nullptr);
if (name.find('\0') != StringRef::npos)
return (emitError("null character not allowed in operation name"), nullptr);
OperationState result(srcLocation, name);
CleanupOpStateRegions guard{result};
// Lazy load dialects in the context as needed.
if (!result.name.isRegistered()) {
StringRef dialectName = StringRef(name).split('.').first;
if (!getContext()->getLoadedDialect(dialectName) &&
!getContext()->getOrLoadDialect(dialectName) &&
!getContext()->allowsUnregisteredDialects()) {
// Emit an error if the dialect couldn't be loaded (i.e., it was not
// registered) and unregistered dialects aren't allowed.
emitError("operation being parsed with an unregistered dialect. If "
"this is intended, please use -allow-unregistered-dialect "
"with the MLIR tool used");
return nullptr;
// If we are populating the parser state, start a new operation definition.
if (state.asmState)
if (parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(result))
return nullptr;
// Create the operation and try to parse a location for it.
Operation *op = opBuilder.createOperation(result);
if (parseTrailingLocationSpecifier(op))
return nullptr;
return op;
Operation *OperationParser::parseGenericOperation(Block *insertBlock,
Block::iterator insertPt) {
Token nameToken = getToken();
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard restoreInsertionPoint(opBuilder);
opBuilder.setInsertionPoint(insertBlock, insertPt);
Operation *op = parseGenericOperation();
if (!op)
return nullptr;
// If we are populating the parser asm state, finalize this operation
// definition.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->finalizeOperationDefinition(op, nameToken.getLocRange(),
return op;
namespace {
class CustomOpAsmParser : public AsmParserImpl<OpAsmParser> {
SMLoc nameLoc, ArrayRef<OperationParser::ResultRecord> resultIDs,
function_ref<ParseResult(OpAsmParser &, OperationState &)> parseAssembly,
bool isIsolatedFromAbove, StringRef opName, OperationParser &parser)
: AsmParserImpl<OpAsmParser>(nameLoc, parser), resultIDs(resultIDs),
parseAssembly(parseAssembly), isIsolatedFromAbove(isIsolatedFromAbove),
opName(opName), parser(parser) {
(void)isIsolatedFromAbove; // Only used in assert, silence unused warning.
/// Parse an instance of the operation described by 'opDefinition' into the
/// provided operation state.
ParseResult parseOperation(OperationState &opState) {
if (parseAssembly(*this, opState))
return failure();
// Verify that the parsed attributes does not have duplicate attributes.
// This can happen if an attribute set during parsing is also specified in
// the attribute dictionary in the assembly, or the attribute is set
// multiple during parsing.
Optional<NamedAttribute> duplicate = opState.attributes.findDuplicate();
if (duplicate)
return emitError(getNameLoc(), "attribute '")
<< duplicate->getName().getValue()
<< "' occurs more than once in the attribute list";
return success();
Operation *parseGenericOperation(Block *insertBlock,
Block::iterator insertPt) final {
return parser.parseGenericOperation(insertBlock, insertPt);
FailureOr<OperationName> parseCustomOperationName() final {
return parser.parseCustomOperationName();
ParseResult parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(
OperationState &result,
Optional<ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand>> parsedUnresolvedOperands,
Optional<ArrayRef<Block *>> parsedSuccessors,
Optional<MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>>> parsedRegions,
Optional<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>> parsedAttributes,
Optional<FunctionType> parsedFnType) final {
// TODO: The types, UnresolvedOperand and SSAUseInfo, both share the same
// members but in different order. It would be cleaner to make one alias of
// the other, making the following code redundant.
SmallVector<OperationParser::SSAUseInfo> parsedOperandUseInfo;
if (parsedUnresolvedOperands) {
for (const UnresolvedOperand &parsedUnresolvedOperand :
return parser.parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(
parsedUnresolvedOperands ? llvm::makeArrayRef(parsedOperandUseInfo)
: llvm::None,
parsedSuccessors, parsedRegions, parsedAttributes, parsedFnType);
// Utilities
/// Return the name of the specified result in the specified syntax, as well
/// as the subelement in the name. For example, in this operation:
/// %x, %y:2, %z = foo.op
/// getResultName(0) == {"x", 0 }
/// getResultName(1) == {"y", 0 }
/// getResultName(2) == {"y", 1 }
/// getResultName(3) == {"z", 0 }
std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>
getResultName(unsigned resultNo) const override {
// Scan for the resultID that contains this result number.
for (const auto &entry : resultIDs) {
if (resultNo < std::get<1>(entry)) {
// Don't pass on the leading %.
StringRef name = std::get<0>(entry).drop_front();
return {name, resultNo};
resultNo -= std::get<1>(entry);
// Invalid result number.
return {"", ~0U};
/// Return the number of declared SSA results. This returns 4 for the foo.op
/// example in the comment for getResultName.
size_t getNumResults() const override {
size_t count = 0;
for (auto &entry : resultIDs)
count += std::get<1>(entry);
return count;
/// Emit a diagnostic at the specified location and return failure.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMLoc loc, const Twine &message) override {
return AsmParserImpl<OpAsmParser>::emitError(loc, "custom op '" + opName +
"' " + message);
// Operand Parsing
/// Parse a single operand.
ParseResult parseOperand(UnresolvedOperand &result) override {
OperationParser::SSAUseInfo useInfo;
if (parser.parseSSAUse(useInfo))
return failure();
result = {useInfo.loc, useInfo.name, useInfo.number};
return success();
/// Parse a single operand if present.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalOperand(UnresolvedOperand &result) override {
if (parser.getToken().is(Token::percent_identifier))
return parseOperand(result);
return llvm::None;
/// Parse zero or more SSA comma-separated operand references with a specified
/// surrounding delimiter, and an optional required operand count.
ParseResult parseOperandList(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &result,
int requiredOperandCount = -1,
Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None) override {
return parseOperandOrRegionArgList(result, /*isOperandList=*/true,
requiredOperandCount, delimiter);
/// Parse zero or more SSA comma-separated operand or region arguments with
/// optional surrounding delimiter and required operand count.
parseOperandOrRegionArgList(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &result,
bool isOperandList, int requiredOperandCount = -1,
Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None) {
auto startLoc = parser.getToken().getLoc();
// The no-delimiter case has some special handling for better diagnostics.
if (delimiter == Delimiter::None) {
// parseCommaSeparatedList doesn't handle the missing case for "none",
// so we handle it custom here.
if (parser.getToken().isNot(Token::percent_identifier)) {
// If we didn't require any operands or required exactly zero (weird)
// then this is success.
if (requiredOperandCount == -1 || requiredOperandCount == 0)
return success();
// Otherwise, try to produce a nice error message.
if (parser.getToken().is(Token::l_paren) ||
return emitError(startLoc, "unexpected delimiter");
return emitError(startLoc, "invalid operand");
auto parseOneOperand = [&]() -> ParseResult {
UnresolvedOperand operandOrArg;
if (isOperandList ? parseOperand(operandOrArg)
: parseRegionArgument(operandOrArg))
return failure();
return success();
if (parseCommaSeparatedList(delimiter, parseOneOperand, " in operand list"))
return failure();
// Check that we got the expected # of elements.
if (requiredOperandCount != -1 &&
result.size() != static_cast<size_t>(requiredOperandCount))
return emitError(startLoc, "expected ")
<< requiredOperandCount << " operands";
return success();
/// Parse zero or more trailing SSA comma-separated trailing operand
/// references with a specified surrounding delimiter, and an optional
/// required operand count. A leading comma is expected before the operands.
parseTrailingOperandList(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &result,
int requiredOperandCount,
Delimiter delimiter) override {
if (parser.getToken().is(Token::comma)) {
return parseOperandList(result, requiredOperandCount, delimiter);
if (requiredOperandCount != -1)
return emitError(parser.getToken().getLoc(), "expected ")
<< requiredOperandCount << " operands";
return success();
/// Resolve an operand to an SSA value, emitting an error on failure.
ParseResult resolveOperand(const UnresolvedOperand &operand, Type type,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &result) override {
OperationParser::SSAUseInfo operandInfo = {operand.name, operand.number,
if (auto value = parser.resolveSSAUse(operandInfo, type)) {
return success();
return failure();
/// Parse an AffineMap of SSA ids.
parseAffineMapOfSSAIds(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &operands,
Attribute &mapAttr, StringRef attrName,
NamedAttrList &attrs, Delimiter delimiter) override {
SmallVector<UnresolvedOperand, 2> dimOperands;
SmallVector<UnresolvedOperand, 1> symOperands;
auto parseElement = [&](bool isSymbol) -> ParseResult {
UnresolvedOperand operand;
if (parseOperand(operand))
return failure();
if (isSymbol)
return success();
AffineMap map;
if (parser.parseAffineMapOfSSAIds(map, parseElement, delimiter))
return failure();
// Add AffineMap attribute.
if (map) {
mapAttr = AffineMapAttr::get(map);
attrs.push_back(parser.builder.getNamedAttr(attrName, mapAttr));
// Add dim operands before symbol operands in 'operands'.
operands.assign(dimOperands.begin(), dimOperands.end());
operands.append(symOperands.begin(), symOperands.end());
return success();
/// Parse an AffineExpr of SSA ids.
parseAffineExprOfSSAIds(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &dimOperands,
SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &symbOperands,
AffineExpr &expr) override {
auto parseElement = [&](bool isSymbol) -> ParseResult {
UnresolvedOperand operand;
if (parseOperand(operand))
return failure();
if (isSymbol)
return success();
return parser.parseAffineExprOfSSAIds(expr, parseElement);
// Region Parsing
/// Parse a region that takes `arguments` of `argTypes` types. This
/// effectively defines the SSA values of `arguments` and assigns their type.
ParseResult parseRegion(Region &region, ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand> arguments,
ArrayRef<Type> argTypes,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations,
bool enableNameShadowing) override {
assert(arguments.size() == argTypes.size() &&
"mismatching number of arguments and types");
SmallVector<std::pair<OperationParser::SSAUseInfo, Type>, 2>
for (auto pair : llvm::zip(arguments, argTypes)) {
const UnresolvedOperand &operand = std::get<0>(pair);
Type type = std::get<1>(pair);
OperationParser::SSAUseInfo operandInfo = {operand.name, operand.number,
regionArguments.emplace_back(operandInfo, type);
// Try to parse the region.
assert((!enableNameShadowing || isIsolatedFromAbove) &&
"name shadowing is only allowed on isolated regions");
if (parser.parseRegion(region, regionArguments, argLocations,
return failure();
return success();
/// Parses a region if present.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalRegion(Region &region,
ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand> arguments,
ArrayRef<Type> argTypes,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations,
bool enableNameShadowing) override {
if (parser.getToken().isNot(Token::l_brace))
return llvm::None;
return parseRegion(region, arguments, argTypes, argLocations,
/// Parses a region if present. If the region is present, a new region is
/// allocated and placed in `region`. If no region is present, `region`
/// remains untouched.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalRegion(
std::unique_ptr<Region> &region, ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand> arguments,
ArrayRef<Type> argTypes, bool enableNameShadowing = false) override {
if (parser.getToken().isNot(Token::l_brace))
return llvm::None;
std::unique_ptr<Region> newRegion = std::make_unique<Region>();
if (parseRegion(*newRegion, arguments, argTypes, /*argLocations=*/{},
return failure();
region = std::move(newRegion);
return success();
/// Parse a region argument. The type of the argument will be resolved later
/// by a call to `parseRegion`.
ParseResult parseRegionArgument(UnresolvedOperand &argument) override {
return parseOperand(argument);
/// Parse a region argument if present.
parseOptionalRegionArgument(UnresolvedOperand &argument) override {
if (parser.getToken().isNot(Token::percent_identifier))
return success();
return parseRegionArgument(argument);
parseRegionArgumentList(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &result,
int requiredOperandCount = -1,
Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None) override {
return parseOperandOrRegionArgList(result, /*isOperandList=*/false,
requiredOperandCount, delimiter);
// Successor Parsing
/// Parse a single operation successor.
ParseResult parseSuccessor(Block *&dest) override {
return parser.parseSuccessor(dest);
/// Parse an optional operation successor and its operand list.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalSuccessor(Block *&dest) override {
if (parser.getToken().isNot(Token::caret_identifier))
return llvm::None;
return parseSuccessor(dest);
/// Parse a single operation successor and its operand list.
parseSuccessorAndUseList(Block *&dest,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &operands) override {
if (parseSuccessor(dest))
return failure();
// Handle optional arguments.
if (succeeded(parseOptionalLParen()) &&
(parser.parseOptionalSSAUseAndTypeList(operands) || parseRParen())) {
return failure();
return success();
// Type Parsing
/// Parse a list of assignments of the form
/// (%x1 = %y1, %x2 = %y2, ...).
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAssignmentList(
SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &lhs,
SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &rhs) override {
if (failed(parseOptionalLParen()))
return llvm::None;
auto parseElt = [&]() -> ParseResult {
UnresolvedOperand regionArg, operand;
if (parseRegionArgument(regionArg) || parseEqual() ||
return failure();
return success();
return parser.parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::r_paren, parseElt);
/// Parse a list of assignments of the form
/// (%x1 = %y1 : type1, %x2 = %y2 : type2, ...).
parseOptionalAssignmentListWithTypes(SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &lhs,
SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &rhs,
SmallVectorImpl<Type> &types) override {
if (failed(parseOptionalLParen()))
return llvm::None;
auto parseElt = [&]() -> ParseResult {
UnresolvedOperand regionArg, operand;
Type type;
if (parseRegionArgument(regionArg) || parseEqual() ||
parseOperand(operand) || parseColon() || parseType(type))
return failure();
return success();
return parser.parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::r_paren, parseElt);
/// Parse a loc(...) specifier if present, filling in result if so.
parseOptionalLocationSpecifier(Optional<Location> &result) override {
// If there is a 'loc' we parse a trailing location.
if (!parser.consumeIf(Token::kw_loc))
return success();
LocationAttr directLoc;
if (parser.parseToken(Token::l_paren, "expected '(' in location"))
return failure();
Token tok = parser.getToken();
// Check to see if we are parsing a location alias.
// Otherwise, we parse the location directly.
if (tok.is(Token::hash_identifier)) {
if (parser.parseLocationAlias(directLoc))
return failure();
} else if (parser.parseLocationInstance(directLoc)) {
return failure();
if (parser.parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')' in location"))
return failure();
result = directLoc;
return success();
/// Information about the result name specifiers.
ArrayRef<OperationParser::ResultRecord> resultIDs;
/// The abstract information of the operation.
function_ref<ParseResult(OpAsmParser &, OperationState &)> parseAssembly;
bool isIsolatedFromAbove;
StringRef opName;
/// The backing operation parser.
OperationParser &parser;
} // namespace
FailureOr<OperationName> OperationParser::parseCustomOperationName() {
std::string opName = getTokenSpelling().str();
if (opName.empty())
return (emitError("empty operation name is invalid"), failure());
Optional<RegisteredOperationName> opInfo =
RegisteredOperationName::lookup(opName, getContext());
StringRef defaultDialect = getState().defaultDialectStack.back();
Dialect *dialect = nullptr;
if (opInfo) {
dialect = &opInfo->getDialect();
} else {
if (StringRef(opName).contains('.')) {
// This op has a dialect, we try to check if we can register it in the
// context on the fly.
StringRef dialectName = StringRef(opName).split('.').first;
dialect = getContext()->getLoadedDialect(dialectName);
if (!dialect && (dialect = getContext()->getOrLoadDialect(dialectName)))
opInfo = RegisteredOperationName::lookup(opName, getContext());
} else {
// If the operation name has no namespace prefix we lookup the current
// default dialect (set through OpAsmOpInterface).
opInfo = RegisteredOperationName::lookup(
Twine(defaultDialect + "." + opName).str(), getContext());
// FIXME: Remove this in favor of using default dialects.
if (!opInfo && getContext()->getOrLoadDialect("func")) {
opInfo = RegisteredOperationName::lookup(Twine("func." + opName).str(),
if (opInfo) {
dialect = &opInfo->getDialect();
opName = opInfo->getStringRef().str();
} else if (!defaultDialect.empty()) {
dialect = getContext()->getOrLoadDialect(defaultDialect);
opName = (defaultDialect + "." + opName).str();
return OperationName(opName, getContext());
Operation *
OperationParser::parseCustomOperation(ArrayRef<ResultRecord> resultIDs) {
SMLoc opLoc = getToken().getLoc();
FailureOr<OperationName> opNameInfo = parseCustomOperationName();
if (failed(opNameInfo))
return nullptr;
StringRef opName = opNameInfo->getStringRef();
Dialect *dialect = opNameInfo->getDialect();
Optional<RegisteredOperationName> opInfo = opNameInfo->getRegisteredInfo();
// This is the actual hook for the custom op parsing, usually implemented by
// the op itself (`Op::parse()`). We retrieve it either from the
// RegisteredOperationName or from the Dialect.
function_ref<ParseResult(OpAsmParser &, OperationState &)> parseAssemblyFn;
bool isIsolatedFromAbove = false;
StringRef defaultDialect = "";
if (opInfo) {
parseAssemblyFn = opInfo->getParseAssemblyFn();
isIsolatedFromAbove = opInfo->hasTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>();
auto *iface = opInfo->getInterface<OpAsmOpInterface>();
if (iface && !iface->getDefaultDialect().empty())
defaultDialect = iface->getDefaultDialect();
} else {
Optional<Dialect::ParseOpHook> dialectHook;
if (dialect)
dialectHook = dialect->getParseOperationHook(opName);
if (!dialectHook.hasValue()) {
emitError(opLoc) << "custom op '" << opName << "' is unknown";
return nullptr;
parseAssemblyFn = *dialectHook;
auto restoreDefaultDialect = llvm::make_scope_exit(
[&]() { getState().defaultDialectStack.pop_back(); });
// If the custom op parser crashes, produce some indication to help
// debugging.
llvm::PrettyStackTraceFormat fmt("MLIR Parser: custom op parser '%s'",
// Get location information for the operation.
auto srcLocation = getEncodedSourceLocation(opLoc);
OperationState opState(srcLocation, *opNameInfo);
// If we are populating the parser state, start a new operation definition.
if (state.asmState)
// Have the op implementation take a crack and parsing this.
CleanupOpStateRegions guard{opState};
CustomOpAsmParser opAsmParser(opLoc, resultIDs, parseAssemblyFn,
isIsolatedFromAbove, opName, *this);
if (opAsmParser.parseOperation(opState))
return nullptr;
// If it emitted an error, we failed.
if (opAsmParser.didEmitError())
return nullptr;
// Otherwise, create the operation and try to parse a location for it.
Operation *op = opBuilder.createOperation(opState);
if (parseTrailingLocationSpecifier(op))
return nullptr;
return op;
ParseResult OperationParser::parseLocationAlias(LocationAttr &loc) {
Token tok = getToken();
StringRef identifier = tok.getSpelling().drop_front();
if (identifier.contains('.')) {
return emitError(tok.getLoc())
<< "expected location, but found dialect attribute: '#" << identifier
<< "'";
// If this alias can be resolved, do it now.
Attribute attr = state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions.lookup(identifier);
if (attr) {
if (!(loc = attr.dyn_cast<LocationAttr>()))
return emitError(tok.getLoc())
<< "expected location, but found '" << attr << "'";
} else {
// Otherwise, remember this operation and resolve its location later.
// In the meantime, use a special OpaqueLoc as a marker.
loc = OpaqueLoc::get(deferredLocsReferences.size(),
TypeID::get<DeferredLocInfo *>(),
deferredLocsReferences.push_back(DeferredLocInfo{tok.getLoc(), identifier});
return success();
OperationParser::parseTrailingLocationSpecifier(OpOrArgument opOrArgument) {
// If there is a 'loc' we parse a trailing location.
if (!consumeIf(Token::kw_loc))
return success();
if (parseToken(Token::l_paren, "expected '(' in location"))
return failure();
Token tok = getToken();
// Check to see if we are parsing a location alias.
// Otherwise, we parse the location directly.
LocationAttr directLoc;
if (tok.is(Token::hash_identifier)) {
if (parseLocationAlias(directLoc))
return failure();
} else if (parseLocationInstance(directLoc)) {
return failure();
if (parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')' in location"))
return failure();
if (auto *op = opOrArgument.dyn_cast<Operation *>())
return success();
// Region Parsing
ParseResult OperationParser::parseRegion(
Region &region,
ArrayRef<std::pair<OperationParser::SSAUseInfo, Type>> entryArguments,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations, bool isIsolatedNameScope) {
// Parse the '{'.
Token lBraceTok = getToken();
if (parseToken(Token::l_brace, "expected '{' to begin a region"))
return failure();
// If we are populating the parser state, start a new region definition.
if (state.asmState)
// Parse the region body.
if ((!entryArguments.empty() || getToken().isNot(Token::r_brace)) &&
parseRegionBody(region, lBraceTok.getLoc(), entryArguments, argLocations,
isIsolatedNameScope)) {
return failure();
// If we are populating the parser state, finalize this region.
if (state.asmState)
return success();
ParseResult OperationParser::parseRegionBody(
Region &region, SMLoc startLoc,
ArrayRef<std::pair<OperationParser::SSAUseInfo, Type>> entryArguments,
ArrayRef<Location> argLocations, bool isIsolatedNameScope) {
assert(argLocations.empty() || argLocations.size() == entryArguments.size());
auto currentPt = opBuilder.saveInsertionPoint();
// Push a new named value scope.
// Parse the first block directly to allow for it to be unnamed.
auto owningBlock = std::make_unique<Block>();
Block *block = owningBlock.get();
// If this block is not defined in the source file, add a definition for it
// now in the assembly state. Blocks with a name will be defined when the name
// is parsed.
if (state.asmState && getToken().isNot(Token::caret_identifier))
state.asmState->addDefinition(block, startLoc);
// Add arguments to the entry block.
if (!entryArguments.empty()) {
// If we had named arguments, then don't allow a block name.
if (getToken().is(Token::caret_identifier))
return emitError("invalid block name in region with named arguments");
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(entryArguments)) {
size_t argIndex = it.index();
auto &placeholderArgPair = it.value();
auto &argInfo = placeholderArgPair.first;
// Ensure that the argument was not already defined.
if (auto defLoc = getReferenceLoc(argInfo.name, argInfo.number)) {
return emitError(argInfo.loc, "region entry argument '" + argInfo.name +
"' is already in use")
<< "previously referenced here";
BlockArgument arg = block->addArgument(
? getEncodedSourceLocation(placeholderArgPair.first.loc)
: argLocations[argIndex]);
// Add a definition of this arg to the assembly state if provided.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->addDefinition(arg, argInfo.loc);
// Record the definition for this argument.
if (addDefinition(argInfo, arg))
return failure();
if (parseBlock(block))
return failure();
// Verify that no other arguments were parsed.
if (!entryArguments.empty() &&
block->getNumArguments() > entryArguments.size()) {
return emitError("entry block arguments were already defined");
// Parse the rest of the region.
while (getToken().isNot(Token::r_brace)) {
Block *newBlock = nullptr;
if (parseBlock(newBlock))
return failure();
// Pop the SSA value scope for this region.
if (popSSANameScope())
return failure();
// Reset the original insertion point.
return success();
// Block Parsing
/// Block declaration.
/// block ::= block-label? operation*
/// block-label ::= block-id block-arg-list? `:`
/// block-id ::= caret-id
/// block-arg-list ::= `(` ssa-id-and-type-list? `)`
ParseResult OperationParser::parseBlock(Block *&block) {
// The first block of a region may already exist, if it does the caret
// identifier is optional.
if (block && getToken().isNot(Token::caret_identifier))
return parseBlockBody(block);
SMLoc nameLoc = getToken().getLoc();
auto name = getTokenSpelling();
if (parseToken(Token::caret_identifier, "expected block name"))
return failure();
block = defineBlockNamed(name, nameLoc, block);
// Fail if the block was already defined.
if (!block)
return emitError(nameLoc, "redefinition of block '") << name << "'";
// If an argument list is present, parse it.
if (getToken().is(Token::l_paren))
if (parseOptionalBlockArgList(block))
return failure();
if (parseToken(Token::colon, "expected ':' after block name"))
return failure();
return parseBlockBody(block);
ParseResult OperationParser::parseBlockBody(Block *block) {
// Set the insertion point to the end of the block to parse.
// Parse the list of operations that make up the body of the block.
while (getToken().isNot(Token::caret_identifier, Token::r_brace))
if (parseOperation())
return failure();
return success();
/// Get the block with the specified name, creating it if it doesn't already
/// exist. The location specified is the point of use, which allows
/// us to diagnose references to blocks that are not defined precisely.
Block *OperationParser::getBlockNamed(StringRef name, SMLoc loc) {
BlockDefinition &blockDef = getBlockInfoByName(name);
if (!blockDef.block) {
blockDef = {new Block(), loc};
insertForwardRef(blockDef.block, blockDef.loc);
// Populate the high level assembly state if necessary.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->addUses(blockDef.block, loc);
return blockDef.block;
/// Define the block with the specified name. Returns the Block* or nullptr in
/// the case of redefinition.
Block *OperationParser::defineBlockNamed(StringRef name, SMLoc loc,
Block *existing) {
auto &blockAndLoc = getBlockInfoByName(name);
blockAndLoc.loc = loc;
// If a block has yet to be set, this is a new definition. If the caller
// provided a block, use it. Otherwise create a new one.
if (!blockAndLoc.block) {
blockAndLoc.block = existing ? existing : new Block();
// Otherwise, the block has a forward declaration. Forward declarations are
// removed once defined, so if we are defining a existing block and it is
// not a forward declaration, then it is a redeclaration.
} else if (!eraseForwardRef(blockAndLoc.block)) {
return nullptr;
// Populate the high level assembly state if necessary.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->addDefinition(blockAndLoc.block, loc);
return blockAndLoc.block;
/// Parse a (possibly empty) list of SSA operands with types as block arguments
/// enclosed in parentheses.
/// value-id-and-type-list ::= value-id-and-type (`,` ssa-id-and-type)*
/// block-arg-list ::= `(` value-id-and-type-list? `)`
ParseResult OperationParser::parseOptionalBlockArgList(Block *owner) {
if (getToken().is(Token::r_brace))
return success();
// If the block already has arguments, then we're handling the entry block.
// Parse and register the names for the arguments, but do not add them.
bool definingExistingArgs = owner->getNumArguments() != 0;
unsigned nextArgument = 0;
return parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter::Paren, [&]() -> ParseResult {
return parseSSADefOrUseAndType(
[&](SSAUseInfo useInfo, Type type) -> ParseResult {
BlockArgument arg;
// If we are defining existing arguments, ensure that the argument
// has already been created with the right type.
if (definingExistingArgs) {
// Otherwise, ensure that this argument has already been created.
if (nextArgument >= owner->getNumArguments())
return emitError("too many arguments specified in argument list");
// Finally, make sure the existing argument has the correct type.
arg = owner->getArgument(nextArgument++);
if (arg.getType() != type)
return emitError("argument and block argument type mismatch");
} else {
auto loc = getEncodedSourceLocation(useInfo.loc);
arg = owner->addArgument(type, loc);
// If the argument has an explicit loc(...) specifier, parse and apply
// it.
if (parseTrailingLocationSpecifier(arg))
return failure();
// Mark this block argument definition in the parser state if it was
// provided.
if (state.asmState)
state.asmState->addDefinition(arg, useInfo.loc);
return addDefinition(useInfo, arg);
// Top-level entity parsing.
namespace {
/// This parser handles entities that are only valid at the top level of the
/// file.
class TopLevelOperationParser : public Parser {
explicit TopLevelOperationParser(ParserState &state) : Parser(state) {}
/// Parse a set of operations into the end of the given Block.
ParseResult parse(Block *topLevelBlock, Location parserLoc);
/// Parse an attribute alias declaration.
ParseResult parseAttributeAliasDef();
/// Parse an attribute alias declaration.
ParseResult parseTypeAliasDef();
} // namespace
/// Parses an attribute alias declaration.
/// attribute-alias-def ::= '#' alias-name `=` attribute-value
ParseResult TopLevelOperationParser::parseAttributeAliasDef() {
StringRef aliasName = getTokenSpelling().drop_front();
// Check for redefinitions.
if (state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions.count(aliasName) > 0)
return emitError("redefinition of attribute alias id '" + aliasName + "'");
// Make sure this isn't invading the dialect attribute namespace.
if (aliasName.contains('.'))
return emitError("attribute names with a '.' are reserved for "
"dialect-defined names");
// Parse the '='.
if (parseToken(Token::equal, "expected '=' in attribute alias definition"))
return failure();
// Parse the attribute value.
Attribute attr = parseAttribute();
if (!attr)
return failure();
state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions[aliasName] = attr;
return success();
/// Parse a type alias declaration.
/// type-alias-def ::= '!' alias-name `=` 'type' type
ParseResult TopLevelOperationParser::parseTypeAliasDef() {
StringRef aliasName = getTokenSpelling().drop_front();
// Check for redefinitions.
if (state.symbols.typeAliasDefinitions.count(aliasName) > 0)
return emitError("redefinition of type alias id '" + aliasName + "'");
// Make sure this isn't invading the dialect type namespace.
if (aliasName.contains('.'))
return emitError("type names with a '.' are reserved for "
"dialect-defined names");
// Parse the '=' and 'type'.
if (parseToken(Token::equal, "expected '=' in type alias definition") ||
parseToken(Token::kw_type, "expected 'type' in type alias definition"))
return failure();
// Parse the type.
Type aliasedType = parseType();
if (!aliasedType)
return failure();
// Register this alias with the parser state.
state.symbols.typeAliasDefinitions.try_emplace(aliasName, aliasedType);
return success();
ParseResult TopLevelOperationParser::parse(Block *topLevelBlock,
Location parserLoc) {
// Create a top-level operation to contain the parsed state.
OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> topLevelOp(ModuleOp::create(parserLoc));
OperationParser opParser(state, topLevelOp.get());
while (true) {
switch (getToken().getKind()) {
// Parse a top-level operation.
if (opParser.parseOperation())
return failure();
// If we got to the end of the file, then we're done.
case Token::eof: {
if (opParser.finalize())
return failure();
// Splice the blocks of the parsed operation over to the provided
// top-level block.
auto &parsedOps = topLevelOp->getBody()->getOperations();
auto &destOps = topLevelBlock->getOperations();
destOps.splice(destOps.empty() ? destOps.end() : std::prev(destOps.end()),
parsedOps, parsedOps.begin(), parsedOps.end());
return success();
// If we got an error token, then the lexer already emitted an error, just
// stop. Someday we could introduce error recovery if there was demand
// for it.
case Token::error:
return failure();
// Parse an attribute alias.
case Token::hash_identifier:
if (parseAttributeAliasDef())
return failure();
// Parse a type alias.
case Token::exclamation_identifier:
if (parseTypeAliasDef())
return failure();
LogicalResult mlir::parseSourceFile(const llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr,
Block *block, MLIRContext *context,
LocationAttr *sourceFileLoc,
AsmParserState *asmState) {
const auto *sourceBuf = sourceMgr.getMemoryBuffer(sourceMgr.getMainFileID());
Location parserLoc = FileLineColLoc::get(
context, sourceBuf->getBufferIdentifier(), /*line=*/0, /*column=*/0);
if (sourceFileLoc)
*sourceFileLoc = parserLoc;
SymbolState aliasState;
ParserState state(sourceMgr, context, aliasState, asmState);
return TopLevelOperationParser(state).parse(block, parserLoc);
LogicalResult mlir::parseSourceFile(llvm::StringRef filename, Block *block,
MLIRContext *context,
LocationAttr *sourceFileLoc) {
llvm::SourceMgr sourceMgr;
return parseSourceFile(filename, sourceMgr, block, context, sourceFileLoc);
LogicalResult mlir::parseSourceFile(llvm::StringRef filename,
llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr, Block *block,
MLIRContext *context,
LocationAttr *sourceFileLoc,
AsmParserState *asmState) {
if (sourceMgr.getNumBuffers() != 0) {
// TODO: Extend to support multiple buffers.
return emitError(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(context),
"only main buffer parsed at the moment");
auto fileOrErr = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(filename);
if (std::error_code error = fileOrErr.getError())
return emitError(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(context),
"could not open input file " + filename);
// Load the MLIR source file.
sourceMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(*fileOrErr), SMLoc());
return parseSourceFile(sourceMgr, block, context, sourceFileLoc, asmState);
LogicalResult mlir::parseSourceString(llvm::StringRef sourceStr, Block *block,
MLIRContext *context,
LocationAttr *sourceFileLoc) {
auto memBuffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(sourceStr);
if (!memBuffer)
return failure();
SourceMgr sourceMgr;
sourceMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(memBuffer), SMLoc());
return parseSourceFile(sourceMgr, block, context, sourceFileLoc);