2019-08-23 11:31:45 -07:00

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// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "big-radix-floating-point.h"
#include "../decimal/decimal.h"
namespace Fortran::decimal {
template<int PREC, int LOG10RADIX>
BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC, LOG10RADIX>::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber(
BinaryFloatingPointNumber<PREC> x, enum FortranRounding rounding)
: rounding_{rounding} {
bool negative{x.IsNegative()};
if (x.IsZero()) {
isNegative_ = negative;
if (negative) {
int twoPow{x.UnbiasedExponent()};
twoPow -= x.bits - 1;
if (!x.implicitMSB) {
int lshift{x.exponentBits};
if (twoPow <= -lshift) {
twoPow += lshift;
lshift = 0;
} else if (twoPow < 0) {
lshift += twoPow;
twoPow = 0;
auto word{x.Fraction()};
word <<= lshift;
isNegative_ = negative;
// The significand is now encoded in *this as an integer (D) and
// decimal exponent (E): x = D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow
// twoPow can be positive or negative.
// The goal now is to get twoPow up or down to zero, leaving us with
// only decimal digits and decimal exponent. This is done by
// fast multiplications and divisions of D by 2 and 5.
// (5*D) * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> D * 10.**(E+1) * 2.**(twoPow-1)
for (; twoPow > 0 && IsDivisibleBy<5>(); --twoPow) {
for (; twoPow >= 9; twoPow -= 9) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> (D*(2**9)) * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow-9)
for (; twoPow >= 3; twoPow -= 3) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> (D*(2**3)) * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow-3)
for (; twoPow > 0; --twoPow) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> (2*D) * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow-1)
while (twoPow < 0) {
int shift{common::TrailingZeroBitCount(digit_[0])};
if (shift == 0) {
if (shift > log10Radix) {
shift = log10Radix;
if (shift > -twoPow) {
shift = -twoPow;
// (D*(2**S)) * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> D * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow+S)
twoPow += shift;
for (; twoPow <= -4; twoPow += 4) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> 625D * 10.**(E-4) * 2.**(twoPow+4)
MultiplyByRounded<(5 * 5 * 5 * 5)>();
exponent_ -= 4;
if (twoPow <= -2) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> 25D * 10.**(E-2) * 2.**(twoPow+2)
twoPow += 2;
exponent_ -= 2;
for (; twoPow < 0; ++twoPow) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> 5D * 10.**(E-1) * 2.**(twoPow+1)
// twoPow == 0, the decimal encoding is complete.
template<int PREC, int LOG10RADIX>
BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC, LOG10RADIX>::ConvertToDecimal(char *buffer,
std::size_t n, enum DecimalConversionFlags flags, int maxDigits) const {
if (n < static_cast<std::size_t>(3 + digits_ * LOG10RADIX) || maxDigits < 1) {
return {nullptr, 0, 0, Overflow};
char *start{buffer};
if (isNegative_) {
*start++ = '-';
} else if (flags & AlwaysSign) {
*start++ = '+';
if (IsZero()) {
*start++ = '0';
*start = '\0';
return {buffer, static_cast<std::size_t>(start - buffer), 0, Exact};
char *p{start};
static_assert((LOG10RADIX % 2) == 0, "radix not a power of 100");
static const char lut[] = "0001020304050607080910111213141516171819"
static constexpr Digit hundredth{radix / 100};
// Treat the MSD specially: don't emit leading zeroes.
Digit dig{digit_[digits_ - 1]};
for (int k{0}; k < LOG10RADIX; k += 2) {
Digit d{common::DivideUnsignedBy<Digit, hundredth>(dig)};
dig = 100 * (dig - d * hundredth);
const char *q{lut + 2 * d};
if (q[0] != '0' || p > start) {
*p++ = q[0];
*p++ = q[1];
} else if (q[1] != '0') {
*p++ = q[1];
for (int j{digits_ - 1}; j-- > 0;) {
Digit dig{digit_[j]};
for (int k{0}; k < log10Radix; k += 2) {
Digit d{common::DivideUnsignedBy<Digit, hundredth>(dig)};
dig = 100 * (dig - d * hundredth);
const char *q = lut + 2 * d;
*p++ = q[0];
*p++ = q[1];
// Adjust exponent so the effective decimal point is to
// the left of the first digit.
int expo = exponent_ + p - start;
// Trim trailing zeroes.
while (p[-1] == '0') {
if (p <= start + maxDigits) {
*p = '\0';
return {buffer, static_cast<std::size_t>(p - buffer), expo, Exact};
} else {
// Apply a digit limit, possibly with rounding.
char *end{start + maxDigits};
bool incr{false};
switch (rounding_) {
case RoundNearest:
case RoundDefault:
incr =
*end > '5' || (*end == '5' && (p > end || ((p[-1] - '0') & 1) != 0));
case RoundUp: incr = !isNegative_; break;
case RoundDown: incr = isNegative_; break;
case RoundToZero: break;
case RoundCompatible: incr = *end >= '5'; break;
p = end;
if (incr) {
while (p > start && p[-1] == '9') {
if (p == start) {
*p++ = '1';
} else {
*p = '\0';
return {buffer, static_cast<std::size_t>(p - buffer), expo, Inexact};
template<int PREC, int LOG10RADIX>
bool BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC, LOG10RADIX>::Mean(
const BigRadixFloatingPointNumber &that) {
while (digits_ < that.digits_) {
digit_[digits_++] = 0;
int carry{0};
for (int j{0}; j < that.digits_; ++j) {
Digit v{digit_[j] + that.digit_[j] + carry};
if (v >= radix) {
digit_[j] = v - radix;
carry = 1;
} else {
digit_[j] = v;
carry = 0;
if (carry != 0) {
AddCarry(that.digits_, carry);
return DivideBy<2>() != 0;
template<int PREC, int LOG10RADIX>
void BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC, LOG10RADIX>::Minimize(
BigRadixFloatingPointNumber &&less, BigRadixFloatingPointNumber &&more) {
int leastExponent{exponent_};
if (less.exponent_ < leastExponent) {
leastExponent = less.exponent_;
if (more.exponent_ < leastExponent) {
leastExponent = more.exponent_;
while (exponent_ > leastExponent) {
while (less.exponent_ > leastExponent) {
while (more.exponent_ > leastExponent) {
if (less.Mean(*this)) {
less.AddCarry(); // round up
if (!more.Mean(*this)) {
more.Decrement(); // round down
while (less.digits_ < more.digits_) {
less.digit_[less.digits_++] = 0;
while (more.digits_ < less.digits_) {
more.digit_[more.digits_++] = 0;
int digits{more.digits_};
int same{0};
while (same < digits &&
less.digit_[digits - 1 - same] == more.digit_[digits - 1 - same]) {
if (same == digits) {
digits_ = same + 1;
int offset{digits - digits_};
exponent_ += offset * log10Radix;
for (int j{0}; j < digits_; ++j) {
digit_[j] = more.digit_[j + offset];
Digit least{less.digit_[offset]};
Digit my{digit_[0]};
while (true) {
Digit q{common::DivideUnsignedBy<Digit, 10>(my)};
Digit r{my - 10 * q};
Digit lq{common::DivideUnsignedBy<Digit, 10>(least)};
Digit lr{least - 10 * lq};
if (r != 0 && lq == q) {
Digit sub{(r - lr) >> 1};
digit_[0] -= sub;
} else {
least = lq;
my = q;
template<int PREC, int LOG10RADIX>
void BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC,
LOG10RADIX>::LoseLeastSignificantDigit() {
Digit LSD{digit_[0]};
for (int j{0}; j < digits_ - 1; ++j) {
digit_[j] = digit_[j + 1];
digit_[digits_ - 1] = 0;
bool incr{false};
switch (rounding_) {
case RoundNearest:
case RoundDefault:
incr = LSD > radix / 2 || (LSD == radix / 2 && digit_[0] % 2 != 0);
case RoundUp: incr = LSD > 0 && !isNegative_; break;
case RoundDown: incr = LSD > 0 && isNegative_; break;
case RoundToZero: break;
case RoundCompatible: incr = LSD >= radix / 2; break;
for (int j{0}; (digit_[j] += incr) == radix; ++j) {
digit_[j] = 0;
template<int PREC>
ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal(char *buffer, size_t size,
enum DecimalConversionFlags flags, int digits,
enum FortranRounding rounding, BinaryFloatingPointNumber<PREC> x) {
if (x.IsNaN()) {
return {"NaN", 3, 0, Invalid};
} else if (x.IsInfinite()) {
if (x.IsNegative()) {
return {"-Inf", 4, 0, Exact};
} else if (flags & AlwaysSign) {
return {"+Inf", 4, 0, Exact};
} else {
return {"Inf", 3, 0, Exact};
} else {
using Big = BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<PREC>;
Big number{x, rounding};
if ((flags & Minimize) && !x.IsZero()) {
// To emit the fewest decimal digits necessary to represent the value
// in such a way that decimal-to-binary conversion to the same format
// with a fixed assumption about rounding will return the same binary
// value, we also perform binary-to-decimal conversion on the two
// binary values immediately adjacent to this one, use them to identify
// the bounds of the range of decimal values that will map back to the
// original binary value, and find a (not necessary unique) shortest
// decimal sequence in that range.
using Binary = typename Big::Real;
Binary less{x};
Binary more{x};
if (!x.IsMaximalFiniteMagnitude()) {
number.Minimize(Big{less, rounding}, Big{more, rounding});
return number.ConvertToDecimal(buffer, size, flags, digits);
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<8>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<11>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<24>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<53>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<64>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
template ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertToDecimal<112>(char *, size_t,
enum DecimalConversionFlags, int, enum FortranRounding,
extern "C" {
ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertFloatToDecimal(char *buffer, size_t size,
enum DecimalConversionFlags flags, int digits,
enum FortranRounding rounding, float x) {
return Fortran::decimal::ConvertToDecimal(buffer, size, flags, digits,
rounding, Fortran::decimal::BinaryFloatingPointNumber<24>(x));
ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertDoubleToDecimal(char *buffer, size_t size,
enum DecimalConversionFlags flags, int digits,
enum FortranRounding rounding, double x) {
return Fortran::decimal::ConvertToDecimal(buffer, size, flags, digits,
rounding, Fortran::decimal::BinaryFloatingPointNumber<53>(x));
#if __x86_64__
ConversionToDecimalResult ConvertLongDoubleToDecimal(char *buffer, size_t size,
enum DecimalConversionFlags flags, int digits,
enum FortranRounding rounding, long double x) {
return Fortran::decimal::ConvertToDecimal(buffer, size, flags, digits,
rounding, Fortran::decimal::BinaryFloatingPointNumber<64>(x));