2018-03-26 16:35:34 +02:00

608 lines
19 KiB

#include "StatementMap.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#define FAIL(msg) \
do { \
std::cerr << "FATAL " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":\n " << msg \
<< "\n"; \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
#define INTERNAL_ERROR FAIL("Internal Error")
namespace Fortran::semantics {
StatementMap::Entry &StatementMap::at(Index index) {
if (!(( First() <= index) && (index <= Last()))) {
FAIL("Illegal Stmt index " << index << " (expect "
<< First() << " .." << Last() << ")");
return entries_[index - 1];
const StatementMap::Entry &StatementMap::at(Index index) const {
if (!((First() <= index) && (index <= Last()))) {
FAIL("Illegal Stmt index " << index << " (expect "
<< First() << ".." << Last() << ")");
return entries_[index - 1];
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::Add(StmtClass sclass, int label) {
Entry self;
self.sclass = sclass;
self.group = StmtClassToGroup(sclass);
self.label = label;
self.parent = None;
self.prev_in_body = None;
self.next_in_body = None;
self.prev_in_construct = None;
self.next_in_construct = None;
Index self_index = Last() + 1;
if (Size() == 0) {
// Special case of the first entry.
return self_index;
Index prev_index = self_index - 1;
auto prev_group = at(prev_index).group;
if (prev_group == StmtGroup::End) {
// When inserting after a closed construct, do as if
// that was after a single statement
prev_index = StartOfConstruct(prev_index);
prev_group = StmtGroup::Single;
Entry &prev = at(prev_index);
if (self.group == StmtGroup::Single || self.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
if (prev_group == StmtGroup::Start || prev_group == StmtGroup::Part) {
// Insert 'self' as first statement in body of 'prev;
self.parent = prev_index;
} else if (prev_group == StmtGroup::Single) {
// Insert 'self' after 'prev' (in the same body)
prev.next_in_body = self_index;
self.prev_in_body = prev_index;
self.parent = prev.parent;
} else {
} else if (self.group == StmtGroup::Part || self.group == StmtGroup::End) {
if (prev_group == StmtGroup::Start || prev_group == StmtGroup::Part) {
// Close the empty body of 'prev'
assert(prev.next_in_construct == None);
prev.next_in_construct = self_index;
self.prev_in_construct = prev_index;
} else if (prev_group == StmtGroup::Single) {
// Close a non-empty body ending with 'prev'
assert(prev.next_in_body == None);
if (prev.parent == None) {
assert(prev.parent != None);
at(prev.parent).next_in_construct = self_index;
self.prev_in_construct = prev.parent;
} else {
// TODO: Beware of the reallocation cost of calling push_back() for each
// statement.
// const int chunksize = 128;
// entries_.reserve( (entries_.size()/chunksize+1)*chunksize );
if ( self.group == StmtGroup::Part || self.group == StmtGroup::End ) {
assert( self.prev_in_construct != None) ;
assert( NextInConstruct(self.prev_in_construct) == self_index) ;
assert( PrevInConstruct(self_index) == self.prev_in_construct) ;
return self_index;
// 'prev_index' shall be a Start or Part statement.
// Assert that the next statement in the construct is of an expected class.
void StatementMap::AssertNextInConstruct(Index prev_index) const {
if (prev_index == None) return;
auto &prev = at(prev_index);
if (prev.next_in_construct == None) return;
auto &next = at(prev.next_in_construct);
#define ORDER(A, B) (prev.sclass == StmtClass::A && next.sclass == StmtClass::B)
if ( // If THEN ... [ELSEIF]* ... [ELSE] ... Endif
ORDER(IfThen, ElseIf) || ORDER(IfThen, Else) || ORDER(IfThen, EndIf) ||
ORDER(ElseIf, ElseIf) || ORDER(ElseIf, Else) || ORDER(ElseIf, EndIf) ||
ORDER(Else, EndIf) ||
ORDER(Program, Contains) || ORDER(Program, EndProgram) ||
ORDER(Contains, EndProgram) ||
ORDER(Module, Contains) || ORDER(Module, EndModule) ||
ORDER(Contains, EndModule) ||
ORDER(Subroutine, Contains) || ORDER(Subroutine, EndSubroutine) ||
ORDER(Contains, EndSubroutine) ||
ORDER(Function, Contains) || ORDER(Function, EndFunction) ||
ORDER(Contains, EndFunction) ||
// IF ..
ORDER(If, DummyEndIf) ||
// FORALL ..
ORDER(Forall, DummyEndForall) || ORDER(ForallConstruct, EndForall) ||
// WHERE ..
ORDER(Where, DummyEndWhere) || ORDER(WhereConstruct, MaskedElsewhere) ||
ORDER(WhereConstruct, EndWhere) || ORDER(ElseWhere, EndWhere) ||
ORDER(MaskedElsewhere, EndWhere) ||
ORDER(MaskedElsewhere, MaskedElsewhere) ||
ORDER(Associate, EndAssociate) ||
ORDER(Block, EndBlock) ||
ORDER(ChangeTeam, EndChangeTeam) ||
ORDER(Critical, EndCritical) ||
ORDER(DerivedType, EndType) ||
ORDER(EnumDef, EndEnum) ||
ORDER(Interface, EndInterface) ||
// DO var=...
ORDER(NonLabelDo, EndDo) ||
// DO WHILE ...
ORDER(NonLabelDoWhile, EndDo) ||
ORDER(NonLabelDoConcurrent, EndDo) ||
// DO <label> var=....
ORDER(LabelDo, EndDo) ||
ORDER(LabelDo, DummyEndDo) ||
// DO <label> WHILE ...
ORDER(LabelDoWhile, EndDo) ||
ORDER(LabelDoWhile, DummyEndDo) ||
// DO <label> CONCURRENT ...
ORDER(LabelDoConcurrent, EndDo) ||
ORDER(LabelDoConcurrent, DummyEndDo) ||
ORDER(SelectCase, EndSelect) || ORDER(SelectCase, Case) ||
ORDER(Case, Case) || ORDER(Case, EndSelect) ||
ORDER(SelectCase, CaseDefault) || ORDER(CaseDefault, Case) ||
ORDER(Case, CaseDefault) || ORDER(CaseDefault, CaseDefault) ||
ORDER(CaseDefault, EndSelect) ||
ORDER(SelectRank, EndSelect) || ORDER(SelectRank, SelectRankCase) ||
ORDER(SelectRank, SelectRankStar) || ORDER(SelectRank, SelectRankDefault) ||
ORDER(SelectRankCase, SelectRankCase) || ORDER(SelectRankCase, SelectRankStar) ||
ORDER(SelectRankCase, SelectRankDefault) || ORDER(SelectRankCase, EndSelect) ||
ORDER(SelectRankStar, SelectRankCase) || ORDER(SelectRankStar, SelectRankStar) ||
ORDER(SelectRankStar, SelectRankDefault) || ORDER(SelectRankStar, EndSelect) ||
ORDER(SelectRankDefault, SelectRankCase) || ORDER(SelectRankDefault, SelectRankStar) ||
ORDER(SelectRankDefault, SelectRankDefault) ||ORDER(SelectRankDefault, EndSelect) ||
ORDER(SelectType, EndSelect) || ORDER(SelectType, TypeGuard) ||
ORDER(SelectType, ClassGuard) || ORDER(SelectType, ClassDefault) ||
ORDER(TypeGuard, EndSelect) || ORDER(TypeGuard, TypeGuard) ||
ORDER(TypeGuard, ClassGuard) || ORDER(TypeGuard, ClassDefault) ||
ORDER(ClassGuard, EndSelect) || ORDER(ClassGuard, TypeGuard) ||
ORDER(ClassGuard, ClassGuard) || ORDER(ClassGuard, ClassDefault) ||
ORDER(ClassDefault, EndSelect) || ORDER(ClassDefault, TypeGuard) ||
ORDER(ClassDefault, ClassGuard) || ORDER(ClassDefault, ClassDefault) ||
ORDER(Structure, EndStructure)) {
// That looks good
} else {
// Todo: print location of both statement
FAIL("Found " << StmtClassName(next.sclass) << " after "
<< StmtClassName(prev.sclass));
#undef ORDER
// Provide the number of statements in the map.
// Reminder: the proper indices are 1..Size()
int StatementMap::Size() const { return entries_.size(); }
// Specialize the StmtClass of an existing statement.
void StatementMap::Specialize( Index index, StmtClass oldc, StmtClass newc) {
Entry &self = at(index);
if (self.sclass != oldc) {
if (self.group != StmtClassToGroup(oldc)) {
if (self.group != StmtClassToGroup(newc)) {
// Only a few specializations are allowed
if ((oldc == StmtClass::Case && newc == StmtClass::CaseDefault) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::TypeGuard && newc == StmtClass::ClassDefault) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::TypeGuard && newc == StmtClass::ClassGuard) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::SelectRankCase && newc == StmtClass::SelectRankStar) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::SelectRankCase && newc == StmtClass::SelectRankDefault) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::Access && newc == StmtClass::PublicAccess) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::Access && newc == StmtClass::PrivateAccess) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::LabelDo && newc == StmtClass::LabelDoWhile)||
(oldc == StmtClass::LabelDo && newc == StmtClass::LabelDoConcurrent) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::NonLabelDo && newc == StmtClass::NonLabelDoWhile) ||
(oldc == StmtClass::NonLabelDo && newc == StmtClass::NonLabelDoConcurrent)) {
self.sclass = newc;
// Paranoid mode! More consistency checks
} else {
void StatementMap::DumpFlat(std::ostream &out, bool verbose) const {
for (Index i = First() ; i <= Last(); i++) {
out << std::setw(4) << std::right << i << ": ";
DumpStmt(out, i, verbose);
void StatementMap::DumpBody(
std::ostream &out, Index index, bool rec, int level, bool verbose) const {
for (Index i = FirstInBody(index); i != None; i = Next(i)) {
Dump(out, i, rec, level, verbose);
void StatementMap::DumpStmt(
std::ostream &out, Index index, bool verbose) const {
const auto &stmt = at(index);
switch (stmt.group) {
case StmtGroup::Single: out << "| "; break;
case StmtGroup::Start: out << "> "; break;
case StmtGroup::Part: out << "+ "; break;
case StmtGroup::End: out << "< "; break;
out << StmtClassName(stmt.sclass);
if (verbose) {
// Enable this while debugging the Map
if (stmt.parent) out << " parent=" << stmt.parent;
if (stmt.prev_in_body) out << " prev_in_body=" << stmt.prev_in_body;
if (stmt.next_in_body) out << " next_in_body=" << stmt.next_in_body;
if (stmt.prev_in_construct)
out << " prev_in_construct=" << stmt.prev_in_construct;
if (stmt.next_in_construct)
out << " next_in_construct=" << stmt.next_in_construct;
out << "\n";
void StatementMap::Dump(
std::ostream &out, Index index, bool rec, int level, bool verbose) const {
while (index != None) {
const auto &stmt = at(index);
out << std::setw(4) << std::right << index << ": ";
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
out << "| ";
DumpStmt(out, index, verbose);
if (rec &&
(stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start || stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part)) {
DumpBody(out, index, rec, level + 1, verbose);
index = NextInConstruct(index);
} else {
index = None;
void StatementMap::CheckIndex(Index index) const {
assert(index > 0 && index < int(entries_.size()));
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::Next(Index index) const {
auto &e = at(index);
if (e.group == StmtGroup::Single) {
return e.next_in_body;
} else if (e.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return e.next_in_body;
} else {
return None;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::Prev(Index index) const {
auto &e = at(index);
if (e.group == StmtGroup::Single) {
return e.prev_in_body;
} else if (e.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return e.prev_in_body;
} else {
return None;
bool StatementMap::EmptyBody(Index index) const {
auto &e = at(index);
if (e.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
if (e.next_in_construct == None) {
// The body construction is not finished yet
return None;
} else {
return (e.next_in_construct == index + 1);
} else if (e.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
if (e.next_in_construct == None) {
// The body construction is not finished yet
return None;
return (e.next_in_construct == index + 1);
} else {
return None;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::FirstInBody(StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &e = at(index);
if (e.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
if (e.next_in_construct == index + 1)
return None; // an empty body
return index + 1;
} else if (e.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
if (e.next_in_construct == index + 1)
return None; // an empty body
return index + 1;
} else {
return None;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::LastInBody(StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
if (stmt.next_in_construct == index + 1) {
return None; // empty body
} else if (stmt.next_in_construct == None) {
// We are probably querying an incomplete construct
return None;
} else {
return LastInPreviousBody(stmt.next_in_construct);
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
if (stmt.next_in_construct == index + 1) {
return None; // empty body
} else if (stmt.next_in_construct == None) {
// We are probably querying an incomplete construct
return None;
} else {
return LastInPreviousBody(stmt.next_in_construct);
} else {
return None;
// Functionnally equivalent to LastInBody(PreviousPartOfConstruct(index))
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::LastInPreviousBody(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part || stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
auto &prev = at(index - 1);
if (prev.group == StmtGroup::Single) {
return index - 1;
} else if (prev.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return StartOfConstruct(index - 1);
} else if (prev.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return None;
} else if (prev.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
return None;
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::FindPrevInConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index, StmtClass sclass) const {
while (true) {
index = PrevInConstruct(index);
if (index == None) return None;
if (at(index).sclass == sclass) return index;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::FindNextInConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index, StmtClass sclass) const {
while (true) {
index = NextInConstruct(index);
if (index == None) return None;
if (at(index).sclass == sclass) return index;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::PrevInConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return None;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
return stmt.prev_in_construct;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return stmt.prev_in_construct;
} else {
return None;
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::NextInConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return stmt.next_in_construct;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
return stmt.next_in_construct;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return None;
} else {
return None;
// Find the Start component of a construct specified by
// any of its component.
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::StartOfConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start) {
return index;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part || stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return StartOfConstruct(stmt.prev_in_construct);
} else {
return None;
// Find the End component of a construct specified by
// any of its component.
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::EndOfConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
while (true) {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start || stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
index = stmt.next_in_construct;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return index;
} else {
return None;
// Find the last component of a construct.
// Unlike EndOfConstruct(), this visitor does not require the presence of
// any End construct and so can be safely used during the creation of
// the statement map
StatementMap::Index StatementMap::LastOfConstruct(
StatementMap::Index index) const {
while (true) {
auto &stmt = at(index);
if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::Start || stmt.group == StmtGroup::Part) {
if (stmt.next_in_construct == None)
return index; // end of an incomplete construct
index = stmt.next_in_construct;
} else if (stmt.group == StmtGroup::End) {
return index; // end of an complete construct
} else {
return None;
// Visit all the statements that compose a construct.
// 'stmt' shall be a construct component (so in group Start, Part or End)
void StatementMap::VisitConstruct(
StatementMap::Index stmt, std::function<bool(Index)> action) const {
Index start = StartOfConstruct(stmt);
for (Index at = start; at != None; at = NextInConstruct(at)) {
if (!action(at)) break;
// Visit all the statements that compose a construct in reverse order.
// 'stmt' shall be a construct component (so in group Start, Part or End)
void StatementMap::VisitConstructRev(
Index stmt, std::function<bool(Index)> action) const {
// Reminder: Using LastOfConstruct instead of EndOfConstruct
// because the visitor shall usable while constructing
// the statement map.
std::cerr << "#" << stmt;
Index start = LastOfConstruct(stmt);
std::cerr << "%" << start;
for (Index at = start; at != None; at = PrevInConstruct(at)) {
std::cerr << "@" << at;
if (!action(at)) break;
// // Set the label required to close a LabelDo
// void StatementMap::SetLabelDoLabel(Index do_stmt, int label) {
// assert(at(do_stmt).sclass == StmtClass::LabelDo);
// assert(label != 0);
// label_do_map_[do_stmt] = label;
// }
// int StatementMap::GetLabelDoLabel(Index do_stmt) const {
// auto it = label_do_map_.find(do_stmt);
// if (it != label_do_map_.end()) {
// return it->second;
// }
// // In theory that should never happen
// return 0;
// }
} // namespace Fortran::semantics