Tim Keith c37707a5b1 [flang] Move various Instantiate functions to tools.cc
Move these functions from scope.cc, symbol.cc, type.cc into tools.cc:

This eliminates some dependencies in these files on SemanticsContext,
FoldingContext, etc.

It also allows three of the functions to be private to tools.cc
because they are only called from the others.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@48c6efbf95
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/559
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-07-11 08:51:40 -07:00

617 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "symbol.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const parser::CharBlock &name) {
return os << name.ToString();
template<typename T>
static void DumpOptional(std::ostream &os, const char *label, const T &x) {
if (x) {
os << ' ' << label << ':' << *x;
static void DumpBool(std::ostream &os, const char *label, bool x) {
if (x) {
os << ' ' << label;
static void DumpSymbolVector(std::ostream &os, const SymbolVector &list) {
char sep{' '};
for (const auto *elem : list) {
os << sep << elem->name();
sep = ',';
static void DumpType(std::ostream &os, const Symbol &symbol) {
if (const auto *type{symbol.GetType()}) {
os << *type << ' ';
static void DumpType(std::ostream &os, const DeclTypeSpec *type) {
if (type) {
os << ' ' << *type;
template<typename T>
static void DumpList(
std::ostream &os, const char *label, const std::list<T> &list) {
if (!list.empty()) {
os << ' ' << label << ':';
char sep{' '};
for (const auto &elem : list) {
os << sep << elem;
sep = ',';
const Scope *ModuleDetails::parent() const {
return isSubmodule_ && scope_ ? &scope_->parent() : nullptr;
const Scope *ModuleDetails::ancestor() const {
if (!isSubmodule_ || !scope_) {
return nullptr;
for (auto *scope{scope_};;) {
auto *parent{&scope->parent()};
if (parent->kind() != Scope::Kind::Module) {
return scope;
scope = parent;
void ModuleDetails::set_scope(const Scope *scope) {
bool scopeIsSubmodule{scope->parent().kind() == Scope::Kind::Module};
CHECK(isSubmodule_ == scopeIsSubmodule);
scope_ = scope;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SubprogramDetails &x) {
DumpBool(os, "isInterface", x.isInterface_);
DumpOptional(os, "bindName", x.bindName_);
if (x.result_) {
os << " result:" << x.result_->name();
if (!x.result_->attrs().empty()) {
os << ", " << x.result_->attrs();
if (x.dummyArgs_.empty()) {
char sep{'('};
os << ' ';
for (const auto *arg : x.dummyArgs_) {
os << sep << arg->name();
sep = ',';
os << ')';
return os;
void EntityDetails::set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type) {
type_ = &type;
void EntityDetails::ReplaceType(const DeclTypeSpec &type) { type_ = &type; }
void ObjectEntityDetails::set_shape(const ArraySpec &shape) {
for (const auto &shapeSpec : shape) {
void ObjectEntityDetails::set_coshape(const ArraySpec &coshape) {
for (const auto &shapeSpec : coshape) {
ProcEntityDetails::ProcEntityDetails(EntityDetails &&d) : EntityDetails(d) {
if (type()) {
const Symbol &UseDetails::module() const {
// owner is a module so it must have a symbol:
return *symbol_->owner().symbol();
UseErrorDetails::UseErrorDetails(const UseDetails &useDetails) {
add_occurrence(useDetails.location(), *useDetails.module().scope());
UseErrorDetails &UseErrorDetails::add_occurrence(
const SourceName &location, const Scope &module) {
occurrences_.push_back(std::make_pair(location, &module));
return *this;
GenericDetails::GenericDetails(const SymbolVector &specificProcs)
: specificProcs_{specificProcs} {}
void GenericDetails::set_specific(Symbol &specific) {
specific_ = &specific;
void GenericDetails::set_derivedType(Symbol &derivedType) {
derivedType_ = &derivedType;
const Symbol *GenericDetails::CheckSpecific() const {
return const_cast<GenericDetails *>(this)->CheckSpecific();
Symbol *GenericDetails::CheckSpecific() {
if (specific_) {
for (const auto *proc : specificProcs_) {
if (proc == specific_) {
return nullptr;
return specific_;
} else {
return nullptr;
// The name of the kind of details for this symbol.
// This is primarily for debugging.
std::string DetailsToString(const Details &details) {
return std::visit(
[](const UnknownDetails &) { return "Unknown"; },
[](const MainProgramDetails &) { return "MainProgram"; },
[](const ModuleDetails &) { return "Module"; },
[](const SubprogramDetails &) { return "Subprogram"; },
[](const SubprogramNameDetails &) { return "SubprogramName"; },
[](const EntityDetails &) { return "Entity"; },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &) { return "ObjectEntity"; },
[](const ProcEntityDetails &) { return "ProcEntity"; },
[](const DerivedTypeDetails &) { return "DerivedType"; },
[](const UseDetails &) { return "Use"; },
[](const UseErrorDetails &) { return "UseError"; },
[](const HostAssocDetails &) { return "HostAssoc"; },
[](const GenericDetails &) { return "Generic"; },
[](const ProcBindingDetails &) { return "ProcBinding"; },
[](const GenericBindingDetails &) { return "GenericBinding"; },
[](const NamelistDetails &) { return "Namelist"; },
[](const CommonBlockDetails &) { return "CommonBlockDetails"; },
[](const FinalProcDetails &) { return "FinalProc"; },
[](const TypeParamDetails &) { return "TypeParam"; },
[](const MiscDetails &) { return "Misc"; },
[](const AssocEntityDetails &) { return "AssocEntity"; },
const std::string Symbol::GetDetailsName() const {
return DetailsToString(details_);
void Symbol::set_details(Details &&details) {
details_ = std::move(details);
bool Symbol::CanReplaceDetails(const Details &details) const {
if (has<UnknownDetails>()) {
return true; // can always replace UnknownDetails
} else {
return std::visit(
[](const UseErrorDetails &) { return true; },
[=](const ObjectEntityDetails &) { return has<EntityDetails>(); },
[=](const ProcEntityDetails &) { return has<EntityDetails>(); },
[=](const SubprogramDetails &) {
return has<SubprogramNameDetails>() || has<EntityDetails>();
[](const auto &) { return false; },
Symbol &Symbol::GetUltimate() {
return const_cast<Symbol &>(const_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->GetUltimate());
const Symbol &Symbol::GetUltimate() const {
if (const auto *details{detailsIf<UseDetails>()}) {
return details->symbol().GetUltimate();
} else if (const auto *details{detailsIf<HostAssocDetails>()}) {
return details->symbol().GetUltimate();
} else {
return *this;
void Symbol::SetType(const DeclTypeSpec &type) {
[&](EntityDetails &x) { x.set_type(type); },
[&](ObjectEntityDetails &x) { x.set_type(type); },
[&](AssocEntityDetails &x) { x.set_type(type); },
[&](ProcEntityDetails &x) { x.interface().set_type(type); },
[&](TypeParamDetails &x) { x.set_type(type); },
[](auto &) {},
bool Symbol::IsDummy() const {
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const EntityDetails &x) { return x.isDummy(); },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &x) { return x.isDummy(); },
[](const ProcEntityDetails &x) { return x.isDummy(); },
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) { return x.symbol().IsDummy(); },
[](const auto &) { return false; }},
bool Symbol::IsFuncResult() const {
return std::visit(
common::visitors{[](const EntityDetails &x) { return x.isFuncResult(); },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &x) { return x.isFuncResult(); },
[](const ProcEntityDetails &x) { return x.isFuncResult(); },
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) { return x.symbol().IsFuncResult(); },
[](const auto &) { return false; }},
bool Symbol::IsObjectArray() const {
const auto *details{std::get_if<ObjectEntityDetails>(&details_)};
return details && details->IsArray();
bool Symbol::IsSubprogram() const {
return std::visit(
[](const SubprogramDetails &) { return true; },
[](const SubprogramNameDetails &) { return true; },
[](const GenericDetails &) { return true; },
[](const UseDetails &x) { return x.symbol().IsSubprogram(); },
[](const auto &) { return false; },
bool Symbol::IsSeparateModuleProc() const {
if (attrs().test(Attr::MODULE)) {
if (auto *details{detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()}) {
return details->isInterface();
return false;
bool Symbol::IsFromModFile() const {
return test(Flag::ModFile) ||
(owner_->kind() != Scope::Kind::Global &&
ObjectEntityDetails::ObjectEntityDetails(EntityDetails &&d)
: EntityDetails(d) {}
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const EntityDetails &x) {
DumpBool(os, "dummy", x.isDummy());
DumpBool(os, "funcResult", x.isFuncResult());
if (x.type()) {
os << " type: " << *x.type();
DumpOptional(os, "bindName", x.bindName_);
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ObjectEntityDetails &x) {
os << *static_cast<const EntityDetails *>(&x);
DumpList(os, "shape", x.shape());
DumpList(os, "coshape", x.coshape());
DumpOptional(os, "init", x.init_);
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AssocEntityDetails &x) {
os << *static_cast<const EntityDetails *>(&x);
DumpOptional(os, "expr", x.expr());
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ProcEntityDetails &x) {
if (auto *symbol{x.interface_.symbol()}) {
os << ' ' << symbol->name();
} else {
DumpType(os, x.interface_.type());
DumpOptional(os, "bindName", x.bindName());
DumpOptional(os, "passName", x.passName());
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DerivedTypeDetails &x) {
DumpBool(os, "sequence", x.sequence_);
DumpList(os, "components", x.componentNames_);
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Details &details) {
os << DetailsToString(details);
[&](const UnknownDetails &x) {},
[&](const MainProgramDetails &x) {},
[&](const ModuleDetails &x) {
if (x.isSubmodule()) {
os << " (";
if (x.ancestor()) {
auto &ancestor{x.ancestor()->name()};
os << ancestor;
if (x.parent()) {
auto &parent{x.parent()->name()};
if (ancestor != parent) {
os << ':' << parent;
os << ")";
[&](const SubprogramDetails &x) {
os << " (";
int n = 0;
for (const auto &dummy : x.dummyArgs()) {
if (n++ > 0) os << ", ";
DumpType(os, *dummy);
os << dummy->name();
os << ')';
DumpOptional(os, "bindName", x.bindName());
if (x.isFunction()) {
os << " result(";
DumpType(os, x.result());
os << x.result().name() << ')';
DumpBool(os, "interface", x.isInterface());
[&](const SubprogramNameDetails &x) {
os << ' ' << EnumToString(x.kind());
[&](const UseDetails &x) {
os << " from " << x.symbol().name() << " in " << x.module().name();
[&](const UseErrorDetails &x) {
os << " uses:";
for (const auto &[location, module] : x.occurrences()) {
os << " from " << module->name() << " at " << location;
[](const HostAssocDetails &) {},
[&](const GenericDetails &x) {
os << ' ' << EnumToString(x.kind());
DumpSymbolVector(os, x.specificProcs());
[&](const ProcBindingDetails &x) {
os << " => " << x.symbol().name();
DumpOptional(os, "passName", x.passName());
[&](const GenericBindingDetails &x) {
os << " =>";
DumpSymbolVector(os, x.specificProcs());
[&](const NamelistDetails &x) {
os << ':';
DumpSymbolVector(os, x.objects());
[&](const CommonBlockDetails &x) {
os << ':';
for (const auto *object : x.objects()) {
os << ' ' << object->name();
[&](const FinalProcDetails &) {},
[&](const TypeParamDetails &x) {
DumpOptional(os, "type", x.type());
os << ' ' << common::EnumToString(x.attr());
DumpOptional(os, "init", x.init());
[&](const MiscDetails &x) {
os << ' ' << MiscDetails::EnumToString(x.kind());
[&](const auto &x) { os << x; },
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, Symbol::Flag flag) {
return o << Symbol::EnumToString(flag);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Symbol::Flags &flags) {
std::size_t n{flags.count()};
std::size_t seen{0};
for (std::size_t j{0}; seen < n; ++j) {
Symbol::Flag flag{static_cast<Symbol::Flag>(j)};
if (flags.test(flag)) {
if (seen++ > 0) {
o << ", ";
o << flag;
return o;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Symbol &symbol) {
os << symbol.name();
if (!symbol.attrs().empty()) {
os << ", " << symbol.attrs();
if (!symbol.flags().empty()) {
os << " (" << symbol.flags() << ')';
os << ": " << symbol.details_;
return os;
// Output a unique name for a scope by qualifying it with the names of
// parent scopes. For scopes without corresponding symbols, use the kind
// with an index (e.g. Block1, Block2, etc.).
static void DumpUniqueName(std::ostream &os, const Scope &scope) {
if (scope.kind() != Scope::Kind::Global) {
DumpUniqueName(os, scope.parent());
os << '/';
if (auto *scopeSymbol{scope.symbol()};
scopeSymbol && !scopeSymbol->name().empty()) {
os << scopeSymbol->name();
} else {
int index{1};
for (auto &child : scope.parent().children()) {
if (child == scope) {
if (child.kind() == scope.kind()) {
os << Scope::EnumToString(scope.kind()) << index;
// Dump a symbol for UnparseWithSymbols. This will be used for tests so the
// format should be reasonably stable.
std::ostream &DumpForUnparse(
std::ostream &os, const Symbol &symbol, bool isDef) {
DumpUniqueName(os, symbol.owner());
os << '/' << symbol.name();
if (isDef) {
if (!symbol.attrs().empty()) {
os << ' ' << symbol.attrs();
DumpBool(os, "(implicit)", symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::Implicit));
DumpBool(os, "(local)", symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocal));
DumpBool(os, "(local_init)", symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit));
DumpBool(os, "(shared)", symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::LocalityShared));
os << ' ' << symbol.GetDetailsName();
DumpType(os, symbol.GetType());
return os;
const DerivedTypeSpec *Symbol::GetParentTypeSpec(const Scope *scope) const {
if (const Symbol * parentComponent{GetParentComponent(scope)}) {
const auto &object{parentComponent->get<ObjectEntityDetails>()};
return &object.type()->derivedTypeSpec();
} else {
return nullptr;
const Symbol *Symbol::GetParentComponent(const Scope *scope) const {
if (const auto *dtDetails{detailsIf<DerivedTypeDetails>()}) {
if (scope == nullptr) {
CHECK(scope_ != nullptr);
scope = scope_;
return dtDetails->GetParentComponent(*scope);
} else {
return nullptr;
void DerivedTypeDetails::add_component(const Symbol &symbol) {
if (symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
std::list<SourceName> DerivedTypeDetails::OrderParameterNames(
const Symbol &type) const {
std::list<SourceName> result;
if (const DerivedTypeSpec * spec{type.GetParentTypeSpec()}) {
const DerivedTypeDetails &details{
result = details.OrderParameterNames(spec->typeSymbol());
for (const auto &name : paramNames_) {
return result;
SymbolVector DerivedTypeDetails::OrderParameterDeclarations(
const Symbol &type) const {
SymbolVector result;
if (const DerivedTypeSpec * spec{type.GetParentTypeSpec()}) {
const DerivedTypeDetails &details{
result = details.OrderParameterDeclarations(spec->typeSymbol());
result.insert(result.end(), paramDecls_.begin(), paramDecls_.end());
return result;
SymbolVector DerivedTypeDetails::OrderComponents(const Scope &scope) const {
SymbolVector result;
for (SourceName name : componentNames_) {
auto iter{scope.find(name)};
if (iter != scope.cend()) {
const Symbol &symbol{*iter->second};
if (symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
CHECK(result.empty()); // parent component must appear first
const DerivedTypeSpec &spec{
result = spec.typeSymbol().get<DerivedTypeDetails>().OrderComponents(
return result;
const Symbol *DerivedTypeDetails::GetParentComponent(const Scope &scope) const {
if (auto extends{GetParentComponentName()}) {
if (auto iter{scope.find(*extends)}; iter != scope.cend()) {
if (const Symbol & symbol{*iter->second};
symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
return &symbol;
return nullptr;
void TypeParamDetails::set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type) {
CHECK(type_ == nullptr);
type_ = &type;