Tim Keith a26fea27db [flang] More derived type name resolution
Track PRIVATE statement in derived type components and in procedure
bindings. These are recorded in derivedTypeInfo_ (along with the name
appearing in EXTENDS) and used to modify the accessibility attributes of
components and bindings. Also track SEQUENCE statement.

Detect erroneous PRIVATE in derived types that aren't in modules.
Detect incompatible SEQUENCE types.

Save EXTENDS symbol and SEQUENCE in DerivedTypeDetails and write them to
the .mod file.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@f29d620714
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/175
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-09-06 08:01:49 -07:00

390 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "type.h"
#include "../common/enum-set.h"
#include "../common/fortran.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
/// A Symbol consists of common information (name, owner, and attributes)
/// and details information specific to the kind of symbol, represented by the
/// *Details classes.
class Scope;
class Symbol;
// A module or submodule.
class ModuleDetails {
ModuleDetails(bool isSubmodule = false) : isSubmodule_{isSubmodule} {}
bool isSubmodule() const { return isSubmodule_; }
const Scope *scope() const { return scope_; }
const Scope *ancestor() const; // for submodule; nullptr for module
const Scope *parent() const; // for submodule; nullptr for module
void set_scope(const Scope *);
bool isSubmodule_;
const Scope *scope_{nullptr};
class MainProgramDetails {
class SubprogramDetails {
SubprogramDetails() {}
SubprogramDetails(const SubprogramDetails &that)
: dummyArgs_{that.dummyArgs_}, result_{that.result_} {}
bool isFunction() const { return result_.has_value(); }
bool isInterface() const { return isInterface_; }
void set_isInterface(bool value = true) { isInterface_ = value; }
const Symbol &result() const {
return **result_;
void set_result(Symbol &result) {
result_ = &result;
const std::list<Symbol *> &dummyArgs() const { return dummyArgs_; }
void add_dummyArg(Symbol &symbol) { dummyArgs_.push_back(&symbol); }
std::list<Symbol *> dummyArgs_;
std::optional<Symbol *> result_;
bool isInterface_{false}; // true if this represents an interface-body
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const SubprogramDetails &);
// For SubprogramNameDetails, the kind indicates whether it is the name
// of a module subprogram or internal subprogram.
ENUM_CLASS(SubprogramKind, Module, Internal)
// Symbol with SubprogramNameDetails is created when we scan for module and
// internal procedure names, to record that there is a subprogram with this
// name. Later they are replaced by SubprogramDetails with dummy and result
// type information.
class SubprogramNameDetails {
SubprogramNameDetails(SubprogramKind kind) : kind_{kind} {}
SubprogramNameDetails() = delete;
SubprogramKind kind() const { return kind_; }
SubprogramKind kind_;
// A name from an entity-decl -- could be object or function.
class EntityDetails {
EntityDetails(bool isDummy = false) : isDummy_{isDummy} {}
const std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> &type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type);
bool isDummy() const { return isDummy_; }
bool isDummy_;
std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> type_;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const EntityDetails &);
// An entity known to be an object.
class ObjectEntityDetails {
ObjectEntityDetails(const EntityDetails &);
ObjectEntityDetails(bool isDummy = false) : isDummy_{isDummy} {}
const std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> &type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type);
const ArraySpec &shape() const { return shape_; }
void set_shape(const ArraySpec &shape);
bool isDummy() const { return isDummy_; }
bool isArray() const { return !shape_.empty(); }
bool isDummy_;
std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> type_;
ArraySpec shape_;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const ObjectEntityDetails &);
// A procedure pointer, dummy procedure, or external procedure
class ProcEntityDetails {
ProcEntityDetails() = default;
ProcEntityDetails(const EntityDetails &d);
const ProcInterface &interface() const { return interface_; }
ProcInterface &interface() { return interface_; }
void set_interface(const ProcInterface &interface) { interface_ = interface; }
bool HasExplicitInterface() const;
ProcInterface interface_;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const ProcEntityDetails &);
class DerivedTypeDetails {
bool hasTypeParams() const { return hasTypeParams_; }
const Symbol *extends() const { return extends_; }
bool sequence() const { return sequence_; }
void set_hasTypeParams(bool x = true) { hasTypeParams_ = x; }
void set_extends(const Symbol *extends) { extends_ = extends; }
void set_sequence(bool x = true) { sequence_ = x; }
bool hasTypeParams_{false};
const Symbol *extends_{nullptr};
bool sequence_{false};
class ProcBindingDetails {
ProcBindingDetails(const Symbol &symbol) : symbol_{&symbol} {}
const Symbol &symbol() const { return *symbol_; }
const Symbol *symbol_; // procedure bound to
class GenericBindingDetails {};
class FinalProcDetails {};
class TypeParamDetails {
TypeParamDetails(common::TypeParamAttr attr) : attr_{attr} {}
common::TypeParamAttr attr() const { return attr_; }
const std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> &type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type) {
type_ = type;
common::TypeParamAttr attr_;
std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> type_;
// Record the USE of a symbol: location is where (USE statement or renaming);
// symbol is the USEd module.
class UseDetails {
UseDetails(const SourceName &location, const Symbol &symbol)
: location_{&location}, symbol_{&symbol} {}
const SourceName &location() const { return *location_; }
const Symbol &symbol() const { return *symbol_; }
const Symbol &module() const;
const SourceName *location_;
const Symbol *symbol_;
// A symbol with ambiguous use-associations. Record where they were so
// we can report the error if it is used.
class UseErrorDetails {
UseErrorDetails(const UseDetails &);
UseErrorDetails &add_occurrence(const SourceName &, const Scope &);
using listType = std::list<std::pair<const SourceName *, const Scope *>>;
const listType occurrences() const { return occurrences_; };
listType occurrences_;
class GenericDetails {
using listType = std::list<const Symbol *>;
using procNamesType = std::list<std::pair<const SourceName *, bool>>;
GenericDetails() {}
GenericDetails(const listType &specificProcs);
GenericDetails(Symbol *specific) : specific_{specific} {}
const listType specificProcs() const { return specificProcs_; }
const procNamesType specificProcNames() const { return specificProcNames_; }
void add_specificProc(const Symbol *proc) { specificProcs_.push_back(proc); }
void add_specificProcName(const SourceName &name, bool isModuleProc) {
specificProcNames_.emplace_back(&name, isModuleProc);
void ClearSpecificProcNames() { specificProcNames_.clear(); }
Symbol *specific() { return specific_; }
void set_specific(Symbol &specific);
// Derived type with same name as generic, if any.
Symbol *derivedType() { return derivedType_; }
const Symbol *derivedType() const { return derivedType_; }
void set_derivedType(Symbol &derivedType);
// Check that specific is one of the specificProcs. If not, return the
// specific as a raw pointer.
const Symbol *CheckSpecific() const;
// all of the specific procedures for this generic
listType specificProcs_;
// specific procs referenced by name and whether it's a module proc
procNamesType specificProcNames_;
// a specific procedure with the same name as this generic, if any
Symbol *specific_{nullptr};
// a derived type with the same name as this generic, if any
Symbol *derivedType_{nullptr};
class UnknownDetails {};
using Details = std::variant<UnknownDetails, MainProgramDetails, ModuleDetails,
SubprogramDetails, SubprogramNameDetails, EntityDetails,
ObjectEntityDetails, ProcEntityDetails, DerivedTypeDetails, UseDetails,
UseErrorDetails, GenericDetails, ProcBindingDetails, GenericBindingDetails,
FinalProcDetails, TypeParamDetails>;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const Details &);
std::string DetailsToString(const Details &);
class Symbol {
ENUM_CLASS(Flag, Function, Subroutine, Implicit, ModFile);
using Flags = common::EnumSet<Flag, Flag_enumSize>;
const Scope &owner() const { return *owner_; }
const SourceName &name() const { return occurrences_.front(); }
Attrs &attrs() { return attrs_; }
const Attrs &attrs() const { return attrs_; }
Flags &flags() { return flags_; }
const Flags &flags() const { return flags_; }
bool test(Flag flag) const { return flags_.test(flag); }
void set(Flag flag, bool value = true) { flags_.set(flag, value); }
// The Scope introduced by this symbol, if any.
Scope *scope() { return scope_; }
const Scope *scope() const { return scope_; }
void set_scope(Scope *scope) { scope_ = scope; }
// Does symbol have this type of details?
template<typename D> bool has() const {
return std::holds_alternative<D>(details_);
// Return a non-owning pointer to details if it is type D, else nullptr.
template<typename D> D *detailsIf() { return std::get_if<D>(&details_); }
template<typename D> const D *detailsIf() const {
return std::get_if<D>(&details_);
// Return a reference to the details which must be of type D.
template<typename D> D &get() {
return const_cast<D &>(static_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->get<D>());
template<typename D> const D &get() const {
if (const auto p{detailsIf<D>()}) {
return *p;
} else {
common::die("unexpected %s details at %s(%d)", GetDetailsName().c_str(),
__FILE__, __LINE__);
const Details &details() const { return details_; }
// Assign the details of the symbol from one of the variants.
// Only allowed in certain cases.
void set_details(const Details &);
// Can the details of this symbol be replaced with the given details?
bool CanReplaceDetails(const Details &details) const;
const std::list<SourceName> &occurrences() const { return occurrences_; }
void add_occurrence(const SourceName &);
void remove_occurrence(const SourceName &);
// Follow use-associations to get the ultimate entity.
Symbol &GetUltimate();
const Symbol &GetUltimate() const;
const DeclTypeSpec *GetType() const;
void SetType(const DeclTypeSpec &);
bool isSubprogram() const;
bool HasExplicitInterface() const;
bool operator==(const Symbol &that) const { return this == &that; }
bool operator!=(const Symbol &that) const { return this != &that; }
const Scope *owner_;
std::list<SourceName> occurrences_;
Attrs attrs_;
Flags flags_;
Scope *scope_{nullptr};
Details details_;
Symbol() {} // only created in class Symbols
const std::string GetDetailsName() const;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const Symbol &);
friend std::ostream &DumpForUnparse(std::ostream &, const Symbol &, bool);
template<std::size_t> friend class Symbols;
template<class, std::size_t> friend struct std::array;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, Symbol::Flag);
// Manage memory for all symbols. BLOCK_SIZE symbols at a time are allocated.
// Make() returns a reference to the next available one. They are never
// deleted.
template<std::size_t BLOCK_SIZE> class Symbols {
Symbol &Make(const Scope &owner, const SourceName &name, const Attrs &attrs,
const Details &details) {
Symbol &symbol = Get();
symbol.owner_ = &owner;
symbol.attrs_ = attrs;
symbol.details_ = details;
return symbol;
using blockType = std::array<Symbol, BLOCK_SIZE>;
std::list<blockType *> blocks_;
std::size_t nextIndex_{0};
blockType *currBlock_{nullptr};
Symbol &Get() {
if (nextIndex_ == 0) {
blocks_.push_back(new blockType());
currBlock_ = blocks_.back();
Symbol &result = (*currBlock_)[nextIndex_];
if (++nextIndex_ >= BLOCK_SIZE) {
nextIndex_ = 0; // allocate a new block next time
return result;
} // namespace Fortran::semantics